Farewell (6)

Take 1. Ertinez Training Grounds (Day/Outdoors). As the grand scale of the leap year grand crusade becomes clear, the castle becomes busy. Sir Raul receives a request for a sparring session from the trainee knights.

Spearman Raul: '(Inner voice, gloomily) To be hunting monsters with these chicks… It would've been better to be fighting on the front lines, damn it!'

Even though Raul had found a new job, his expression wasn't bright. It seemed he just couldn't adjust to the rapid career change.

From being an elite knight of the First Field Army to a fugitive, then from fugitive to a monster hunting expert and technical advisor, from technical advisor to a low-ranking guard at Ertinez Castle, and now back to being a monster hunting expert and a contracted mercenary—it was no wonder his mind was in turmoil.

"Aren't you happy to have been chosen for the special selection for the leap year Great Hunt's monster extermination, thanks to your connection with the Count of Ertinez?"

"I'm not happy! I was a fool. The commander always brings disaster, and I should've never rushed over whining about how hard the fugitive life was…"

"It's not Leo's fault, though. And by the way, can I tell Leo exactly what you just said?"

"Are you planning to kill me?"

That's an exaggeration. Leonardo would probably just stay silent and take the insults if they were directed at him. It was a little disappointing that he wasn't here. Leonardo had been called away by Ferdinand and the Count.

Take 2. Ertinez Castle Office (Day/Inside). Ferdinand, the Young Count and Count Ertinez call Leonardo.

Count Ertinez: "It seems the fatigue of the knights who participated in the last expedition won't be easily relieved. It won't be easy, but the task of organizing the hunting party falls to you, Leonardo…"

Ferdinand, the Young Count: "We should be able to get supply support from the vassal families in between. If the army is short on numbers, we'll need to ask for help there too. We must be thorough. Many of the great noble families and the king will be gathered for the hunt…"

Count Ertinez: "The king is a person whose thoughts are hard to read."

Leonardo, with a calm expression that contrasts with the two men.

Leonardo: "(Inner voice) A hunt where I can receive supplies and support… This is a bit new for me."

Look at him. With his calm demeanour and friendly nature, do you think he'd throw a fit just because one of his subordinates misbehaved?

Ignoring Raul's whining as he followed me to the training grounds, he annoyingly kept begging.

"What should I do so you won't tell the commander, huh?"

I had no intention of telling, but it was ridiculous seeing him suffering alone. Does he really think I'd be a tattletale? It was so frustrating that I actually considered telling him off, but then I suddenly had a good idea.

"Then, can I ask for some extra training today? With me and Vittorio as the targets."

"Extra training?"

"Yes. Sir Raul already passed the skill test after his match with Leo and was immediately accepted into the hunting party… But Vittorio and I haven't. If we want to pass, we need to practice."

The reason for preparing for a sudden physical test was as follows.

In preparation for the leap year grand crusade, the knight order, led by Leonardo, was about to depart. The core knights from the Count's household had already exhausted their stamina in smaller hunts under Ferdinand and Count Ertinez.

Even the trial of fasting was brutal, as they had to go without water or food for five days, so recovery was urgent. Sacred water is not a cure-all.

As a result, the knights Leonardo would lead were mainly selected from soldiers who stood out during the commotion at the Nidum Tower and some from the apprentice knight order.

However, due to supply issues and the necessity of leaving some troops behind at the Count's residence, only a portion of them could be taken. So, Leonardo came up with a very simple method for selecting them.

[We'll have them take a test to verify their skills and choose those who pass. Among those who pass, we'll focus on those with the highest scores.]

That's today's plan.

Afterwards, I think I heard him muttering something like, "It's fine as long as they pass, but…"

Hmm. He must have been concerned about sending the eager and inexperienced apprentice knights into real combat without preparation, which might result in serious injuries.

The Great Hunt in a leap year is a royal event with great honour at stake. Knights who seek glory, especially those who have not yet had their skills recognized, see this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so they are preparing for it with great enthusiasm.

Thanks to that, Leo has been very busy. Just a moment ago, he was with us, but now he's off consulting with Ferdinand and the Count on various matters.

Raul raised an eyebrow, leaning against the spear that was tucked under his side.

"What's it to you and that kid?"

"We need to pass the benchmark to join the hunting squad."

"…I think the commander has already passed you two. It's obvious you aren't planning on failing, no one doesn't know that."

"Ah, you don't know what you're talking about."

I scolded Raul.

"If you keep tagging along like a sidekick, how does that make Leo look? It's like some reckless fool bringing his friend and his friend's son along for a major task like this. This isn't a picnic."

"A sidekick? What's that… And it's not like I can survive with that kind of reputation anyway."

Raul grumbled, scratching the ground with the tip of his shoe.

"So, are you going to help or not?"

He fell silent for a moment, then, with a nasty grin, he spoke.

"Does that mean I'm the senior here?"

"Only for today."


I quietly watched Raul, who was grinning and laughing awkwardly, pulling the corners of his mouth. As I thought about how to maintain discipline while observing his excited expression, Raul naturally started to calm down. He was so easy to read.

"I get it. I won't act up."

"What did I say? I'm innocent. I'm a very peaceful person."

Raul pressed his lips together with a face that looked like he had a lot to say. Maybe I teased him too much.

"But if you leave like this… what happens to that alley you've taken control of?"

"Oh, that? I've already laid the groundwork to make sure it runs smoothly without me. It's fine. Besides, it wasn't even an area I was managing to begin with."


"I told you, I came to El Dante about two months ago, following Leo. I cleaned up the mess with the guys who were doing shady business, the thugs with bad habits, and the people addicted to gambling… Took about a month, I think?"

Raul's face turned pale as if he'd been hit in the back of the head, and he distanced himself from me in horror.

"You really are a terrifying person! What's happened to the commander's eyes?!"

[ Persona clicks their tongue, saying they have small guts.]



Despite his somewhat unreliable words and actions, Raul was actually a pretty good teacher. I quickly regained my skill with the crossbow, which I had worried might have rusted from lack of use.

"Hey, but don't tell the commander I helped you…"

"Huh? Why? You did something good."

"It's fine to tell him about helping the kid. But if he finds out I was with you when the commander wasn't around, just… don't say anything. Absolutely not!"

"If you really want, I won't."

Since the goal with ranged weapons was simply to accurately hit the target, the training didn't take too long.

On the other hand, for Vittorio, Raul was teaching him like a true mentor, and even Vittorio, who initially thought Raul was a "bit of a strange guy," soon came to trust him. 

"Are you going to keep going like this? Leo might let it slide."

"Mm… He's busy… I won't bother him."

I asked Vittorio, who wanted to stay at the training ground a bit longer, about whether he was planning to request private lessons from Leo. With a composed face, he clearly stated that he wasn't planning to, since his agility suited lighter weapons like a thin sword or spear better, while Leo specialized in heavy swords, so Raul was the better teacher for him.

Since that was the case, I left Vittorio in Raul's care. Oddly enough, despite Raul being immature in certain ways, and Vittorio being quieter than his age would suggest, it seemed like they made a surprisingly good pair.

Wandering around the halls of the Ertinez castle by myself, I was greeted with nods from passing servants who recognized me. It was a far cry from the treatment I received when I first arrived in El Dante, and I couldn't help but feel sentimental.

While I was walking, I couldn't help but notice how unchanged the middle-aged people here were, constantly looking around for Leo, as if he were a dopamine source for them. It struck me as somewhat absurd, but still amusing.

'It's been almost two months in El Dante…'

At least it was longer than I stayed in Sinistra, so I suppose I should be thankful for that. However, I knew that soon, I would have to leave.

'There's the excuse of the Leap Year Grand Crusade, of course.'

Staying in El Dante any longer would only put more people at risk due to the interference of Godric, who was likely targeting Leo and me.

I realized that once Godric realized I had both the original source and the body, he would be preparing everything to capture me for sure. At that point, I wasn't even certain that I could protect the people of the Ertinez family and those in El Dante.

Old hero legends often depict a wandering journey where the hero cannot settle in one place until their goal is accomplished. In that sense, Leonardo truly seemed like a national hero.

I tried to contain the laugh that escaped from me and focused on the path ahead. Perhaps already anticipating my arrival, Orlie was waiting for me in the hallway of the Nidum Tower.

Instinctively, I raised my hand to rub my sore neck, but I held back, knowing it would only make the injury worse. I pulled the corners of my mouth up and waved my hand at him.

There were so many things I wanted to ask… but how much would he be willing to allow?