Chapter 20: A Morning in Pewter City

Section 20: A Morning in Pewter City

Waking up was rough.

Sleeping in a Pokémon Center has never been the most comfortable option, but at least it's free. No way was I going to waste my money on an inn when every Pokédollar counted.

Lying on one of the waiting room couches, I could still feel the fatigue weighing on my eyelids. Around me, trainers came and went—some still half-asleep, others already full of energy. Behind the counter, Nurse Joy and her Chansey were busy tending to the Pokémon of early travelers.

I watched the scene with an empty gaze, letting my thoughts drift.

Last night.

The battle.


Her words.

I couldn't stop thinking about that girl.

She had forfeited before even facing Charmander. Not out of fear, but out of calculation.

She had realized that continuing wouldn't serve her any purpose.

Who does that?

A normal trainer fights to the end. Out of pride. Out of hope. Out of habit.

But not her.

She didn't seem attached to victory.

She had spoken about strategy with a startling maturity, as if she already knew everything. And yet… she was supposed to be at the very start of her journey.

Why do I feel like she knows more than all of us?

This uncertainty unsettled me. I needed to find out more.

But for now, I had another priority.

Pewter City.

Since my arrival, something had been bothering me.

The history of this city, its connection to Team Rocket… everything was too unclear. I needed to gather information.

And there was a perfect place for that.

The Pewter Museum of Science.

A Museum, A Price

I slowly sat up, stretched, and grabbed my bag. No time to waste.

As I stepped out of the Pokémon Center, I immediately felt the morning chill.

The sun wasn't fully up yet. It cast a soft, almost surreal light over the gray rooftops of the city. In the distance, a few Dodrio called out, marking the start of a new day.

It was exactly 8 AM.

I walked through the city, passing by shops that were still closed. The streets were quiet, nothing like the bustling atmosphere of Viridian City.

Then, I saw it.

The Pewter Museum.

Imposing, ancient, it stood in the heart of the city like a monument to the past.

I approached the entrance and glanced at the schedule posted on a sign.

Opens at 8:30 AM.

It was only 8:06.

Twenty-four minutes to wait.

I let out a sigh.

But at that exact moment, a familiar voice broke the silence.

— "Too bad, it's not open yet."

A calm, steady, almost friendly tone.

I turned around.


The Pewter Gym Leader stood there, arms crossed, watching me with a slight smile.

An Unexpected Encounter

I greeted him quickly before asking the first question that came to mind:

— "Why are you here?"

He didn't answer right away. His gaze drifted toward the museum's facade, as if he were carefully choosing his words before speaking.

Then, he finally said:

— "I come here every morning at 8:30."


Too simple.

That kind of answer always hides something.

I thought about it. Why would a Gym Leader come to the museum every morning?

He doesn't need to learn about the city's history—he lives it.

He doesn't need to study fossil Pokémon—his team has been Rock-type from the start.

So why?

I guessed the first answer.

The ancient truths are here.

Pewter City is a place full of history, and Brock is tied to that history.

But there was something else.

An important detail I knew about him.

He takes care of his family alone.

A huge burden for someone so young. Too young.

We sat together on the museum steps.

Silence settled between us naturally.

Then, he asked me a question.

— "What do you like to do in life?"

His voice was calm, with no pressure.

I looked at him, a bit surprised.

He wasn't talking about battles, or strategy, or Pokémon.

He was talking about life.

And his eyes were elsewhere, fixed on the sky.

A lost gaze.

A gaze that said too much.

— "Carrying a burden alone doesn't mean being strong. It just means you've forgotten how to ask for help."

His words hit like a stone.

Heavy. Deep.

He wasn't just talking about himself.

He was talking about me too.

Then, a faint smile crossed his lips.

— "Rocks are strong, but even they erode over time."

This time, I understood.

He took on this role too early.

The Gym.

His family.

The expectations of an entire city.

He was never allowed to falter.

There were only two or three years between us, but looking at him, it felt like he carried twenty years of responsibility on his shoulders.

I could have told him he deserved a break.

But I didn't.

Because I knew that people like him never stop.

Minutes passed.

It was 8:11.

We remained there, sitting, waiting.

A strange silence, but not an unpleasant one.

Then, at exactly 8:30, the museum doors finally opened.

We stood up at the same time.

And we stepped inside.

Into a place filled with truths.

Truths about Pewter City.

Truths about Brock.

And maybe… about myself, too.