[Lord Patriarch, a martial art so grand is otherworldly] Master Hao was not praising Edward but trying to ease Kayce's heart
The White Lion carrying a heavy truth inside of him, does not reply to his son. Waving his hand in gesture, turning and flying towards Beast Pavilion with his sage following. The lion felt weak, like prey Infront of a predator.
[Leaving without a word] Edwards soul begins to pressure his body but stops when he quit thinking of his vessels father [Aha, one of those two are a trigger] Edward was happy to learn more about himself, placing his fingers on a potential cause for his condition.
"Liam. How long are you going to hide?"
Liam who was hiding at first, was not anymore. He who had seen Roaring Dragons Fang used with a sword, recognized the hand variant. [This is the martial arts I am learning. On the sword Masters Chi was in the shape of claws, and now the bite with his hands] Liam was standing in a small enlightenment, not one towards martial arts, or the dao, but something any noncultivating mortal could experience. Liam was standing before affirmation that he is walking a proper path and felt the ecstasy of it all.
"Master! These are the people you summoned for!" Liam now bowing towards Edward put pressure on Jamir to also bow. Jamir who had survived the life a meat shield and cultivated to a high level for his age respected Liam greatly.
"Young. Lord. Congratulations!" Wei Li jumps past Liam carrying energy with her words
"Wei Li, good to see you again" Edward nodded at the lady, uncaring of her impertinence
"Young Lord, after the good show you caused at the keep, I have been wanting to meet you again" Wei Li finally bows
[As I suspected, she knew I wrecked the steps] "HAHA! Yeah you made out like a bandit, my lady."
[Is this truly a prince? He seems so casual, his strength we all witnessed but his character is interesting]
Edward feeling Jamirs gaze snaps his head at him like an owl, the action causes Jamirs eyes to fall back onto the ground
"Follow me. You two are my guests, I have tea and location ready for our conversation"
Walking behind Edward to a gazebo within the garden the three all feel different emotions. Wei Li was understanding of why Edward wanted to see her and felt honored. Jamir was feeling threatened by Edwards gaze and his shift in demeanor since they started their walk. While all Liam felt was simple pride.
"Here we are, come take a seat everyone. Liam pour the tea."
At a circular table under thatched roofing, surrounded by walls of flower ten feet tall. Edward stands with his back towards the trio gazing through a hole in the wall at an artificial stream, allowing Liam the time to carry out his order before opening his meeting
"One of you is still, indicating your poise, you probably know why I have called you. The other is chaotic, your thoughts, reservations, and actions indicate your nerves. You two how you are now interest me very little, the only reason you have this opportunity is because of your talent." Edward still with his back at the table accepts the cup Liam offers while waiting for his words to sink in
[The Young Lord says im talented?] Jamir became more confused
Wei Li who was about speak was shot down by Liams glare
"The opportunity I speak of is to walk in the trail of a conqueror."
"Young Lord, walking behind you... could I learn that martial art with the dragon?" Wei Li standing from her seat asks with passion
"Wei Li, you like fist, palm, and leg techniques. You use your body as your weapon, using that martial art is not impossible. Your body is of great physicality, a few rounds of tempering and you could practice it."
"Really really? Thats so awesome! Young Lord I am at your disposal! Anything you need, I will be your shield!" Wei Li was acting childish, and it brought Edward complex emotions
"I dont need shields. I need lions that love the taste of blood. Are you a lion Jamir?"
"Young Lord. I am whatever you need" Jamir was reciting the words Liam had told him to through the secret whisper
[Liam dont play any tricks]
[I'm sorry Master]
"Jamir I will tell you of your homeland. You grew up on our continent taken from yours. The place your people are from is a continent almost as big as mine. On that continent there is many different kingdoms. Grand and long standing culture, but that place is not a kind land. You may hate the people on this land for taking your perceived freedoms away, but that was just karma of sorts. Your path has led you to me, if you weren't forced on this path, you would have surely died by now. The kings from your homeland are weak but rich. They do anything to hold their power, they enslave their own and force labor upon them. They arm mortal children to be shields Infront of cultivators, they hold their lands in ways that even demons would repulse. That is the kind of place you were stolen from. Hell I bet a lord sold you and slept happy about it. You were born into a life destined to belong to somebody, yet here you stand. A prodigy of our generation. Walk in my wake Jamir, show the world that me giving you the tools required reshape your life was wisdom. Stand next to the two with you now and become my knight if you have what it takes."
"Grand Elder show it to me again" Kayce sitting at the chess table atop Beast Pavillion gives an order repeated multiple times since his arrival from Tera
"My Lord if you have not come to terms yet, this won't help you"
"Just show me"
"Fine" Master Hao stands from his seat and removes his robe. Kayce was watching with eyes that seemed dead and lay witnessed to Master Haos condition. His chest had a hole through his body, one could reach their arm completely through it. The wound was not what was on display, it was the white ball of light inside the wound that was the topic.
"Its hard to believe that is what makes you immortal. You have served every head of my family since its founding. Under different names and station. How do you remember who you are great sage?" Kayce Albert didnt truly care for the answer he was just still hiding from the reason Master Hao was immortal
"I have walked this Earth for billions of years, since before man walked this realm. Who I am does not matter. I have been called many things in many eras. It saddens me to say I have been called priest for this long though. All that matters is what I am. The last bastion that fights against usurpers."
"You both have sworn loyalty to me. I appreciate it but I do not accept it. During my stay in the Sacred Forest, you two will prove you have the qualifications necessary. I will either approve of the time you spend and grant you knightage under my command. Or send you to mine my spirit stones. Jamir, Liam will take you be relieved from your post, and Wei Li I will walk you to be removed from yours. If you understand then let's prepare. We leave tonight."
"Young Lady! I know you are motivated because of the Young Lord, but you must get ready. You and the Young Lord leave for Soaring Lion peak soon."
Rhea who had not only broken spiritual chains, but social ones as well was back in her training grounds. Swinging her sword with sharpness and shuffling her feet with precision, she was chasing after the gates of mental training.
[Why cant I go back, to the place where I was free. I could do anything there. Why. Why, why, why] Rhea who hadn't a clue she was actually inside her mind, would never be allowed back into its hall. She was only focused on getting there, and not solely on her martial arts
Edward outside of her training room recognized she was struggling but not why
"Wei Li, go back to Liam and Jamir. I may be here a while"
Edward sends a secret whisper to the servant in the training room "Young Lady, you have a guest"
"Tell them I am busy"
Stepping into the chamber Edward wasn't going to wait any longer "Too busy to see your brother?"
Edwards voice caused Rhea to freeze. Her emotions of regret and shame wash over her making her body feel warm "He Hello, brother"
"My dear sister, dont be so nervous. The past has passed, let us look beyond the future" Edwards words did not sound like forgiveness to Rhea so she stayed stiff
"I was on my way to you, to walk to our carriage together. The maids told me you haven't returned to your room since you left for court. So I anticipated you to be here. I did not anticipate you to be so clouded during training however." Edwards disappointment only further made Rhea nauseous
"What do you mean brother?"
"You have lost how to achieve your goal in your chase of it. Tell me what your goal is."
The statement was again lost on Rhea as she couldnt understand under her current state "Its hard to explain brother. During training I was able to enter a domain with no fatigue, it was a perfect training environment."
"You have entered your own mind. You did not experience fatigue because it was imaginary."
Rhea finally becoming clear minded but still confused "But it all felt so real! I was somewhere far away yet close. I didnt step into a sealed realm then?"
"Ha. No sealed realms were involved. You mentally practiced your martial arts, and had no idea where you were from intense focus. Rhea one can only step into their mind to practice something they have mastered, or something they are in complete immersion with. You will never step back into its grace how you are now."
Rhea slightly understanding Edwards wisdom "Then how can I go back, brother"
"You arent understanding completely. You cant think you deserve you to be there, it will hinder your growth. All you must do is train, with no thoughts of it. Only if you commit solely to your martial arts will it find you."
"Its hard not to think about brother"
"Thats alright, now isnt the best time to train then. You need to learn how to center yourself. Take the opportunity we have on our trip to calm. I will teach you how to empty yourself when we return. And we leave soon, so finish up."
Edward who dropped multiple things Rhea couldnt understand, had turned to leave without saying goodbye. Using his divine art in the hallway to vanish, anticipating she would have questions. Rhea could only sigh in exhaustion, thinking of how her brother is incredible.
"Grandma, Edward is so cool!"
Edward so being kind but was very disappointed, not of her ignorance. He was almost angered that Rhea feared him a little bit. He thought she should be tougher having broken her spirit demon
[I will have to guide her more than I thought. She will need help in understanding that she can do anything, and never feel bad about it]