Debby's POV
Andre stops in front of FK's restaurant. I secretly smile and sighed happily.
Finally, I'll get some time to myself, get some fresh air without Andre tainting it.
"Should I walk you inside?" He asked me.
I pass him a very sweet smile.
"No.... I can go in alone"
He nods. Just then, someone knocks on the window..... I turned and saw Anna.
I quickly got off and embraced her.... Anna waved at Andre.
"Hi, Andre" she chirped excitedly.
"Hi.....erm...." What? don't tell he forgot her name!
"Anna" she reminds him.
"Right, Anna!"
I rolled my eyes...I bet he even remembers my name.
"It's sooo good to see you!" I mumbled.... I know she doesn't understand what I mean.
I hear Andre honking... I let go of Anna and turned to face him.
"I'll be on my way, call me when you're done and I'll come pick you up!"
That's not gonna happen.
"I will, bye" I waved him.
He simply nods.... stares at me a few seconds then drives off. I released a long sigh... finally, he's gone.
"Debby, you said code red... What happened?"
"Let's go inside first"
I took her hand and pulled her inside. We found a table in a corner and sat down.... I waved a waiter over.
"A bottle of soda, please" I said.
The waiter left. Anna grip my hand and stares at me to start talking.... I guess, I shouldn't have told her it's code red.
Just then the waiter comes back with my soda... I quickly open it and take large gulps. I drop the bottle on the table and released a long sigh again.
"Debby, say something... What's the code red?!" She asked anxiously.
"I must leave that mansion soon, Anna! I'm gonna die of hypertension someday!"
She frowns and stares at me in confusion.... Like she doesn't understand what I'm talking about.
"Why are you leaving? And why are you dying someday?"
I stayed silent a few minutes, while she kept looking at me anxiously.
"Andre.... He's too possessive, he's a jealous housewife!"
Anna burst into laughter. I stared at her blankly as I don't know why she's laughing.
"A jealous housewife?" She asked...
I glared at her and she shuts up immediately.
"Ok, ok... tell me what happened"
I sighed again, for the hundredth time.
"I don't even know where to start" I grumbled.
"Start from anywhere"
I nod and begin..
"Well, he..."
"Now he wants me to meet his parents, what do you think?" I concluded everything.
She tilts her head as if she's in deep thoughts.
"Well, from what you told me.... I can say he's traumatized"
"Yeah... I guess he went through something very painful and depressing. He needs help"
Yeah, now that she said it.... I remembered Natalie telling me that something happened to him three years ago.
Could this be the results?
"You mean I should take him to go see a therapist?"
She shakes her head.
"No! Therapy won't work"
"But you say he needs help!"
If therapy won't work what will then? My eyes suddenly grew wide as a thought crossed my mind.
Wait.... this only means, he might be crazy for real.
No, no, no.... If that's true, then I better find ways to escape from him.
"Debby!" Anna snap her fingers crossed my eyes.
I blinked and woke up from my thoughts.
"Are you listening to me?"
"No... What were you saying?" I asked.
She glared at me and sighed.
"I said... only you can help him"
Me? I frown. How can I help him when I'm scared of him?
"When I saw Andre yesterday, I knew he loves you and trust you"
What's wrong with Anna... Are we talking about the same person?
"Anna, he doesn't love me, he's obsessed"
Anna simply smiles and reach for my hand on the table.
"Debby.... I saw his eyes, I saw the way he was staring at you... He only has you in his eyes, he's deeply in love with you but..... " She trails off.
"But what?" I urged her to speak.
"He doesn't know how to express his feelings!" She stares.
I nod in affirmation.
"Yes! What he's showing me right now is not love but possessiveness... there's a difference between the two words"
If this continues, I might not be able to stay up to a month before run away.
Anna got up from her chair and sat on the one next to me... She throws her arm around my shoulder.
"That's where you come in... It's your duty to teach him what love really is... help him learn the difference between love and possessiveness"
Don't blame me for being dumb.... I look at her in confusion because honestly, I don't understand her.
"What do you mean? I mean, how can I teach him" I paused. "I need to know what happened to him... What made him into this"
She pushed my head softly and pulled my ear gently.
"How can you know what happened to him if you don't come closer to him.... Debby, right now, all you have to do to help him is.... being kind and patient with him. Don't talk back at him... if he's angry sweettalk him... give him all your attention, like, make him your number one priority.... And I bet you'll see him change gradually"
Yeah... Her plan is very good, a very good idea. But...
"I don't love him, how do you expect me to make him my number one priority?"
Anna laughed...
"Of course, I know that. That's why we have a talent called acting" she said.
"You mean, I should act like I'm in love with him just to help him?"
"Yes" she nods.
Acting! Why didn't I think of that? Maybe because I'm the dumbest person on earth.
I smiled at her... Being educated is very good, she could come up with a very easy plan calmly... and I was just freaking out.
"So.....I should go with him to meet his parents tomorrow?"
"Yes... remember you are acting, make sure to let it seem real. If he feels your affection and care towards him, he'll start to learn from you"
I nod and quiet hug her.
"Thanks, Anna! You are a lifesaver!"
"I know!" She brags.
I let go of her when something dawn's on me.
"Anna! It's a great plan but...." I trail off.
No! This plan is very dangerous...I know it can help Andre but it's dangerous to me.
"But what?" She asked.
"Love?" She frowns.... confused.
"Yes, love!....what if I fall in love with him?"
Her frown deeps and she stares at me like I've lost my mind.
"Wouldn't it be a good thing if you fall in love with him.....I know he's in a bad state now but trust me baby....that guy got the hots for you, he's head over heels for you!"
"Better take your chances....if I am in your shoes right now, I swear I'll be over the moon!" She said dreamily.
I chuckled nervously...she haven't spent a day with Andre hence she doesn't know how frustrating he can be.
"So....this was your code red?" She asked.
I nod and she rolled her eyes. "Stop abusing our code!" She reprimanded me.
Just then her phone beeps and she reached for it....she stares at it a few minutes then released an ear piercing squeal.
I closed my ears and glared at her.....she ignores me and continue squealing, some customers turned towards our table.
I quickly slap my hand on her mouth and muttered sorry to everyone.
She licked my hand and I quickly withdrew it....she smiles widely at me, her eyes twinkling with happiness.
"Ok, can you tell me why you were screaming?" I snapped at her.
She takes in a deep breath to calm herself down.
"You won't believe it, Debby....." She cuts herself off with her laughter.
"Believe what?"
"Remember that contest I went at Moore's?".
I nod eagerly.
"Well, we passed!!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah...they just informed me that they liked my design and I should come with my model next week!"
Now it's my turn to squeal....I even squealed louder than Anna.
You see, though Anna studied Financing it has always been her dream to be a famous designer....she designs clothes, bags and she invents the designs and Lucas and I are her model.
Two months ago we went for a contest at one of the biggest designing company.....we had lost hope thinking we wouldn't make it.
But heaven said otherwise!
"Debby... we're gonna be rich soon!"
We both continue squealing until my eyes mistakingly glanced at the wall clock opposite me.
A loud gasp left my mouth....9:57am.
"Anna, I gotta go...I'm late!"
"Late?! Your boyfriend is the he gonna scold you?"
"I'm not working directly under Andre....I'm an assistant to his assistant"
I picked my bag.
"Right.... Anna, please call Lucas and tell him about this... also remind him that we're meeting here by 2pm today!" I said and rushes towards the exit but not before hearing Anna yells.
"Ok, I will"
Gosh! I was so engrossed in talking that I forgot I actually have work....I pray Andre's assistant doesn't scold me.
Writer's POV
At THE KNIGHTS residence.
Everyone is sitter round the big dinning table.... Mr Knight's mother (Andre's grandmother, ma Doris) sat at the head, Mr Knight sat next to his wife Nora as they all were eating quietly.
Until Nora spoke.
"Mom, Andre agreed to bring his girlfriend home tomorrow"
Ma Doris simply grunts and continue eating.
But Nora doesn't read much to it, she continues speaking.
"I bet she must be a good girl to able to capture our Andre's heart, don't you think so, Ed?" She nudge her husband.
Mr Knight chuckles lightly and nod in agreement.
"Yeah... Who would have thought Andre could find himself a woman!" He pipes in.
Ma Doris slams her spoon on the table and glares at Mr Knight and Nora.
"Can I eat in peace?!"
A slicing silence took sound heard.
"I already told you, if it's not Olivia....then there'll be no other girl" she returns to her food.
Nora clenched her hands trying to hold herself not to speak, she turns to her husband but he ain't saying anything.
"Mom! Can you please stop mentioning Olivia?!" She snapped.
Ma Doris stops eating and raised her head up slowly.... She's shocked at Nora snapping at her.
"What did you say?" She asked.
Mr Knight pulled on Nora's dress secretly... trying to tell her not to say a word but Nora slaps his hand away.
"I said stop mentioning Olivia... that girl has done enough harm to my son!"
"What did she do?! Your son was the heartless beast! He didn't love her... Olivia didn't felt the warmth of being in a relationship! Now tell me what harm she did to your son!"
Nora got up and threw her spoon on the table.
"We all know that Andre is a workaholic... He was just too busy with work but Olivia failed to be understanding and destroyed him.... I won't let Andre be with no more, he should choose his woman himself.... that gold digger is never gonna come into my son's life the second time!" With that she angrily left and head towards their room.
Ma Doris scoffs unbelievably and faced Mr Knight.
"Ed, you see? Your wife was being rude to me and didn't say nothing"
"Mom, I think she have a point.... Olivia might not be whom we think she is, we can't let her marry into our family"
"You and Nora have no say in this.... I already promised her grandmother and I must fulfill my promise"
Mr Knight shakes his head and got up.
"That is if Andre agrees... You know he only does what he wants!" He left too... heading for their room.
Nora was pacing to and fro in their room when Mr Knight steps in. He moved closer to hold her but she steps back.
"I don't believe you, Ed. Andre is your son but you're letting your mother decide for him?"
"Nora, I'm.... "
"You're what? She's being controlling our lives since we got married and I'm getting sick of it..... Now you want him to do same to your son?"
"No.... "
"Then why didn't you say anything?"
"You know mom, she..... "
Nora let's out a dry laugh and threw her hands in the air.
"Of course I know her!" She rushed into their bathroom and slams the door shut.
Mr Knight sighed and slumps on a couch in the room....
Debby's POV
I arrived at the office and rushed to Phoebe's office but she's not there.
Maybe I should go to Andre's office first.... I heard a loud voice booming from inside the office.
Ooh! Looks like someone's get on Andre's bad side.
*I'm sorry sir... I worked overtime last night and got things mixed up* Phoebe?
What did she do.... I didn't bother knocking the door, I opened it slowly and step in.
I tried to walk round her so she won't notice I'm just coming in, but her eagle like eyes caught me.
"Debby, stop right there!!" She said.
I freezed... She turns to me with a glare.... I guess she wants to yell at me so Andre can forget about her.... mess.
"Why are you just coming in?! Do you think this is your father's company?! Huh?! I shouldn't have hired an illiterate like you! You... "
A very loud bang interrupts her ranting.... I raised my head and saw Andre's hand bleeding, a very big dent on his desk.
He passed a very... I mean, very harsh glare at Phoebe and I can imagine her trying to hold her bladder from unleashing some urine.
She is visibly shaking and sweats runs down her face.... she's so scared.
Who wouldn't be scared....if I were her I'll be running for my life already.
Uh-oh....this is bad, I'm sure he's gonna fire her....I should stop him.
But how?
Then I remembered Anna's advice....I pray it works.