Even girls lose their minds over Fleur Delacour

A/n : Before ya'll call Selene a 'pick me'. please remember guys, she's 14 and her crush is admiring someone else.

"Twenty galleons—Harry Potter's name will magically spawn from the Goblet," I teased Draco, a wicked smirk curling at my lips.

"Bet." He grinned, tilting his chin up in that signature Malfoy arrogance. "You're on."

Honestly, at this point, I should've started a side business profiting off the absolute circus that was Harry Potter's life. The boy had a strange talent for ending up in utterly ridiculous situations, and I had a strange talent for predicting them.

The Great Hall was buzzing with anticipation, every single student in the room watching the Goblet of Fire as though it were about to hand out free gold instead of potentially life-threatening responsibilities.

Draco, Kenny, Blaise, Pansy, and I had claimed our usual spots at the Slytherin table, each of us sitting up a little straighter as Dumbledore rose from his seat. His expression was calm, composed, and ever so slightly amused—which, frankly, was a dead giveaway that something ridiculous was about to happen.

"Here we go," I muttered under my breath.

Dumbledore held out a hand, and a slip of parchment shot out of the Goblet in a brilliant flash of blue flames. He caught it effortlessly, unfolded it with a slow deliberateness, and read aloud:

"The Hogwarts Champion... Cedric Diggory!"

A roar of cheers erupted from the Hufflepuff table, the loudest I'd ever heard. I could barely hear myself think over the sound of clapping, cheering, and what I was fairly certain were actual tears from a few overly emotional Hufflepuffs.

"Well, well, well," Kenny smirked, elbowing me. "Selene, your boyfriend won."

I gagged dramatically. "Please, don't even joke about that."

"Oh, come on," Blaise teased, grinning. "You and Diggory would make such a cute couple. All that golden hair and golden personality—"

"No, thanks," I scoffed. "I like my men with a healthy dose of cynicism and an occasional superiority complex."

Draco, of course, looked very smug about that statement.

"Typical," Kenny rolled her eyes.

Another name flew out of the Goblet, the blue flames flaring. Dumbledore caught it, unfolded it, and read:

"The Beauxbatons Champion... Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons girls erupted into applause, clapping gracefully, because of course, even their clapping had to be aesthetic. Fleur stood, flipping her hair with the confidence of a woman who knew she was gorgeous, before striding up to the front with all the elegance of a queen.

"She's so pretty," Pansy sighed dreamily.

"She alright" I shrugged, watching Draco out of the corner of my eye. He was definitely staring.

"Alright?" Kenny gaped at me. "Selene, she looks like an actual Veela."

"Exactly," I muttered. "Have you ever seen a Veela's true form? Not so pretty then, huh?"

Draco, unfortunately, did not seem to share my concerns.

"She's absolutely stunning," he whispered, eyes fixed on Fleur like some besotted fool.

I narrowed my eyes.

"Draco, close your mouth, you're drooling."

"I am not drooling," he scoffed, quickly straightening up.

"Mhm," Kenny smirked. "Don't worry, Selene, I'm sure Draco still thinks you're the prettiest girl in the room."

"Oh, absolutely," Blaise chimed in. "Except for Fleur, obviously."

"I will hex you," I muttered.

Before I could properly plan Blaise's untimely demise, another name shot out of the Goblet.

"The Durmstrang Champion... Viktor Krum!"

Predictably, the Durmstrang lot went wild. Cheers and booming applause filled the hall, and some overly enthusiastic Durmstrang student actually pounded the table so hard his goblet fell over.

Krum barely acknowledged the reaction. He stood calmly, walked stoically toward the front, and generally behaved as though this was all a minor inconvenience rather than a life-changing event.

"Okay, seriously, why is he so moody all the time?" I whispered.

"Too much brooding," Blaise decided. "Maybe it's a Durmstrang thing."

"Or maybe he's just allergic to happiness," Kenny added.

"Or maybe," I said, smirking, "he's just waiting for Hermione to comfort him."

Kenny choked on air. "You did not just say that."

"Oh, I did."

"Selene, be honest, do you think Hermione actually has a chance with Krum?" Blaise asked.

"Oh, absolutely," I said smugly. "Have you seen the way he looks at her? Like she's the last copy of his favorite book."

Before we could continue our very important Krum-Hermione analysis, a strange hush fell over the room.

Something felt... off.

I turned back toward the Goblet, brows furrowing as the blue flames suddenly flared—brighter, taller, angrier than before.

A single slip of parchment floated down into Dumbledore's waiting hand.

His bushy brows pulled together as he unfolded the paper, scanning the name written there.

His lips parted.

"Harry Potter."

The silence was immediate.

A single fork clattered against a plate.

No one moved. No one breathed.

And then—

"I KNEW IT!" I shouted, slamming my hands down on the table.

Draco, completely scandalized, turned to gape at me. "You absolute witch! You jinxed it!"

"I did not jinx it," I argued. "I just have eyes and common sense! Unlike you, who now owes me twenty galleons!"

Draco made a horrible strangled noise, gripping his hair as if he was in actual pain. "I cannot believe I have to give you money because of Potter."

Kenny and Blaise were dying of laughter.

"Well," Blaise smirked, "looks like Potter just made you financially suffer as well."

"I am going to be sick," Draco groaned.


I tapped my quill against my parchment, not even bothering to pretend I was paying attention to the professor's droning voice. My Transfiguration essay sat in front of me, utterly neglected, as my thoughts spiraled down the same ridiculous rabbit hole they'd been stuck in all day.

Draco had never, never, been the type to lose his mind over a girl. Sure, he liked attention. Sure, he enjoyed being admired. But infatuation? That was a different story. And yet, there he was, practically glowing in Fleur Delacour's presence.

I stared blankly at my paper. "Fleur Malfoy." The name sounded disgusting. Terrible. Completely unacceptable.

I groaned under my breath. Why was I even thinking about this?

"Do you really think Draco likes Fleur Delacour?" I whispered, my voice low but urgent. "I mean, he never gets infatuated like that."

Kenny, sitting beside me, visibly stiffened. She let out a long, suffering sigh, her quill pausing mid-air. I could feel the exhaustion radiating off her.

"Oh the things you have to bear for the best friend tag".

She turned her head slowly, painfully, her face completely void of emotion.

"Selene." Her tone was deadly.

I gulped.

"This is the thousandth time."

"It's not!" I protested.

"Selene." She placed her quill down, clasping her hands in front of her like a mother about to scold a child. "You have been talking about this since last night. You brought it up at breakfast. You muttered about it during Potions. You even hissed it at me when we passed her in the hallway, like some deranged Parselmouth."

I shifted in my seat. "That was one time."

"You nearly dropped your cauldron when Draco laughed at her joke—if that's what you call whatever she said. He could've just been being polite."

"He doesn't do polite."

Kenny massaged her temples. "Selene, please. I am begging you. Stop torturing me with this nonsense. If I hear 'Draco' and 'Fleur' in the same sentence one more time, I will personally transfigure you into a cauldron and leave you in Snape's dungeon to rot."

I gasped, pressing a dramatic hand to my chest. "Wow. The betrayal."

"No, really." She turned back to her essay, ignoring me completely.

I stared at her for a long second before slumping back in my chair with a loud, pitiful sigh.

Maybe I was being dramatic. Maybe I was overthinking this. But why did he have to look at Fleur like that? Why?

But i wasn't the one to stop. When we were walking towards lunch, i said in one breath

"No, Kenny, just think about it! What if Draco actually likes Fleur? I mean, have you ever seen him look like that? What if she smiles at him, and he falls head over heels? What if they secretly start dating? No—what if they elope? Can you imagine? One day, he just vanishes, and next thing you know, there's a wedding announcement in the Daily Prophet—'Draco Malfoy and Fleur Delacour tie the knot in an extravagant, all-blonde ceremony in France'—and I wasn't even invited! Oh my god, Kenny, what if they have blonde babies? Imagine them—perfect little Malfoy-Delacour heirs, speaking French and judging my existence from birth! What if they—what if they make me the godmother out of pity?" I gasped as the worst realization struck me. "What if—WHAT IF HE DOESN'T GO TO HOGSMEADE WITH ME ANYMORE? What if I get REPLACED? What if he starts buying Fleur chocolate frogs instead of me? I can't believe this—I have to act now, I have to—oh Merlin's beard, should I bleach my hair?!"

Kenny had had enough.

"Selene. Selene. Selene." Kenny grabbed my shoulders, shaking me like I was a malfunctioning broomstick. "BREATHE. IN. OUT. That's it, good girl, nice and slow—STOP THINKING FOR ONE BLOODY SECOND."

I dramatically exhaled, still clutching my chest like I was about to collapse. Kenny pinched the bridge of her nose. "You do realize how insane you sound, right?"

"Okay, but what if—"

"NO MORE 'WHAT IFS!'" Kenny practically screamed, making a group of first-years walking past us jump. "You're spiraling. This is a full-blown crisis mode over absolutely nothing. First of all, Fleur Delacour is way too old for Draco, and second of all, if he ever tried dating her, you and I both know that Lucius Malfoy would personally launch himself into the sea before allowing a half-Veela into his pureblood lineage."

I frowned. "...So you're saying I should write to Lucius and warn him?"

Kenny slapped a hand over her face. "NO, YOU ABSOLUTE DISASTER. I'm saying that Draco and Fleur are not going to happen and you need to calm down before you actually lose your mind."

"But what if he prefers French girls now?" I wailed, gripping her sleeve. "What if he only dates girls who have that... that je ne sais quoi? I don't even know what 'je ne sais quoi' means, Kenny!"


We had officially reached the Great Hall, and people were already staring at us. Draco, Blaise, and Pansy were already seated at the Slytherin table, looking at us like we had lost all common sense. Well, mostly me.

Draco raised an eyebrow. "What in Salazar's name is going on with you two?"

Kenny turned to me, a dark gleam in her eyes. "Oh, nothing. Selene was just considering bleaching her hair."

Blaise choked on his pumpkin juice.


Kenny, my trusted companion, my partner-in-crime, the only person who was supposed to keep my unhinged thoughts to herself, had exposed me like a common criminal in front of the one person I wanted to keep my delusions a secret from.

I whipped around to stare at her, mouth agape, my eyes screaming HOW DARE YOU? Kenny just smirked like she had just delivered the most satisfying punchline in wizarding history.

"Excuse me?" Draco's fork clattered against his plate. "Bleach your what?"

Pansy wheeze-laughed into her sleeve.

Draco, however, looked one second away from grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking some sense into me.

I turned back to Kenny, eyes burning with betrayal. "Et tu, Brute?" I whispered, clutching my chest.

"Yes, yes, cry about it," Kenny said, rolling her eyes. "Now explain to your beloved Malfoy why you were planning on abandoning your natural hair color over some Fleur-induced fever dream."

I gasped dramatically, hands slamming onto the table. "SOME Fleur-induced fever dream? Kenny, she is part-Veela! Her whole existence is literally designed to make boys fall at her feet like brainless, drooling trolls!"

Blaise snorted. "So, Malfoy, that explains your reaction, huh?"

Draco looked personally offended. "I WAS NOT DROOLING."

"Oh, no, of course not," I drawled, voice dripping with sarcasm. "You were just staring at her like she was made of liquid gold, floating down the Great Hall with divine light shining behind her like a—like a celestial gift from the heavens above."

Draco groaned, dragging a hand down his face. "I hate you."

I ignored him. "And now, I have to compete with a literal goddess while you, my supposed best friend, have fallen into the clutches of her beauty like the rest of the foolish male population—"

Draco slammed his hands on the table. "I HAVE NOT FALLEN INTO ANYTHING."

I crossed my arms, narrowing my eyes. "So you wouldn't cancel our next Hogsmeade date if she asked?"

"Of course not!"

Blaise whistled. "Oof. That was fast."

Draco shot him a glare that could have set fire to the Great Hall.

But I wasn't done. Oh, no, I had a list of grievances.

"Do you think I should start speaking in a French accent?" I asked, completely serious. "Maybe if I start casually throwing in 'bonjour' and 's'il vous plaît,' you'll still remember I exist when she's around."

"Selene." Draco's patience was hanging by a thread.

"Or—" I tapped my chin in fake thought. "Or! Should I start wearing silk gloves and flipping my hair dramatically so that when I walk past, it flows like hers does—"

Pansy was shaking from trying not to laugh.

"—OH, and I should start doing that thing where she just casually breathes and every boy within a five-mile radius falls to their knees—"


I froze.

He was red, gripping his fork like he wanted to stab it into the table. His eyes were locked onto mine, furious but softer than before, like he was actually worried about my stupid jealousy.

"You," he said, stabbing a finger in my direction, "are a menace. You are the most insufferable, ridiculous, overdramatic idiot I have ever met—"

Blaise snorted. "Wow, she gets the idiot. That's love."

Draco kicked him under the table.

I, however, was too busy overanalyzing what he had just said.

"You don't even like her?" I repeated, squinting suspiciously.

Draco exhaled through his teeth. "No, Selene, I don't. But if you bleach your hair over this, I swear on Salazar's grave, I will personally hex you bald."