Life Is Easier...

I was jogging alongside Daisy as she told me all about her latest venture. Apparently she had decided to take up an internship at a local company. Which sounded pretty exciting, I mean for her. I honestly hadn't thought too much about that kind of stuff.

"You really should start planning for what comes next in life you know" Daisy stated. I mean she wasn't entirely wrong. But I don't know, planning for the future was such a bothersome ordeal. I had a preference for living in the moment.

"Well what if my plan is to just have no plan?" I asked, half joking. Daisy rolled her eyes at me "living life in free fall isn't a good idea."

Living life in free fall? Hm, well ever since growing into our powers I feel like that's exactly how my life has been going, and it hasn't been all that bad. I mean, overall it could be worse. Right?

"I'm just saying life feels a lot easier when you aren't trying to figure out every little detail" I sighed already feeling exhausted about the future. "You know when your little and your parents decide everything? And you get to just run around having fun without worrying about the details? I miss that."

"Well we all have to grow up eventually right?" Daisy giggled. I got the feeling she agreed with me, but was determined to be correct. "Ok but what if growing up meant also keeping your carefree lifestyle?" I quickly countered, mainly enjoying the verbal spare really.

"I guess you could always marry rich and then just do whatever you wanted while he does all the work" Daisy teased. "Of course that means you'd probably have to attend to all his kinky needs" she giggled.

Huh, that actually made sense. We took a break at one point to drink some water and rest up a little as I kept thinking about what Daisy had said. I wonder what Alex's plans were for the future? I mean with his hypnotism power and my invisibility, finding a way to get rich didn't seem like the most impossible thing to do.

We hadn't really discussed it before, maybe it was worth talking over later on. "By the way are you still dating Alex?" Daisy asked, oh yea I knew she wouldn't be happy with the answer.

"Yea why?" I asked and Daisy frowned, though she restrained herself from saying something negative this time.

"Are you still taking the medicine?" She asked trying, and failing, to hide her annoyance at the whole situation.

"Yes" I lied. I was sometimes taking them, but not really. I think the last time I took my medicine was like five days ago. I guess I just didn't see as much of a reason to be taking them. I kept all my memories and I was still me. At least, I still felt like me.

But getting hypnotized meant I didn't have to think or worry about stuff as much. The other day we fucked in the library, something I would never have done. My nerves wouldn't let me. What if we got caught? What if something happened?

But under his control I didn't have to worry about anything. I got all the pleasure of the experience with none of the downside. Lately we'd also been doing things I would not have initiated on my own. Getting tied up, bound, gagged, wearing different outfits I normally wouldn't wear.

It was like getting to experience being a whole different person. A person driven by a lustful desire to please. Although lately I have been wondering what that might look like beyond just the lust. What would Alex be like as a true master? Would I enjoy being completely under someone else?

I didn't voice the thoughts out loud though. Daisy wouldn't like them.

"Well good, cause I still don't trust him" Daisy made sure to give her two cents before moving on. We continued on our jog, finishing up by her place. We said goodbye and she headed inside as I made my way back home. I got home and stepped into the shower to get freshened back up.

As I walked out of the shower I noticed the door to my room was open. I walked in to see Alex laying in bed watching tv. "Oh hey love" he smiled at me.

"Hey Alex, actually I'm glad your here, I wanted to ask something." Alex sat up and raised his eyebrow as I sat next to him on the bed. "What are your plans for the future?" I asked with genuine curiosity.

"What do you mean" he asked back, which I guess the question was rather vague. But the topic was vague so sue me.

"Well what are your plans for the future? For us? For taking care of things financially beyond what we currently have going on?"

Alex scratched his chin as he thought it over. "For us? I would make you my wife of course. For taking care of things? I figure an easy paying and steady job will suffice to start with."

I frowned as I hung my legs over the edge of the bed. "Why not use your powers? I mean you get a little from a variety of different people so it doesn't super hurt anyone and it won't be enough for them to really realize they've been hypnotized. You know it helps to not continuously do it to the same person over and over again."

"Hm, yea that's true. Well I do intend on doing whatever it takes to take care of you of course" Alex tried to reassure me."

"And what will I do?" I questioned him, I just wanted to be free to enjoy life. I didn't super want to be bogged down by all the details life came with though. I wanted to be as carefree as ever. Would Alex really be able to help with that?

Alex turned my head to face him as he sat next to me. "You'll be mine of course, but you'll also be able to do whatever you want on your own as well. Don't want to clean and cook? I'll get enough money flowing to hire a maid. Want to go out jogging with your friends? We'll get you whatever jogging attire you need or want. You want to party with your friends? We'll get you the nicest dress. You can do whatever you want, I'll take care of the rest. I'll make sure you have everything you need."

Alex leaned in to whisper into my ear, his hands on the waist "I'll make sure to take proper care of my little slut. I'll use you just the way you like to be used, and give you whatever life you desire in return. Like a good Master should."

I blushed as Alex hugged me close. I closed my eyes and snuggled up with him. Why had I been so resistant before? Life like this... It sounded... So much easier...