A Gift - A Reward

Alex and I had been in my room studying though now it was just about time to head out. I wanted to head to the mall to buy a couple of things and Alex had agreed to come with me. "Alrighty, guess I should get changed" I said as I stood up and stretched.

"Hey Paige" Alex said and I turned to face him. I could see the swirls in his eyes as my body relaxed. "When you go out you really should dress in such a way that it helps show off that sexy body of yours." Yes, yes of course that makes sense...

Alex paused for a brief moment before saying "we've already seen each other naked. No need to worry about getting changed around each other. It's normal by now." I nodded my head in agreement. Alex smiled as he leaned back on my bed and his eyes returned to normal.

"Alrighty, guess I should get changed" I said as I went through my closet looking for something to wear. I pulled out a white skirt and red crop top, tossing them on the bed as I stripped down. I could feel Alex watching me as I changed, but it didn't really bother me. After all what else was he supposed to do? Stare at the wall? And it's not like he hasn't seen me naked already.

I got changed and we both headed out, making our way to the mall. Once there we made our way to the clothing store to check some new dresses that had recently come out. I grabbed one that caught my eye which was a royal blue with golden seams and a white flower design on it.

Now while I would have loved to buy it, the price tag on it was a at least a hundred dollars over my price range. I looked it over though imagining how cute I would look with it on. "You should try it out" Alex suggested. Well no harm in seeing how I look in it.

I went to the changing room and put on the dress, I came out for Alex to see and he whistled as I spun for him. I had to admit it made me blush, but enough fun. I went ahead and changed back, heading out to put the dress away. "Hold on, let's try something" Alex said as he walked me over to the cash register.

The store was empty, it was pretty much just us and the cashier who looked bored to be here. Alex put the dress on the register and looked at the cashier. "Take off the tags, we paid for this already" he spoke in a soft and smooth voice.

The cashier took off the tags without a word and handed us back the dress. Before I could really even question it Alex quickly walked us out the store. We left the mall heading back to my place, although I had intended on going through some of the other stores as well.

When we got to my place we headed up to my room where I put the dress away before turning to face Alex. "You hypnotized that cashier!" I accused him and he shrugged. "Well you really wanted that dress. Besides it's not like anyone got hurt, and the real crime is the over inflated prices they charge anyways."

Well, he isn't wrong about that I guess. Alex sat on my bed and I climb onto him, sitting on him as I placed my arms around his neck. "Fine but next time ask me if I'm ok with it. You really caught me off guard" I said and Alex gave me an easy smile. "Alright, I promise to ask you next time I get a dress for you."

I rolled my eyes but also giggled in response. Alex could be so silly at times. I smiled as I leaned in and kissed his lips. I felt his hands on my back as he kissed me back. I couldn't help but think how good Alex tastes as I kissed him again and again.

My teeth teasing his lips as my hands rested on his chest. I closed my eyes as we kissed and began to pull at his shirt. Fuck, I wanted more, I could feel it I wanted so much more. "Paige" Alex whispered. "Shhh" I whispered back as I gently nibbled on his ear "I want you."

I reached down to his crotch, undoing his pants as we began to make out. I kept thinking how much I wanted his cock in me. Alex also worked on getting his pants off, and we let them slide away as I moved up.

I pulled my panties to the side as sat down, letting his cock slide into my pussy with ease. I moaned into his ear, my hands on his body as I felt him inside me. I cupped his cheeks as I kissed him deeply, moaning into the kiss as I began to rock my hips back and forth.

Alex placed his hands on my waist as I rode him, letting his cock move all around inside me. I pushed my tongue into his mouth where his tongue met mine. We let our tongue play together as I moved my body back and forth, my hands clawing at his body. Fuck he felt amazing!

I pulled away from the kiss and looked into his eyes as I smiled. He opened his mouth to speak as I leaned forward and bit his neck. Kissing and biting and leaving little red marks as he grunted with pleasure.

"Enjoying your reward?" I whispered into his ear. "Fuck Paige, your amazing" he responded back and I giggled with glee. This man is mine for the taking.

He wrapped his arms around my body to hold me tight as he began thrusting upwards with every bit of strength he had. I closed my eyes and held on tight, moaning loudly as he began to fuck me hard and fast.

"Oh fuck Alex, please baby, please cum inside me please I want you to cum for me please" I moaned as the sounds of Alex pounding into me echoed in the room. Filling my ears with the sweet sounds of lustful desire.

Alex kept moaning my name as I felt his growing tense, barely holding back the urge to cum. I moaned out his name and he held me down, keeping his cock fully impaled inside me as he began to cum. I felt my body shaking in response as he began to pump his cum into me. It felt so good.

I leaned my head back as I moaned out with pleasure. Fuck! I wanted more!

Just then I could faintly hear the words "down girl" as I rested my head on Alex's shoulder. "You're so wonderful Alex, I want you" I whispered into his ear feeling rather tired all of a sudden. Alex rubbed my back as I laid on his and whispered back "I want you too."