
Buuuuzzzz!!! Buzzzzz!!!

"Uuuummmm" I hear a growl. " turn your phone off " I heard a voice say. I open my eyes, hearing a familiar sound. "Aggggghhhh" I screamed seeing the sight of ford wrapped round me. I lifted my leg and kicked him off the bed. " what the fuck man that hurt!" He shouted rubbing his bottom. "Leave now!" I shouted furiously looking down at my battered and bruised body. It ached " you weren't saying that last night was you!" He shouts back picking him self up off the floor. I put on my robe and went to the balcony and lit up a cigarette. Ford followed. Taking some deep puffs, I needed this to destress. I rub my temples " this never happened, I still fucking hate you." I turned to look over the balcony. " shhhhhiiit!" I shouted. " you better leave now Boss and Tame are coming." Looking over to the parking lot I saw Boss getting out in his black suit and tie. We both looked in a panic. I chucked my cigarette in the trash and ran inside scrambling up his things before shoving him out the door.

I sigh as I slumped down on the sofa.


The door swung open startling me. "What the hell!" I shout. " THAT BASTARD!!! DID YOU KNOW HE WAS BACK???" Tame shouted. I gulped. " did you know he lived here ?" He said slumping on the sofa next to me.

"Wait what who??? Who lives here?" I said nervously. " FUCKING FORD RATANAPORN!! .... I've just saw him in the lobby and gave him a pice of my mind, he said he lived here called me an asshole and punched me in the face!! I can't believe the nerve of that guy" he started to get angry punching a pillow at the side of him. I tried to ignore him, my head was killing me. My whole body ached. I sighed loud. " hey what's the matter with you, was she a fierce on last night ?" He says pulling at my robe to expose the bruises on my neck. I pushed his arm away. The memories of last night flooded my head. I shuck my head not trying to think about it. I stood up took some medicine for my headache and got dressed.

The whole car ride to university I sat in silence. Did I really fuck the person I hated the most? Did I really go against everything I knew? What if people found out? Would I be casted aside? My mind started racing. Overthinking everything. I let my horniness get the best of me and I was disgusted in myself. The more I thought about it the more I resented him. I didn't think my hatred could be any worse but I started to loathe him.

I sat in my desk and didn't say a sound. " try not to think about him" Tame wrapped his arm around my neck. If he'd just have an incline of what happened last night he'd feel the same way. I WAS SO ASHAMED OF MY SELF! I focus on my lessons and try to forget everything.

" students, we have two new people joining us, Ford and Bear, hope you all can give them a warm welcome." The teacher says. " NO WAY!" I shout. "IM NOT BEING IN THE SAME ROOM AS HIM!" I stand up and bang on the table. " if you have nothing nice to say Mr Rattanakosin don't say nothing at all." She darts her eyes at me, almost piercing tho my skull. "Then I'll leave." I shout back. "Mr Rattanakosin, you need this course to pass your business major. So sit down and shut your mouth and whilst you're in my class learn to get along." I was quite startled with what she said. No one dared speak back to me before. To be honest i was a bit rude to her. I put my hands in gesture and give her a little bow saying sorry before returning to my seat. CAN THIS WEEK GET ANY WORSE!!! I close my eyes and rub my temples.

"Fancy seeing you here." Ford smiles leaning backwards on my desk. "Why did you have to sit in front of me." I sighed. " I don't want to see you, you disgust me. I hate you." Still rubbing my temples not even lifting my eyes to look at him. " I'm Bear by the way, I'm Fords bodyguard. I'm guessing you're Fiat. Fords told me so much about you." He says smiling rubbing the back of his head. " we hate you, I don't care who you are." I snarled. " hey, hey Fiat he's kinda cute..... I'm Tame." he says holding out his hand and then they shook. "Nice to meet you ." I glance over at Ford him looking back. " what just happened, did you make friends with the enemy?" I send daggers to Tame. Ford laughs " more than what you can say." He grabs me by my tie sending shivers down my spine. "Had a rough night did you?" he says laughing pointing at the marks he left. My face must of been as red a tomato. "Shut up before I punch you." I push him away. I try to divert my attention back to the teacher, I know i aced things but I needed to study for the upcoming exams in the next few weeks.

I kept staring at the back of Fords head wanting to punch him. "Leave him... nothing we can do now." Tame whispers. I shake my head and focus on the class because the more I looked at him the more I wanted to rip his head off.

After class I went to the cafeteria to buy a drink to take some medicine as my head was still pounding from all the alcohol I drank. "You should eat something." Ford says slamming a try a the table. "Go away." I sighed before pushing his try away from. He leaned in "well you didn't say that last night, did you!" I stood up and grabbed my drink and be fore I knew it, Ford was covered. This only pissed him off even more. I turn to walk away and grabs my arm. "You! Me! Gym now!" The gym was the only place me and Ford could fight without getting told off. We were both pro boxers in our youth. Only so we could fight each other. Our parents loved it.

When we arrived ate the gym a familiar voice appeared. " I wondered how long it would take for you two to be here. Not even twenty four hours come on guys have you got nothing better to do." He laughs. " what's happened to you Ford." He says slinging his arm around him. He glares at me. Mark was the same year as us. He was the only friend we shared. He was the head of the boxing club. " look who raised from the dead. What's it been five years? And you two still haven't grown up. When are you gonna learn to get along?" This angered me taking off my shirt. I slip on some gloves and stand in the ring. " come on hit me!" I shout. " right you guys know the rules. Three rounds no proper violence. Don't take off your gloves." We always stuck by Marks rules there fore we couldn't get suspended.

He quickly joined me in the ring. I couldn't help but look at his chest the marks I made the previous night were really visible. Before long he threw punches at me. I hit him in the face following by him hitting my face. This went on for a while "come on big boy show me what I've been missing." He smirks. This sends shivers through out me. "What do you like it when I call you that." Grinning. I take off my gloves and so does he and I lunge at him, sending him crashing to the floor. Looking down at him reminded me of last night. Images shout through my head. "Come on punch me." I shout frustrated. "What are you guys doing. Flirting?" Tame shouts. I quickly turn my head still on top of Ford. I quickly stand up. "They've been doing that for the pass hour now." Mark says to Tame looking at us. " uuuuugggghhh." I shout as I storm out the ring. "you guys know how to ruin things don't you."

I shot a glance at them before putting on my shirt.

"Hey I'm sorry. I know we hate him. I just thought you might of actually hurt him. Remember you were in the ring." He chuckled. I'm so embarrassed. I couldn't even hide my face. "Remember you got that dinner tonight, don't keep thinking about him." I got to the parking lot where I see Boss parked up. I open the door forcefully and sling my bag in before slamming it shut behind me. Tame got in the front. "Not even gonna ask young master what's up." Boss says looking through his rear mirror. " Fords back..." Tame didn't need to say anything else before I grumbled. The sound of his name made me feel sick with anger. I forced a smile. "Yes, already had him in the ring." I'm guessing he already noticed as my lip was busted. " you better clean up. Your father said it's important tonight got to seal the deal." Boss said driving along.

We pull up to my house I go to my room. I get out of my clothes and run the shower. I stand staring at my busted lip in the mirror thinking about the fight. I started to get aroused at the sight of Fords face. What the fuck was wrong with me?? I run the tap and splash cold water on my face to try and wake me up. Trying to make my mind blank and get in the shower and wash my self not thinking too much about it. Today was my cousins birthday but my father always used these occasions to do business. Business partners always liked a good party. The grander the better.

I got out the shower and put a towel around my waist and headed into my bedroom, my suit was nicely pressed hanging up on my wardrobe a box wrapped up nicely that sat beside it. To jom happy birthday from Fiat. It was probably some expensive watch. My father always gave the most prestigious gifts. He liked to flaunt his money around and I've always had what I wanted. I put on my suit and did my hair nicely. I sprayed on some expensive cologne and headed for the front door. "Sir you're looking good tonight." Boss smiled as he opened the car door for me. My mother and father followed closely behind. To be honest I felt good about myself. I hadn't dressed up in ages.

"Be on your best behaviour tonight! Don't get to drunk and be professional. I have a big deal to seal and I don't want you getting in the way." My father said scolding me. My father was always strict with me. He said it was for my own good. " I thought you gave up fighting years ago." He said pointing to my lip. There was only a little cut, hardly noticeable but my knuckles were bruised "Ford did this." His eyes widened. "He's back on the scenes now is he."

"Sir we're here" Boss says as we pull up to this grand building. It was remarkable. We greet my Auntie and uncle at the door and I sneak off to find my cousin leaving my parents behind to chat. "Ahh.... There you are. Your present , some watch or jewellery." I say giving him the box. We were never too fond of presents since we got what we wanted. Presents just seemed like a load of unwanted trash. Yes I know we sound ungrateful but that's how it happened in our world. "Yooo!" Jom shouts grabbing my had and pulling me in for a hug patting my back. Out the corner of my eye I spot someone. " who the fuck invited them." I snarled. I push Jom aside and he grabs my arm. "DONT!" He shouts staring at me. I sigh looking at Jom. I tried my hardest to ignore him chatting away at Jom, I just couldn't help my self staring. His face annoyed me so much. "I'll be outside." I storm away going outside. Luckily there was nobody around. I punch the wall so hard I think I broke my knuckles. "SHHHHIIITT!!!" "Yo! Easy there tiger!" Ford looked at me surprised. Out of rage I grab him but his collar and body slammed him in the wall. "Go ahead hit me!" He shouts. Before I knew I'd lifted my fist. BBBBAAANNNGGG!! I hit the wall about an inch from his face. "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO COME BACK ASSHOLE! MY LIFE WAS PERFECT BEFORE." I push my self away. I slumped to the floor. I pulled a pack of cigarettes out my pocket before lighting one. I look over at Ford and offer one to him.

We sat in silence for a while. "You scrub up pretty well." He says glancing at me. "Thanks I guess." I felt pretty aroused by what he said. What was I thinking? Shaking off his comment. I stand up and brush my self off to head back inside. I turn to him, he's still smoking his cigarette. "Just stay out my life! I despise you! You make me sick." I heard some commotion me and ford looked at each other. "Ssssshhhhhhiiiiiiaaaaa!!!!" We both shouted running inside. "P'Fiat they're fighting again." Jom shouts running toward me. " my son is better than yours." My father shouts! "Aright guys stop! It's not the time or place." I shout wedging myself between them. CLICK!!! My eyes widen and I shudder. Their bodyguards point guns at us. No long after ours do the same. We never shot one another but I wouldn't like to take that risk. I pull out my gun pointing it at Fords face. "AAAGGGHHH!!" I shout in frustration, before dropping my hand. The blood from my knuckles dripped everywhere. "I'm done, I'm going." I look at Jom " sorry for all the inconvenience." I bow and walk off.

I walked with my mind blank. I swung open my door to my condo and slam it shut behind me. I pull out a bottle of whiskey and pour myself some. I swag it before slamming the glass on the counter. I repeat this a few times. Bang! Bang!! Who the fucks at the door at this hour. I swing open the door to find Ford standing there. "What the fuck do you want now!" I shout in frustration. " didn't I tell you to stay away!" He smiled. " I knew you wouldn't have done." He shakes his head. I raise my brow. " you could get infected you know." He say before pushing me in and closing the door. Holding a first aid kit he looks down at my hand before pulling me over to the skink. He runs the tap before putting my hand under. Gently cleaning my wounds. My heart started racing. He's so different since he came back. Am I part of a plan? He wipes my hand with a towel. I grumbled in pain. "Be careful it hurts." I snap. He blows on my exposed wounds. This sent shivers down me. My eyes widened as I stared at him. My heart started racing the more I stared at him. The care and attention he gave me I'd never felt before. I'd never seen this caring side before. This made him more handsome. I cracked a smile. I pulled my hand away startled at my thoughts and sit on the sofa. He follows opening his first aid kit. He grabs my hands and applies some plasters. He kisses over the plasters. Is he unwell? I lift his face up and place my hand on his head. "Are you unwell. Do you need to see a doctor? Did I hit you too hard earlier?" I said recalling the boxing earlier. "no I'm perfectly fine." He responds, I'm still searching his body. Before I knew it he stole a kiss from me. I didn't resist. My body took over my mind. Our tongues intertwined, exploring his mouth. I slowly push him away, trying to pry his lips away. " what's the matter." He looks at me confused. " I think we should stop." I sighed. "This has gone too far." "To be honest I think you're right." Letting go of my hand. I opened the doors to the balcony, leaned my back against the railings. I took out a cigarette and lit it. " this time I'm gonna leave and not come back." I nod as he leaves out the door.

I slump onto my sofa, staring at the ceiling. Images of him kissing and blowing my hand circled my head. No matter what I did i couldn't stop thinking about him.