Chapter 16: The Headmaster's Proposal

The soft autumn light filtered through the tall windows of the Charms classroom as Professor Flitwick's class came to an end. Kael gathered his books, his mind already racing with improvements to the Levitation Charm they had been practicing. While the other first-years had struggled to make their feathers hover a few inches, Kael had silently modified the spell's parameters, causing his feather to dance in elaborate patterns above their heads.

"Mr. Stormbane, a moment please," Professor Flitwick called as the students filed out.

The diminutive professor waited until they were alone before speaking again, his voice carrying a mixture of admiration and professional curiosity. "That was not a standard Wingardium Leviosa you performed today."

Kael smiled, the lightning-shaped birthmark near his eye seeming to shimmer in the afternoon light. "Just a minor modification, Professor. I adjusted the magical flow to allow for directional control rather than simple elevation."

Flitwick shook his head in wonder. "Minor, he says! Mr. Stormbane, in thirty years of teaching, I've rarely seen a first-year capable of spell modification, let alone with such precision." He straightened, becoming more serious. "Which brings me to this—" He handed Kael a small scroll sealed with the Hogwarts crest. "The Headmaster requests your presence in his office this evening after dinner. The password is 'Fizzing Whizbee.'"

Kael accepted the scroll with a curious tilt of his head. "Thank you, Professor."

As he left the classroom, Kael's mind was already analyzing the possibilities. A meeting with Albus Dumbledore himself, barely a month into the term? He had expected to draw attention, of course—being a Stormbane and the youngest recipient of the Order of Merlin did that—but he hadn't anticipated direct interest from the Headmaster so soon.

"A private meeting with Dumbledore?" Hermione's eyes widened as she and Kael studied in a quiet corner of the library. "That's extraordinary! What do you think he wants?"

Kael shrugged, his casual elegance making even that simple gesture seem refined. "Perhaps he's curious about my spellwork, or maybe it's about my published research."

Hermione bit her lip, clearly impressed but also slightly envious. "Well, if anyone deserves special attention from Dumbledore, it's you." She hesitated. "Would you... would you tell me about it afterward? If you're allowed to, I mean."

"Of course," Kael replied with a warm smile that made his luminescent blue eyes sparkle. He reached out and playfully tugged on one of her bushy curls. "Though I might charge you one fascinating muggle fact in exchange."

Hermione blushed slightly at the teasing gesture. "That's hardly a fair trade, but deal."

Their moment was interrupted by the arrival of Fred and George Weasley, who slid into the seats across from them with identical mischievous grins.

"Well, well," said Fred, "if it isn't—"

"—the two brightest first-years conspiring together," finished George.

"We're not conspiring," Hermione protested, but her smile betrayed her amusement.

"Speaking of conspiracies," Fred leaned forward, lowering his voice dramatically, "we've been working on that little project we discussed, Kael."

Kael's eyes lit up with interest. Since their first meeting on the Hogwarts Express, he had found kindred spirits in the Weasley twins—not for their academic prowess, but for their creative approach to magic and their irreverent joy in bending rules without breaking them.

"The timed color-change charm?" he asked quietly.

George nodded. "Almost got it working, but the timing mechanism keeps—"

"—turning everything purple instead of cycling through colors," Fred finished.

Kael considered for a moment, his brilliant mind already dissecting the problem. "You're approaching it from the wrong angle. Instead of linking the color changes to a timer, create a cascading enchantment where each color transformation triggers the next."

The twins exchanged looks of dawning comprehension.


"Why didn't we think of that?"

"Because you're pranksters first and spellcrafters second," Kael said with a laugh.

"And what does that make you?" George asked with a raised eyebrow.

Kael's smile turned slightly enigmatic. "A bit of both, I suppose, with a dash of innovation thrown in."

"Well, whatever you are," Fred said, standing up, "you're officially our favorite first-year genius."

"Don't forget our arrangement for next week," George added with a wink before they departed.

Hermione looked at Kael curiously. "What arrangement?"

"Just a little magical experiment," Kael replied innocently. "Nothing that breaks any school rules... technically."

Hermione rolled her eyes, but she couldn't hide her smile. "You're going to get caught one day, and then what?"

"Then I'll have to rely on my charm to get out of trouble," he replied with a wink that made her shake her head in exasperation.

As they returned to their studies, Kael found himself appreciating these moments of normalcy. Between his System's gifts, his family legacy, and his growing fame, it was refreshing to simply be a student with friends—albeit one who was about to meet with the most powerful wizard of the age.

The gargoyle guarding the entrance to the Headmaster's office sprang aside when Kael uttered "Fizzing Whizbee," revealing a spiral staircase that carried him upward. He took a moment to center himself, allowing his magical senses—enhanced by his System's gifts—to extend outward. The magical signatures surrounding Dumbledore's office were complex and layered, some ancient and deeply woven into the castle itself.

Kael knocked on the heavy wooden door.

"Enter," came Dumbledore's serene voice from within.

The circular office was exactly as his parents had described it: silver instruments whirring and emitting small puffs of smoke, portraits of former headmasters and headmistresses lining the walls, and of course, Fawkes the phoenix perched beside the desk. But nothing had prepared Kael for the immense magical presence of Albus Dumbledore himself. The elderly wizard's power radiated from him like heat from a sun, controlled but unmistakable.

"Ah, Mr. Stormbane," Dumbledore greeted him warmly, gesturing to a comfortable chair across from his desk. "Thank you for coming. Would you care for a lemon drop?"

"No thank you, Headmaster," Kael replied politely, taking the offered seat.

Dumbledore studied him for a moment over his half-moon spectacles, his piercing blue eyes seeming to peer directly into Kael's soul. "I must say, it's not often that Hogwarts welcomes a student who already holds an Order of Merlin, First Class." His tone was friendly but evaluating.

Kael met the Headmaster's gaze without hesitation. "The honor was unexpected, sir. I simply wished to share spellwork that might benefit others."

"Modesty, too. Excellent." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. "Your professors speak very highly of you. Professor Flitwick is particularly enthusiastic, claiming you've already mastered the entire first-year Charms curriculum."

"Charms comes naturally to me," Kael acknowledged. "Though I find all the subjects fascinating in their own way."

"Indeed. And Professor McGonagall tells me your Transfiguration work is equally impressive, if somewhat... unconventional in approach."

Kael smiled slightly. "I sometimes see pathways between magical forms that aren't in the textbooks."

"The mark of true magical innovation," Dumbledore nodded approvingly. "And then there's Professor Snape."

"Ah," Kael's smile turned rueful. "I believe Professor Snape finds my presence... complicated."

Dumbledore's eyes crinkled with amusement. "An apt description. He grudgingly admits your potions work is flawless, though he seems determined to find fault with your technique."

"I understand his position," Kael said diplomatically. "Fame can be mistaken for entitlement. I'm happy to earn his respect through consistent work rather than reputation."

The Headmaster leaned back, appearing both pleased and intrigued by Kael's maturity. "Well said. However, I didn't call you here merely to discuss your academic performance, impressive though it is."

Kael had suspected as much. "I assumed there was another purpose, sir."

Dumbledore rose from his chair and walked to a window overlooking the grounds, his hands clasped behind his back. "What do you know about Harry Potter, Mr. Stormbane?"

The question wasn't entirely unexpected, but Kael took a moment to consider his response carefully. "I know what most of the wizarding world knows—that he survived a Killing Curse as an infant, somehow defeating Voldemort in the process." Kael noted that Dumbledore didn't flinch at the name. "And I know that he's currently adjusting to his first year at Hogwarts, discovering a world he never knew existed."

"Have you spoken with him?"

"Briefly," Kael admitted. "We've exchanged pleasantries in the corridors, but we move in different circles. His closest friends seem to be Ron Weasley and, increasingly, Hermione Granger."

Dumbledore turned back to face him. "And what is your impression of him?"

"He seems... normal," Kael said thoughtfully. "Overwhelmed at times by the attention, but fundamentally decent. He doesn't strike me as someone who craves his fame."

"An astute observation," Dumbledore returned to his desk. "Harry Potter carries a burden few can imagine, Mr. Stormbane. A burden he didn't choose, but one that will shape his life nonetheless."

"The prophecy," Kael said quietly.

Dumbledore's eyebrows rose slightly. "You know of it?"

"Not specifically," Kael clarified. "But it's logical to assume one exists. The circumstances of Voldemort's fall were too extraordinary to be mere chance. And my father once mentioned that prophecies often create self-fulfilling cycles of fate."

For a moment, Dumbledore appeared genuinely surprised before his expression returned to its serene wisdom. "Your reputation for brilliance is well-deserved, it seems. Yes, there is indeed a prophecy—the specifics of which must remain confidential—but it binds Harry and Voldemort together in ways even Harry doesn't yet understand."

Kael nodded slowly, beginning to see where this conversation might be heading. "And you believe Voldemort isn't truly gone."

It wasn't a question, but Dumbledore answered it nonetheless. "I know he isn't. He is weakened, disembodied perhaps, but not destroyed. And I believe he will seek to return."

A heavy silence filled the office, broken only by the soft whirring of silver instruments.

"Why are you telling me this, Headmaster?" Kael asked, though he had already formed a theory.

Dumbledore leaned forward, his expression grave. "Because, Mr. Stormbane, I believe Harry Potter will face dangers at Hogwarts—dangers that may already be in motion. And while I and the staff will do everything in our power to protect him, we cannot be everywhere."

"And I can," Kael concluded. "You want me to watch over him."

"In a manner of speaking," Dumbledore acknowledged. "Not as a bodyguard, but as an... additional layer of protection. Your magical abilities are extraordinary for one so young, and your position as a fellow student gives you access and perspective that teachers lack."

Kael considered the request carefully. His parents had always taught him that power carried responsibility, but they had also warned him against becoming entangled in others' destinies. The Stormbane legacy was complicated enough without adding prophetic burdens.

"This isn't a decision to make lightly," Dumbledore said, seeming to read his thoughts. "I wouldn't ask this of most first-years, no matter how talented. But you, Mr. Stormbane, are unique."

"May I ask why you don't simply tell Harry everything?" Kael questioned. "Warn him of the specific dangers he might face?"

Dumbledore sighed, suddenly looking every one of his many years. "A fair question. The answer, unfortunately, is complex. Harry has only just learned of his place in our world. To burden him immediately with the knowledge that his parents' murderer may return, that prophecy binds them together... it would be cruel. And there are aspects of the situation that even I don't fully understand yet."

Kael nodded, appreciating the Headmaster's honesty. "I understand your position, sir. And I agree that Harry deserves what normalcy he can find." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "I will help protect him, but I have conditions."

If Dumbledore was surprised by an eleven-year-old setting conditions, he didn't show it. "I'm listening."

"First, I won't spy on him or report his actions to you unless they directly relate to his safety," Kael stated firmly. "His privacy deserves respect."

"Agreed," Dumbledore said without hesitation.

"Second, I'll intervene only in life-threatening situations. Minor scrapes and rule-breaking are part of growing up at Hogwarts—my parents made that clear." This was said with a slight smile. "And Harry needs to develop his own skills and confidence."

"Also reasonable," the Headmaster nodded.

"Finally," Kael's voice became more serious, "I need to know what specific threats you believe he might face this year."

Dumbledore stroked his long silver beard thoughtfully. "Direct, aren't you? Very well. I have reason to believe that Voldemort—or someone acting on his behalf—may attempt to steal a powerful magical object currently hidden within Hogwarts."

Kael's eyes widened slightly. "The third-floor corridor," he murmured, remembering Dumbledore's warning at the start-of-term feast.

"Indeed. It contains a series of protections guarding the Philosopher's Stone—a legendary artifact capable of producing the Elixir of Life and transforming metal into gold."

"Created by Nicholas Flamel," Kael added, his extensive reading supplying the name. "And you believe Voldemort seeks it for its life-extending properties."


Kael considered this new information. The Philosopher's Stone would indeed be a perfect tool for a disembodied dark wizard seeking to return to physical form.

"The protections are substantial," Dumbledore continued, "but not impenetrable, particularly to someone willing to use others as pawns."

"And you suspect someone inside Hogwarts might be working for him," Kael deduced.

Dumbledore's expression revealed nothing. "Let's say I believe in being cautious. Will you help, Mr. Stormbane?"

Kael took a deep breath. His System hadn't triggered any warnings about this conversation, which suggested that agreeing wouldn't interfere with his own destined path. And protecting others—especially from threats they couldn't yet comprehend—aligned with the Stormbane philosophy his parents had instilled in him: power demanded responsibility.

"I will," he said finally. "But I'll do it my way—discreetly, from the shadows. Harry shouldn't know of my involvement unless absolutely necessary."

Relief flickered across Dumbledore's face, so briefly that most would have missed it. "Thank you, Kael. Your assistance may prove invaluable."

The use of his first name wasn't lost on Kael. "One question, Headmaster. Why me? Why not ask an older student, or handle this entirely among the staff?"

Dumbledore smiled enigmatically. "Sometimes, Mr. Stormbane, magic recognizes its own. I believe you were meant to be here this year, just as Harry was. The threads of fate rarely weave coincidences of this magnitude."

Kael nodded, understanding that this was as much explanation as he would receive tonight. He rose to leave but paused at the door. "Headmaster? There's something else you should know."


"If Voldemort truly is trying to return..." Kael's luminescent blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner light. "The Stormbane family has its own history with dark wizards. My ancestors didn't simply fight them—they obliterated them. I may be young, but I am their heir in more than just name."

For a moment, power seemed to ripple around Kael like heat waves, a brief glimpse of the magical potential contained within his slender frame.

Dumbledore's expression was unreadable. "I am counting on that, Mr. Stormbane. Though I hope, for all our sakes, that such power won't be necessary just yet."

Kael nodded once more and left, descending the spiral staircase deep in thought. The knowledge that Voldemort might be actively seeking a way to return changed the landscape of his first year at Hogwarts. No longer was it simply about learning, making friends, and exploring his growing powers—now there was a darker current flowing beneath the surface.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, Kael felt a familiar tingle at the back of his mind—his System activating.

[System Alert: Strategic Decision Made] [Analyzing Implications...] [New Objective Added: Guardian Protocol] [Reward Pending Based on Outcome]

Kael allowed himself a small smile. The System, created by his ancestors to help guide each new Stormbane toward their potential, only intervened when significant events occurred. That it had acknowledged his agreement with Dumbledore suggested he'd made a choice that aligned with his destined path.

The halls of Hogwarts were quiet at this late hour, with only the occasional prefect on patrol. Kael moved silently, his footsteps barely audible, a habit he'd developed during years of nocturnal research sessions at home. His mind was racing with possibilities, strategies, and questions. How would he monitor Harry without being obvious? What form might the threat take? And who within Hogwarts might be serving as Voldemort's agent?

"Out for an evening stroll, Mr. Stormbane?" a silky voice interrupted his thoughts.

Kael turned to find Professor Snape emerging from the shadows, his dark eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"Good evening, Professor," Kael said pleasantly. "I've just come from meeting with the Headmaster."

Snape's expression remained skeptical. "Indeed? And what business would the Headmaster have with a first-year student, even one with your... reputation?"

There was something probing in Snape's question, a testing quality that Kael recognized from their interactions in Potions class. Since their first lesson, the Potions Master had treated him with a complex mixture of grudging respect for his skills and deep suspicion of his fame.

"Professor Dumbledore wanted to discuss my academic progress," Kael replied, maintaining eye contact. "He was particularly interested in my experiences developing the lycanthropy cure."

It wasn't entirely untrue, though far from the meeting's true purpose. Kael had learned early that partial truths often served better than outright lies or complete honesty.

Snape studied him for a long moment. "Your potion-making skills are... adequate," he conceded with obvious reluctance. "Though I find your tendency toward innovation concerning in a subject where precision is paramount."

"I understand, Professor," Kael nodded. "Innovation without foundation leads to catastrophe. That's why I spent three years studying traditional brewing methods before attempting the Lykathos Draught."

Something flickered in Snape's expression—surprise, perhaps, at Kael's lack of defensiveness.

"Your latest essay on the properties of moonstone was well-researched," Snape said finally, his tone slightly less cold. "Though your conclusions about its interaction with wolfsbane were unconventional."

Kael recognized the backhanded compliment for what it was—the closest thing to approval Snape was likely to offer. "Thank you, sir. I'd be interested in discussing those interactions further sometime, if you were willing."

Snape's eyebrow arched slightly. "Perhaps. Now return to your dormitory, Mr. Stormbane. Even prodigies are not exempt from curfew."

With a swirl of his black robes, Snape continued down the corridor. Kael watched him go, thoughtful. If Dumbledore suspected an inside threat, could Snape be involved? The professor's demeanor was certainly forbidding, and rumors of his past were murky at best. Yet there was something that didn't fit—a complexity to the man that suggested hidden depths.

Filing away the interaction for later consideration, Kael continued toward Ravenclaw Tower.

The Ravenclaw common room was nearly empty when Kael entered, answering the eagle knocker's riddle with barely a thought. Most students had already retired, though a few seventh-years huddled over advanced texts in a corner. Near the large windows overlooking the grounds, however, sat a solitary figure with bushy brown hair.

"Hermione?" Kael approached, surprised. "What are you doing in Ravenclaw Tower?"

She looked up, her expression both guilty and defiant. "One of your housemates let me in. I was waiting for you."

Kael sat beside her, both amused and touched by her determination. "Breaking rules already? I'm clearly a bad influence."

"Hardly," she retorted, though a smile tugged at her lips. "I've been researching inter-house visits. There's nothing explicitly forbidding it in Hogwarts: A History, just a convention that students mainly stay in their own common rooms."

"Always thorough," Kael chuckled. "So, to what do I owe this honor?"

Hermione's expression grew more serious. "You met with Dumbledore tonight."

"Word travels fast," Kael observed.

"I overheard Professor Flitwick mention it to Professor McGonagall," she admitted. "And I've been curious all evening."

Kael considered how much to share. While he genuinely liked Hermione and valued her sharp intellect, Dumbledore's confidence wasn't his to break. Yet he had promised to tell her something.

"The Headmaster wanted to discuss my academic progress," he began, echoing what he'd told Snape. "But he also asked about Harry Potter."

Hermione's eyebrows rose. "Harry? Why?"

"He's concerned about him," Kael said carefully. "Harry's fame puts him in a unique position—much like mine, though for very different reasons."

"What did you tell him?"

"The truth—that Harry seems like a decent person trying to navigate a world he's still learning about." Kael paused. "Dumbledore believes Harry may face... challenges this year. He asked if I would keep an eye out for him."

Hermione's brow furrowed. "What kind of challenges? Is Harry in danger?"

"Dumbledore wasn't specific," Kael said, the partial truth again serving his purpose. "But given Harry's history with You-Know-Who, it's not surprising that the Headmaster would be cautious."

Hermione seemed to accept this, though her analytical mind was clearly still working through implications. "Will you do it? Watch out for him, I mean?"

Kael nodded. "In my own way. I'm not planning to become his shadow, but I'll be aware."

"I could help," Hermione offered immediately. "I already spend time with Harry and Ron studying."

Kael smiled at her eagerness but shook his head gently. "For now, just be his friend, Hermione. That's probably what he needs most—people who see him as Harry, not as The Boy Who Lived."

She nodded slowly. "I suppose you understand that better than most, don't you? Being seen for your achievements rather than yourself?"

Her insight surprised him. For all her academic focus, Hermione had a perceptiveness about people that many missed. "It can be... isolating," he admitted. "Even here, I sometimes feel people see the Order of Merlin recipient first, not just another first-year student."

"I don't," Hermione said firmly. "I mean, I respect your achievements, of course—they're extraordinary. But when we're studying together, you're just Kael to me."

Something warm settled in Kael's chest at her words. Despite his natural charisma and easy way with people, true friendship—the kind that saw beyond his family name and accomplishments—was rare.

"Thank you," he said simply. Then, lightening the mood, he added, "Now, I believe you owe me one fascinating muggle fact."

Hermione laughed, her earlier tension dissolving. "Let's see... Did you know that muggles have sent people to walk on the moon?"

Kael's eyes widened with genuine surprise. "Without magic? How?"

Her explanation of rockets, space travel, and Neil Armstrong's famous first steps captivated him completely. By the time she finished, the common room had emptied entirely, leaving them alone among the bookshelves and star charts that adorned Ravenclaw Tower.

"That's remarkable," Kael said when she finished. "In some ways, muggle innovation rivals magic itself."

"That's what I've always thought," Hermione agreed eagerly. "Each world has its own kind of wonders."

Kael nodded, thoughtful. "My mother says the greatest wizards are those who recognize that magic isn't inherently superior to non-magical accomplishment—just different. Creation and innovation take many forms."

Hermione beamed at him. "Exactly! I wish more wizards thought that way." She glanced at the ornate clock on the wall and gasped. "Oh no, it's nearly midnight! I should get back to Gryffindor Tower."

"I'll walk you," Kael said, standing. "It wouldn't do for the brightest witch of our year to lose house points for being out after curfew."

She blushed slightly at the compliment. "But you'll be breaking curfew too."

Kael's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Ah, but I have a trick or two for avoiding detection. Something I've been working on with Fred and George."

"I'm not sure I want to know," Hermione said, though curiosity was evident in her expression.

Kael withdrew his wand and performed a complex pattern in the air, murmuring words under his breath. A subtle shimmer surrounded them both.

"What was that?" Hermione asked, fascinated despite herself.

"Obscura Mist," Kael explained as he led her toward the door. "Not true invisibility, but it causes people to overlook us unless they're specifically searching. Similar to a Notice-Me-Not charm, but with modifications to affect peripheral vision."

"That's incredibly advanced magic," Hermione said admiringly as they slipped into the corridor. "Is it from your grimoire?"

"A more recent creation, actually," Kael admitted. "Fred, George, and I have been refining it for... extracurricular activities."

Hermione gave him a mock-stern look. "You mean pranks."

"Creative magical applications," Kael corrected with a grin. "With strategic deployment for maximum amusement."

They made their way through the silent corridors, Kael's spell keeping them from the notice of the occasional ghost or prefect. As they approached the portrait of the Fat Lady guarding Gryffindor Tower, Kael released the enchantment.

"Thank you for telling me about your meeting," Hermione said softly. "And for walking me back."

"Thank you for waiting up," Kael replied. "It's nice to have someone to talk to who understands."

For a moment, they simply stood there in comfortable silence. Then, impulsively, Hermione gave him a quick hug before hurrying to give the password to the portrait.

"Goodnight, Kael," she called softly as the portrait swung open.

"Sleep well, Hermione," he replied, watching until she was safely inside before turning back toward Ravenclaw Tower.

As he walked, Kael reflected on the evening's developments. His meeting with Dumbledore had given him a new purpose, one that aligned with the Stormbane legacy of power and responsibility. Yet his conversations with Hermione and, in a different way, with Snape, had reminded him that he was still a student—extraordinary, perhaps, but still finding his place in the complex social web of Hogwarts.

The System hummed quietly in the back of his mind, processing events and calculating probabilities. Whatever the coming weeks might bring with the Philosopher's Stone and Harry Potter, Kael felt confident in his path. He would keep his promise to Dumbledore, protect Harry if necessary, but do so in his own way—from the shadows, with precision and thoughtfulness befitting the Stormbane name.

Back in his dormitory, as his roommates slept peacefully around him, Kael pulled out a small leather-bound journal—not his published grimoire, but a personal record of his thoughts and observations. In it, he began noting everything he knew about the third-floor corridor, the Philosopher's Stone, and the possible threat to Harry Potter.

Knowledge was power—and Kael Stormbane intended to be prepared for whatever came next.