The Count rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "What did you just say…?"
It was understandable that he would be taken aback by the sudden declaration of his wayward second son, who had abruptly decided to bring a household member to live with him.
However, the Count should have acted before we were separated. Having thrown this bombshell, I now needed to explain things slowly to make it more acceptable, gaining the upper hand in the conversation…
And then, at that moment.
[Keyword detected:
Hey, wait a moment. Don't go.
Keywords – #Class Difference, #???, #???
Unique Ability – (The immersion level is low and not unlocked. Current immersion level: 9%)
Role – Disguised Lover Isaac
Is it something that can change on its own?
While I was still dazed by the unexpected turn of events, the back-and-forth between Leonardo and Count Ertinez continued.
"What do you mean, living together all of a sudden?"
"That's how it's been for the past month, and now I find it harder to imagine it being any different."
"This ridiculous situation has only lasted a month! What makes you trust this man?"
The Count's voice began to rise.
This was not the line I had originally planned to say.
I intended to say something like, "If I may, I have something to say," and then ask whether he could really believe that Leonardo had changed as a person, requesting an opportunity to prove his transformation while naturally steering the conversation away. But what is all this?
[The '#Class Difference' keyword reacts to this scene. Your role immersion increases. Current immersion: 10%.]
"Then we'll be living separately…?"
"Uh, no…"
"I will stay with both of you."
"What?! The moment you return after being lost, this is what you say! Leonardo, I tolerated your wandering because it seemed like you were feeling the absence of Veronica, but this is going too far!"
Who is Veronica?
Given that the original Leonardo started to go off track after the illness of the Countess, it seems she might be Leonardo Ertinez' mother.
"I brought him here without thinking, so it's my responsibility to take care of him until the end."
Leonardo responds with an unusually passionate tone. I was a bit surprised to see him, usually calm and compliant, become so agitated, but I managed to keep my expression steady as I assessed the situation. Although the Count was angry, his suspicion level was steadily tilting from '4' back to '3'.
"Does that even make sense? Stop with the nonsense and compensate your friend for the trouble you've caused him, then let him go. Send him back to Sinistra! And Leonardo, you will be in confinement for a while."
"Yes. In your room at Rondine Tower— no. If I do that, you'll definitely run away again. I'll send you to Lilium Fortress, so keep that in mind."
In the midst of the escalating situation, a bewildered Ferdinand interjected.
"Lilium Fortress? Father, isn't that a place that's no longer in use and poorly maintained? Sending him there would be like locking him up there. Leonardo, why aren't you begging yet?"
The Count's gaze shifted in this direction.
"And you…"
"…Please call me Isaac, Count."
"Isaac, Leonardo will generously compensate you for the cost of living and meals for the month he stayed, as well as the expenses for rebuilding the destroyed inn. He will also provide you with an escort back to Sinistra. That should be sufficient. It's good to see the second son changing, but something is clearly off."
Things have really spiraled out of control. As my head throbbed, a notification continued to flash in the corner of my vision, ringing like a bell. They were messages about my immersion level.
Upon checking, I found that the immersion level for
'The persona didn't just change for no reason.'
It seemed that the keywords were responding to scenes that fit them, so there must have been a valid reason for the
Ultimately, a mask is a tool that helps the audience understand the roles and responsibilities of the actor, much like acting itself. The switch of masks might indicate that this scene requires that particular type of performance. I paused to choose my words carefully before speaking.
"Excuse me, but may I humbly offer a comment?"
"Is there still something left to discuss?"
"Thank you for your consideration, Count, but I did not follow Leonardo here with the expectation of compensation. I'm not in need of money."
"I heard the inn burned down."
While I would accept it if offered, I wasn't particularly short on funds. Before leaving Sinistra, I had made sure to gather my money wisely, stashing it in the coffin of Leovald to protect it amidst the chaos of landslides and monster chases. What could be more precious than Leovald's coffin, which I absolutely could not afford to lose? I considered it a suitable vault.
"This isn't the first time I've lost something of value. If I ever decide to rebuild, I can certainly do so. Coming to El Dante was an opportunity for a fresh start, a new beginning here."
I wasn't here to extort money from Leonardo, knowing he was a nobleman.
"Moreover, since arriving, I've heard the whispers and comments regarding Leonardo. It seems there's quite a difference between the Leonardo of El Dante and the Leonardo I know."
Vittorio nodded slightly in agreement from beside me.
"People call him a good-for-nothing, a waste of space, but perhaps that's precisely why I understand Leonardo's desire to escape from this place. In El Dante, he will forever be seen as either a scoundrel or an outcast."
I looked directly into the Count's eyes.
"I have no intention of leaving Leonardo behind."
Why should I have to leave him? There was no need to attach the reasoning that Leonardo was the main character of this stage.
"When that creature appeared in Sinistra, the inn was engulfed in flames, and he saved me, just as I saved him. When we were ambushed by a horde of monsters on our way to Rilke, we were isolated and leaned on each other to push forward to El Dante. Even amidst the landslide and the monster attacks, we were together; isn't it only natural that we would come to rely on one another? Please don't be too angry."
The Count frowned, a complex expression crossing his face. I knew that his feelings were not solely fueled by anger. The needle on his suspicion gauge had gradually moved down to '2'.
I observed his expression closely, dissecting it bit by bit, searching for clues within his body language and intonation.
An actor is fundamentally a profiler. At least, I believe so. To portray someone else's life and words authentically requires understanding, empathy, and emotional investment in the role. However, to claim that one can fully understand another person seems quite arrogant, doesn't it? Sometimes we struggle to understand ourselves.
Is it truly possible to understand someone else based solely on fragments of their life? To comprehend the countless hours they've lived, their experiences, thoughts, and emotions? To absorb all of that as if it were my own is impossible.
Even if I drank their blood and donned their skin, it would still be a challenge. That's why an actor must become a profiler. It's about analyzing and re-analyzing the person you don't fully understand, crafting the most plausible predictions of what emotions they might express and how they might react.
'Anger, anxiety, confusion, disappointment, a hint of hope, pressure…'
With that in mind, I could roughly anticipate his next response.
The Count replied in a subdued voice, "It seems you are unaware of the consequences such actions can provoke in noble society. The difference in status cannot be ignored. Moreover, regardless of how varied forms of relationships may be acknowledged, in the world of nobility, this is still a distant conversation."
He then turned to Leonardo.
"…If you have become a better person, that is certainly welcome. However, if that transformation comes at an increased cost to your family, I cannot simply allow it without concern."
Leonardo and I exchanged a brief glance. The Count's anger was gradually dissipating, leaving behind only the fatigue of a weary middle-aged man. Before long, his suspicion level had sunk to '1'.
"Your probation will not be lifted. Leonardo, you must consider what responsibilities you are assuming and demonstrate actions that align with them."
The Count rose from the table, leaving the untouched banquet before him.
"Who knows how far a relationship established in just a month can go… If it is deep, then you should be able to support each other even in a challenging environment. If not, it will end there. Leonardo, do not cause any trouble; show remorse. And—"
The Count's gaze shifted to me.
"…Isaac, you and your son are permitted to reside in the castle together for a time. However, you may only stay in the Lilium Fortress. Remember that you can leave this castle at any time and that you will receive compensation."
To leave the castle means, in essence, to say I would depart from Leonardo's side, and in doing so, I would immediately be granted a substantial compensation. Wow, this reminds me of a cliché once popular in dramas.
'What was it called again…?'
"Leonardo, I will watch to see if you have truly changed."
With every word the Count spoke, messages indicating my role immersion continued to pop up at the corners of my vision. Finally, the moment my immersion reached 20%.
[The second keyword of the
[#Forbidden Relationship]
[Unique ability unlocked –
And before even a day had passed, we moved to the Lilium Fortress, built from a pile of boulders, located at the Nidum Tower for guests.
[Scenario Subquest Condition Achieved! – Lower Count Ertinez' Suspicion Level (1/1)]