Chapter 10: Another Day Another Sigh

Yuna's POV

Finally, after what felt like a million years of wandering around the market and chasing after a chicken named Dodong, I was back home.

Thank goodness for Kai, who managed to get me back to Aunt Rosa's house in one piece. Though honestly, the whole ordeal was something I wasn't likely to forget anytime soon.

As we rounded the corner, I could already see Aunt Rosa standing by the door, looking as if she were about to unleash the full force of her worry onto me. And sure enough, as soon as she spotted me, she let out a loud,

"Yuna! Where have you been?!"

I winced a little, already feeling guilty, but Kai just kept walking like it was no big deal.

Aunt Rosa's hands were on her hips, and her eyebrows were furrowed as she approached us.

"I've been calling you for the last thirty minutes! I thought something happened to you!"

I let out a small laugh, feeling bad but trying to lighten the mood. "I'm fine, Aunt. Just... lost in the market."

Lily, who had been standing by the door, suddenly jumped up and down with excitement.

"Ate Yuna! Ate Yuna!" she squealed, running over to give me a hug. "I was worried! But you're back!"

Aunt Rosa crossed her arms and sighed, still giving me a look that could've melted steel.

"Lost in the market, huh? It's a good thing Kai found you."

I glanced at Kai, who was casually leaning against the door frame, clearly not bothered by Aunt Rosa's intense gaze.

He shot me a quick grin before speaking up, "Yeah, Yuna was just walking in circles, and I figured I'd step in. She might've ended up in the next town if I didn't."

I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh. "I wasn't that bad. I just... lost track of where I was."

Aunt Rosa softened a little, but there was still that nagging worry on her face. "Goodness, Yuna, you're not a kid anymore, but sometimes it feels like you're trying to get yourself into trouble."

She shook her head and grabbed my arm gently. "Thank you, Kai, for bringing her back safe."

Kai shrugged, acting like it was no big deal.

"No problem. Just doing my civic duty."

Aunt Rosa gave him a smile, though it was still filled with that mix of gratitude and a hint of suspicion. "It's nothing."

"Thank you, Kai," I added, grateful he came through once again.

"You're a lifesaver... literally. Otherwise, I'd still be circling the butcher's stall."

Kai snickered at that, clearly enjoying the fact that I was having so much trouble navigating a market.

"Well, next time, maybe don't get distracted by the fish market, huh?"

"Fish markets are not the problem," I grumbled, pushing open the door and stepping inside.

"It's the chickens that are out to get me."

Aunt Rosa gave me a puzzled look. "Chickens?"

I threw my hands up in the air. "Don't ask. It's a long story."

"This," Kai said, pointing at me like he was making a point, "she's got a special relationship with chickens around here."

I gave him a playful shove as we walked inside. "Shut up, Kai."

Aunt Rosa was shaking her head, but there was a smile on her face now. "Alright, come in. You're all hot-headed, Yuna. Go rest."

Lily skipped over to the living room and plopped down on the couch.

"Ate Yuna, let's watch a movie later!" she said, clearly happy that I was back.

"Sure, Lily," I said, already feeling the weight of everything I had to do later. But for now, I just wanted to sit down and relax, especially after the wild ride that was my market adventure.

I turned to Kai, who was still standing by the door, as if waiting for something. "Well, guess this is where we part ways, huh?"

He gave me a nonchalant shrug. "I'll stick around for a bit. You need help with anything?"

I gave him a look. "Like what? You wanna help with the laundry or something?"

"Sure," he said with a grin. "If you want me to."

"Good one," I replied, rolling my eyes.

"Maybe next time, Kai."

Kai was clearly amused by my sarcasm, but I could tell that he was genuinely here to make sure I was okay.

"Alright, alright. I'll head out then. Just making sure you don't get yourself lost again."

"Thanks again," I said, giving him a small nod as he turned to leave. "See you around."

As the door closed behind him, Aunt Rosa walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Yuna, rest already."

I nodded, sinking into the couch next to Lily.

"Aunt Rosa, I'm fine. Thanks to Kai, or we might've had more chicken drama."

Aunt Rosa laughed softly, then looked me over. "You know, Yuna, your walk was a bit long, but it's okay. We're just happy you're safe."

I sighed and leaned back against the couch, finally letting my mind relax. "Yeah... thanks. I really needed that."

"Good," Aunt Rosa said with a smile, "Now, go get some rest. We'll talk later."

As the afternoon sun filtered in through the window, I closed my eyes, grateful to be back home, where things felt a little less chaotic.

But at least, in this moment, I could relax, laugh about the ridiculousness of it all, and try to forget that I still had a mountain of work waiting for me tomorrow.

Alright, here I was, sitting on the old couch in Aunt Rosa's living room, looking like I had no idea what I was doing.

The whole meeting was supposed to be in person, but since Mia was based in the city and I was still out here in the province, they suggested we just do a video call instead.

Not exactly how I pictured my big break into the music world, but hey, it was better than nothing, right?

I tapped my phone screen and adjusted the camera, trying to make sure I didn't look like I was sitting in a dusty old house with chickens running around.

I mean, I did live in a place that still had the occasional rooster crowing outside, but I didn't think that would give me the professional edge I was going for.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, Mia's face finally popped up on the screen. She looked as put-together as I expected—hair perfectly styled, a soft glow about her like she was made for this whole 'professional' thing.

And there I was, in my oversized t-shirt, trying to look like I had my life together.

"Yuna?" Mia's voice came through the phone, a bit muffled but clear enough.

"Can you hear me?"

I quickly adjusted the volume, then nodded, maybe a little too enthusiastically. "Yep! Loud and clear! Can you hear me?"

Mia's lips curled into a small smile, but I could tell she was probably trying not to laugh at how awkward I was.

"Loud and clear," she said again, her tone more amused now.

"Good. So, I'm sure you're wondering why Ryo asked to meet with you."

I straightened up a little, suddenly feeling a tiny bit more serious.

"Yeah, I mean, I was a little shocked when he called. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I'm happy to help however I can."

Mia nodded, then quickly glanced off-screen like she was checking something. I couldn't see much, but I imagined Ryo was nearby, probably doing something way cooler than me.

"Ryo's been working on a new album," she started. "And we need someone who can write the lyrics for a few love songs. Something... more authentic, you know?"

She looked back at me, waiting for me to respond.

I stared back at her, unsure of what she meant by 'authentic.' Like, what exactly did she want me to do? I was still living in the province, surrounded by relatives, chickens, and whatever random neighbor decided to come by that day.

Love songs weren't exactly the first thing that came to mind when I thought of my life.

"I... I'm not really sure what you mean by authentic," I said, finally.

"Like, how do you even write a love song? I mean, I don't have a lot of experience with... love, you know?"

Mia didn't laugh, thankfully. Instead, she gave me a soft smile, like she understood exactly where I was coming from.

"It's alright. A lot of people think you need to have experienced it firsthand to write about it. But, in reality, all you need is the ability to understand emotions. The longing, the joy, the heartbreak—all of that. Love is universal, and it's about capturing those feelings. Even if you haven't been in a relationship, you've seen love in your life, right?"

I thought for a second, then nodded. "Yeah,I guess... I see love in different ways."

Mia's eyes brightened as if I'd just hit the nail on the head. "Exactly. Love comes in all forms. It doesn't always have to be the fairy tale romance people talk about. It can be as simple as someone having your back or the way someone makes you feel when they're just there for you."

I felt my cheeks warm up. "So... you think I can write a love song about that kind of thing?"

Mia nodded. "Of course. Ryo believes in you, Yuna. He wouldn't have reached out to you if he didn't. You have a way of making ordinary moments feel special, even if you don't realize it yet. Trust me, the right words will come when you open yourself up to it."

Before I could reply, the phone screen flickered for a second, and then Ryo's face appeared beside Mia's, almost like he'd been waiting in the wings.

"Ryo!" I said, suddenly feeling a wave of nervous energy.

"Hi. Wow, um... this is crazy."

Ryo gave me a friendly nod, his voice calm and confident, though there was a slight playful edge to it.

"No need to be nervous, Yuna. Mia and I are here to guide you. We believe you can do it."

I let out a breath, trying to settle my nerves. "I'll do my best, I promise."

He smiled, and for a second, I almost forgot how awkward this whole situation felt.

"We're looking for something that speaks to the heart. Just like Mia said, love isn't just one thing. It's all around us. You're the perfect person for this. Trust your instincts."

"Yeah, I'll try," I said, suddenly feeling a little more confident.

"I guess I've got some stuff to draw from. Like, uh... my aunt and uncle's marriage. And Lily's crush on the neighbor's son. And how everyone in the province... just kind of looks out for each other, you know?"

Mia and Ryo exchanged a look, and then Mia smiled again. "That's a great start, Yuna. See? You've got it."

We talked for a little while longer, hashing out some ideas for the lyrics. It was strange, talking about something so deep with people I'd just met, but somehow it felt... right. Like I wasn't just some girl from the province anymore.

I was someone who could do something real, something that mattered.

As the call was wrapping up, Mia brought up something important.

"Just so we're clear," she started, glancing at Ryo before continuing

"We'll be using your alias for this project. You're already known in the industry for your work under that name, so we'll be keeping things the same. As per the terms we discussed with your manager, you'll have the rights to your lyrics, but we'll be retaining publishing rights. The royalties will be split according to the contract, and the project will be kept confidential until release. Your identity stays under wraps, but rest assured, you'll be compensated fairly."

I nodded, already familiar with the process. Working under an alias had its perks and its challenges, but it was a system I had grown accustomed to.

"Got it. Same terms as always. I'll get to work."

"Perfect," Ryo said with a grin.

"We're excited to see what you come up with. Trust us, Yuna. You've got this."

As the call ended and I closed the laptop, I leaned back on the couch, still trying to process everything that had just happened. I couldn't believe it. I was writing love songs for Ryo Ishikawa.

The thought of it made me laugh a little. If anyone told me a few months ago that I'd be here, I probably would've laughed too.

But here I was. And, for once, I wasn't lost in the market.

To be continued...