Chapter II Hassle in the Albion Fields Crown Lands

Darkness enveloped me, and confusion swirled within my mind. Where was I? It felt like I had been plunged back into the void, a place of uncertainty and shadows. But then, a sudden rush of wind brushed against my back, causing me to turn around in surprise. And just like that, the surroundings transformed. The inky darkness gave way to a mysterious forest, an unfamiliar realm that seemed to materialize out of nowhere.

I blinked, utterly baffled. This wasn't where I had been moments ago. And what was even stranger was that my gear seemed to have vanished. Something was definitely amiss. The wind persisted, carrying with it a chill that seeped into my bones. I tentatively stepped forward, through the dense vegetation that surrounded me, feeling both intrigued and wary.

As I wandered through the lush forest, time seemed to lose its grasp. Every step felt like an eternity, the scenery ever-changing, yet eerily consistent in its unpredictability. My journey led me past trees that intertwined like guardians of this surreal place. And then, a low, guttural growl pierced the air, causing me to freeze.

My instincts kicked in, and I strained to pinpoint the source of the sound. Its distant rumble indicated it was miles away, yet whatever it was, it didn't bode well. I broke into a run, seeking refuge behind the cover of bushes, my heart pounding in my chest.

I huddled in the foliage, trying to remain as still as possible. And then, there it was – a sight that sent shivers down my spine. Emerging from the shadows was a colossal creature, a towering figure that seemed straight out of legends. It was none other than Faunus Ubelziege, a dreaded demon whose name had been whispered in stories from my childhood.

Faunus Ubelziege, the horned beast with the visage of a goat, wielded an imposing sword-ax that exuded an aura of power. Tales told of his insatiable desire for chaos and destruction, his disregard for humanity, and his monstrous offspring known as Ubelziege Kids. The sword-ax in his grip was rumored to be a tool of devastation, capable of cleaving through multiple foes with ease.

As I found myself facing this legendary malevolence, I realized the gravity of my situation. But being here, halfway between the known and the unknown, I felt compelled to share more about Faunus Ubelziege – the origins that tethered him to the demon realm of Muspel, his incomplete presence in Midgard, and the aura of malevolence that clung to his every move.

Despite the times we lived in being far from perfect, they were marred by chaos and peril in which fleeting moments of peace were a luxury. It was during this tumultuous era that the Greatest of Evils emerged from the depths of hell, wreaking havoc upon the world. The people were powerless against his malevolent forces, their pleas and cries falling upon deaf ears.

In the midst of this despair, a lone monk adorned with runic tattoos named Kerelina appeared as if in response to the people's desperation. She rallied other heroes, forging a coalition to combat the Greatest of Evils and salvage the world. Armed with the godly weapon Jarngreipr, the Iron Gauntlets of Thor, she harnessed her strength and determination to face this unprecedented threat.

This assembly of valiant souls embarked on a treacherous journey to confront the source of the darkness. Along the way, they faced trials and tribulations, with some perishing in the battle against the forces of evil. Despite the impending doom, these heroes met their fate with courage, knowing that their sacrifices would find purpose if their comrades emerged victorious.

Only the Monk and a handful of allies managed to reach the heart of the abyss, the very place where the Greatest of Evils awaited. A fierce battle ensued, with the warriors displaying remarkable teamwork and ingenuity. Yet, the malevolence they fought against was tenacious, resistant to their efforts.

As the battle neared its climax, and with defeat looming ominously, the remaining warriors resorted to a desperate measure. In a final act of selflessness, they channeled their life forces to weave the Five-Point Confinement Spell, a powerful enchantment meant to seal away the evil once and for all. The sacrifice was immense, the cost steep, but it was their only hope.

And as I stand here, narrating these events, I realize that this journey isn't just mine alone. It's a tapestry woven from stories and legends, a glimpse into a world of darkness and heroism. The void had cast me into this enigmatic place, where tales intertwine with reality, and the past echoes through the present.

"Grrr! Though you may have triumphed in banishing me for now, mark my words – I am Faunus Ubelziege, the most formidable of the Four Evil Demon Kings. I shall return and lay waste to your world! You shall all kneel before me when that fateful hour arrives. Raaaaaaaawwrr!!!"

The resounding roar of Faunus Ubelziege reverberated across the land, his malevolent proclamation etching itself into the air. This was the first time humanity had heard his name spoken aloud. The five valiant warriors had secured peace at a great cost, sacrificing their lives to save the world. But despite their sacrifice, a cloud of doubt loomed over the future. The spell that kept Faunus Ubelziege imprisoned was powerful, yet not eternal. It was a barrier that held back the evil, but with time's passage, its strength would inevitably wane. And with it, the dreaded demon's return would become a chilling possibility.

As the ages slipped by, civilizations rose and fell, crumbling into the annals of history. Even the Confinement Spell, created by human hands, was not immune to the inexorable march of time. Its once-potent magic gradually diminished, like the dying embers of a fire. Those who safeguarded the monastery where the spell's origins lay sensed this weakening, knowing that the hour of Faunus Ubelziege's resurgence approached with every passing day.

Driven by desperation, the monastery cast its net wide, summoning warriors from every corner of the continent. The looming shadow of Faunus Ubelziege's return necessitated unity against the impending darkness. The battlefield that would decide the fate of the world was beckoning, and as much as I hoped to evade it, destiny had other plans.

And here I stand, or rather cower, hiding behind a thicket with nothing but my wits to fend off the monstrous threat. The horned demon's sword-ax swung through the foliage, cleaving trees and bushes where I sought refuge. Swiftly, I employed a technique I'd learned in my earlier years as a streetwise troublemaker in Alsahra – a graceful evasion maneuver that sent me sliding backward, narrowly avoiding the weapon's reach.

In an instant, the forest seemed to blur and twist, like a canvas of reality being reshaped. And then, as if the threads of my existence were being woven anew, I found myself standing not in the forest, but within one of Valhalla's grand halls.

The transition was startling, the contrast between the eerie woods and the majestic hall jarring. It was as if the realm of the divine had taken hold of my reality, shifting me from one realm to another. As I glanced around the hallowed hall, a mix of awe and trepidation coursed through me. It was clear that the path I tread was guided by forces beyond my understanding – a destiny entwined with the tapestry of gods and legends.

"Do you like what you see?" A voice that I knew all too well whispered into my ear, instantly sending shivers down my spine. I turned around, and there she was – Nike, the Valkyrie with looks that could turn heads and a presence that demanded attention.

"Well, I must say I'm quite fond of the heavenly sight before me. It's not every day I get to bask in the presence of such a divine and stunning damsel," I quipped, watching as a subtle blush adorned her cheeks. My flirtatious remarks never failed to evoke the desired response, and her playful grin told me that she was all too familiar with my tactics. Being a charmer had its perks, and I reveled in every moment of it.

"You certainly have a way with words, young man," she remarked, emphasizing the "young man" part in a way that made it clear she was more than a few millennia ahead of me. Valkyries existed long before men walked the earth, a fact that never ceased to amuse me.

So, there's Nike, the Goddess of Victory. Back in the day, she was hanging with the big shots in the Hellenes Pantheon – you know, those ancient Greek gods and goddesses who ran the show. Nike was a real family gal, the offspring of Pallas and Styx, with Kratos, Bia, and Zelus as her siblings. She had this whole winged vibe going on, flying around battlefields like a boss and giving the winners those snazzy laurel wreaths. Super tight with Zeus, the top dog of the gods, she even played charioteer for him.

But, hold the phone, Hera – Zeus's wife and the queen bee of jealousy – wasn't having any of this. She had major trust issues when it came to Zeus and his wandering eye. So, she cooked up a juicy tale about Nike being one of Zeus's romantic side dishes. Hera had this reputation for making life miserable for any lady Zeus so much as looked at. She dragged Nike through the mud, spreading stories and lies that got all the other gods and goddesses side-eyeing her.

Nike was all, "Wait, what? No way!" She tried to clear her name, but Hera had her mind made up. She whipped up this whole drama and made sure everyone was Team Hera in the Pantheon gossip circles.

Feeling like she got the short end of the immortal stick, Nike decided she'd had enough of the Greek crew. She hightailed it to Asgard, where the Norse gods – the Aesir – were throwing their own epic parties. And guess who was there to welcome her with open arms? Odin, the main dude, saw Nike's warrior spirit and was like, "Hey, join the party!"

In Asgard, Nike didn't just grab a drink and chill – she became one of the OG Valkyries. Those were the shieldmaidens who had the cool gig of picking the valiant heroes from the battlefields and giving them the golden ticket to Valhalla. So, instead of laurel wreaths, she was handing out eternal feasts and epic battles.

The Aesir were all about it. Nike used her victory vibes to help them kick butt against giants, zombies, and demons – you name it. She went from being in the doghouse with the Greeks to being a total rockstar in Asgard. Funny how life works out, huh?

"But back to the business at hand – where was I before? Am I dead once again?" I posed the question to Nike, scratching my head in confusion. The current situation had me baffled, and I was eager for some clarity.

"Oh, you're far from being deceased, my dear. Right now, your consciousness is projecting itself astrally. Think of it as a sort of lucid dream, except you're not quite within a dream."

"Astral projection? Well, that's a skill I didn't know I possessed. And where was I earlier?"

"You were navigating the labyrinthine depths of the Labyrinth Woods. What you encountered was a tulpa, a manifestation of the ancient demon Faunus Ubelziege. The negative energies he once unleashed upon this realm gave rise to this copy. While it's a mere fraction of his true power, it's still a formidable adversary."

"I see. So, what's my role in all of this?"

"Your task is to vanquish that replica of him, thereby weakening his grip on your world. Once that's done, burn the creature's body and any offspring it may have spawned. Gather the ashes and take them to the Saint Kerelina Monastery. There, the Head Monk will consecrate the ashes, and you'll participate in a ritual to fortify the seal that bars his entry into your world. If you manage to defeat him, your unique aura will be indispensable in maintaining the barrier."

"I see, I'll give it my best shot." Oh, great, just what I needed. I was secretly hoping I could escape getting tangled up in these kinds of messes. It's been ages since I've set foot in the Aigleterre Sanctuary. You know, that place in Albion where all the Odin worshippers gather? That's the one. It's where folks from Avalon sign up to be Deacons or Presbyters, get hitched, and even rent out those Zandyagow Steed mounts for the Cavaliers. Lucky me, I've got a trip to Saint Kerelina Monastery after this escapade. You know, that Albion monastery where aspiring Deacons aim to become Monks? It's out in the boonies in the County of Saint Kerelina, ruled by the diPallazio clan and their big fortress, Fort Saint Krizzaline. Saint Kerelina Monastery was set up for those Deacons who want to go all zen and stuff. They're on a mission to find themselves or whatever away from the noise of the material world. These are the guys who're striving to be the big shots – the Monks. They've even got a fancy graveyard for Albion's fine citizens over there. And remember that bunch of heroes who took on the big bad demon Faunus Ubelziege a while back? Yep, they gave their lives to lock that sucker up and bring some peace to Midgard. They built a shrine over his grave, which eventually sprouted into this whole monastery business. But hey, with Surtr breaking out from beneath Oasenstadt, the monks over at Saint Kerelina Monastery are getting jittery. They're worried that Faunus Ubelziege might be itching to break free from his prison too. So yeah, that's pretty much my agenda for the week.

"Are you done yapping, boy?" The Valkyrie's voice snapped me out of my pseudo-narration. Apparently, she was waiting for me to zip it and wake up from my snooze. Too bad, I was kinda enjoying that imaginary encounter. Missed seeing her face, that's for sure. Hmmm.

"Oh, yeah. Just sharing some thoughts with the audience, you know. By the way, nice to see you again, sweet cheeks." I threw her a flirtatious grin, and she responded with a playful slap that jolted me awake. Damn it, all I wanted was more sleep, but there's work to be done. Well, time to drag myself out of bed and hit the shower. Crap, I'm starving too. Wonder what's on the menu downstairs. After a quick tidy-up, I gathered my stuff and locked up the room I rented. Downstairs, I ordered a hearty breakfast – gotta fuel up for whatever challenges lie ahead. Fried bao, some meat, and a pile of fruits – sounds good to me. With a full stomach, I stepped out of the Drunk Tikbalang Inn and headed straight to Erneldo, the guy who asked me to deliver a message to his long-lost love, Ellarda. It's been months since that whole thing started. Honestly, I thought it was impossible, but then again, I did come back from the dead, so who am I to say what's possible? Can't wait to give Erneldo the news he's been waiting eons for. I remember how he used to drown his sorrows in the bar, mourning his wife's death.

"Wahhh...! Nooooo! Ellarda, why'd you leave me like this...? Our kids will be lost without you! This pain is too much to bear! Noooo! Waaaah!"

"Hey, you okay? Need a hand? I'm Rasleigh, by the way. Can I help you out?"

"Thanks for the offer. (Sob) I'm Erneldo. My wife passed away while I was away. It kills me that I couldn't be there with her at the end... I wish I could talk to her again, even though it's too late now. (Cries) But maybe there's a last hope left for me. A slim chance... There's a town rumored to exist where the dead dwell. I reckon it's in another dimension or something. If I could get there, maybe I could see Ellarda again. But I can't just leave my kids behind. (Cries)"

"I can deliver your message for you."

"Really? Thanks a million. If you can, I'll be forever grateful. You're one of those adventurers, right? If you ever find that town of the dead, and by some crazy chance, you meet Ellarda... Could you tell her something from me? Let her know that what happened a month back was all my fault. Thanks again, and take care. The place I heard of... Town of the dead... I think it's close to a rest stop. It's filled with constant screams of agony and despair, day and night. Hope that helps in your search."

That's how I remember it, at least. Can't wait to see the expression on his face when I tell him I met his wife in Niflheim, the land of the dead. Traveling through dimensions – quite an achievement, even for me. Haha! As I reached his house, I got ready to share the news I had. Knocked on the door, and he opened up, clearly surprised to see me. Invited me in, and I could tell he was itching to know what brought me here.

"Hey, Rasleigh! What's up? Take a seat. Oh, and congrats on wiping out those vermin below Aigleterre, heard quite the story."

"Thanks, old pal. Well, guess what? I've got something that'll blow your mind. You remember that town of the dead you mentioned? I've been there, even visited the capital, Grimnismal."

"Wow, really? You found it? I can't believe you went to such lengths for me... Um... So, did you meet Ellarda?"

"Sure did. Gave her a fresh rose and told her it's from you."

"No way! What did she say? Did she... forgive me?"

"Absolutely. And she handed me... this." I handed him a box Ellarda had given me to pass on – a message just for him.

"Ah... Inside this box are the gifts I gave her back when we started dating. She was battling a serious illness even before we met, and I promised her I'd find a cure... That's why I embarked on that trip, to find some medicine for her... But turns out, it was all in vain. I really appreciate what you've done. I want to repay you for all the trouble I've put you through. Sadly, all I have left is the medicine I found for her condition during that journey. It's a token of my gratitude. Thank you for everything. May your adventures be safe and successful."

"Don't worry about it, my old buddy. Happy to help. Thanks for these Yggdrasil Fruits and Seeds, though. These are quite the rare find. Where did you come across these?"

"Found them near Abgrund Lake in Jagdwalden. Beautiful place, have you been there?"

"Oh yeah, stunning spot. Anyway, I'm off now. Take care, my friend."

"Safe travels. Goodbye."

Back in the town square, I still had a bunch of tasks to wrap up and bounties to collect. As I turned onto another street, I caught sight of something that sent me on a nostalgic trip. It was the Comido Royale Restaurant, the place where I officially became a certified chef all those years ago. The place still had its grandeur intact. I rushed to the entrance, and one of the staff members welcomed me in. Led me to an empty table and inquired about my order.

"What's your pick for today, Sir?"

"Strong brew coffee and a slice of your finest chocolate pastry."

"Just that, Sir?"

"Yeah, is Sir Lore Hanzo around?"

"No, Sir. The Great Chef enlisted and joined the Midgard Allied Force Post in Neueweltz."

"I see. That's all then."

"Alright, I'll be back shortly with your order."

Who would've thought that Sir Lore Hanzo would enlist in the Imperial Army and vanish into some unknown place? Guess the guy was more of an adventurer than a chef. Funny how I remember back when I was a young chap from Oasenstadt, those good ol' days.

"Hi there. I'm Fraulein LeMeer, an apprentice under Sir Lore Hanzo. Need any help today? And by the way, you're kinda cute. Hehehe (blushing)"

"I wanna learn cooking too! Wait, why the heck are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face or what?"

"Oh, my bad, nope, nothing on your face. But if you're keen on cooking, why not talk to Sir Lore Hanzo? He's tough on students, but it's all in the name of tough love. He expects nothing less than perfection from his apprentices. If he agrees to teach you a recipe, practice it repeatedly to refine your skills. Getting better at cooking will require dedication. Oh, and to even get his attention, you might want to wear a proper outfit, like a Chef Hat and uniform. Just remember, Sir Lore Hanzo has very little patience for novices, so be ready for some intense teaching... and please, don't turn the kitchen into a disaster zone."

And that's how I got initiated into the culinary world. Sir Lore Hanzo took me under his wing, imparting his wisdom, and I caught on pretty quickly. Guess cooking was my hidden talent all along.

"Man, I'm wiped. Unless you've got something urgent, I'm taking a break," Sir Lore Hanzo groaned. "Finally, a chance to rest."

"I want to learn more recipes."

"Ugh, more recipes? Well, if you want to, just borrow another cookbook. But hey, return the one you've got first, okay? And pick a cookbook you can handle. I do have advanced ones, but I'm not lending those out. Now, before you get your hands on my precious cookbooks, there's a teensy condition you must fulfill."

"What's the catch?"

"Wash all these dishes for me."

"Oh, man..."

I despised doing dishes when I was an apprentice here. But hey, hard work pays off, right? "Your order's up, Sir," the waiter announced as he set the coffee and pastry on the table. "Is Fraulein LeMeer still around?" I asked.

"Yes, Sir. She's over there, talking to another customer." My eyes widened. Has she become even prettier since the last time we met? Sure enough, Fraulein spotted me, hurried over, and hugged me tightly. Well, isn't that a surprise? Looks like things have changed a bit since we parted ways. Oh well, Fraulein and I always had a friendly bond.

"Rasleigh, you fool! Where on earth have you been all this time!?" she exclaimed, not caring that there were other customers around. She plopped down next to me, clearly eager for an explanation.

"I've been wandering all over the globe. You know how much I adore traveling, cooking aside," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Right, and you didn't even bother sending a single message all these years. Hmph!" It seems she's still holding onto some resentment from the past. "Am I just some plaything for you?" Here we go again. She's always been like this since we met. I can't blame her for her feelings, but I did try to make it clear early on that I'm not one to be tied down. I'm more like a wild stallion that needs vast open spaces to roam freely.

"Fraulein, listen, I've been out of the country, exploring every nook and cranny of the world. I've ventured into areas far from the empire's control and delved into uncharted territories. Do you really think I had the luxury to do what you're asking for? And why should I? We're not some star-crossed lovers or fitting into any romantic fantasies you might have."

"Shush, Rasleigh, the customers are watching," she hissed, giving me a stern look that warned of future trouble if I didn't comply.

"Hehe, my bad," I muttered, scratching my head. Clearly, I'd overstepped once again – my knack for saying the wrong things wasn't going anywhere.

"Anyway, you're probably aware that Sir Lore Hanzo enlisted in the Avalon Expeditionary Force six months ago. He left me in charge here," she said, a touch of sadness in her eyes as she spoke about Sir Lore Hanzo's decision. The man was predictable in his own way. All he ever did was cook, cook, and well, cook. Though I remember him telling me he enjoyed the outdoors, even preferring to prepare meals over a campfire than indoors.

"Yes, I figured. And I can guess why he did it. We know the old man, right? Him and I – kindred spirits when it comes to the love of adventure! We're like peas in a pod. He said something similar when he accepted me as part of the staff here. Taught me the art of fine dining and culinary skills. Good times," I reminisced, feeling the nostalgia hit me hard.

"Do you still paint, Rasleigh?"

"Haven't picked up a brush in quite a while. But it's nice to see my masterpiece still hanging there in the dining area," I pointed at my contemporary skyline painting of Aigleterre.

"Yep, it's been a lucky charm. Sir Lore Hanzo believed it. That's why he displayed it prominently to draw in customers. Haha! Anyway, I've got work to do. I'll leave you to it, Rasleigh. You're welcome to stay in our quarters if you need a place for the night."

"Sounds good. I was just heading out myself. Got some errands to run. I'll drop by when I can. Goodbye, Fraulein." With that, she hugged me tightly and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Goodbye, Rasleigh. It was nice catching up. You're welcome anytime," she smiled before heading back to the kitchen. And just like that, I found myself alone once more. I left Comido Royale and made my way to meet Mikhail Pototsky, a young Presbyter who had enlisted my help with some logistical matters. It all started that day when I accidentally bumped into him by Odin's fountain.

"Hey, watch where you're going! Seriously, can you be any more clumsy? Ugh!"

"Oh, I'm really sorry. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, barely, thanks to you! Oh... don't sweat it, I'm fine."

"Let me give you a hand with that stack of books," I offered, swooping in to help with the load.

"Huh...? Oh, wow, thanks for the assist. Seriously, I appreciate it. My plate is overflowing with tasks right now. Ugh, life!"

"Are these all your books?"

"These? Oh, these are part of my delivery gig. I've got to haul this bunch to Athennia from the Aigleterre Library. It's for a client, you see. But here's the kicker – I get motion sickness like nobody's business. The idea of hopping on an Airship all the way to Athennia? It's basically my nightmare. So, guess what? Now I'm in a bind! I'm never late, but this time, fate's got a laugh at my expense. I'm teetering on the edge of losing this job! Wait a sec... you're one of those adventurers, right? Rasleigh Chasewalker, if I recall. Father Justinian Benedictus put you on a quest involving something valuable. Anyway, if you're journeying to Athennia, could you pretty please drop these off for me? I'm on the edge of a breakdown over these books... and to sweeten the deal, I'll toss you Ten Thousand Drachma – it should cover your airfare. The rest of the payment will come through Mr. Earlonov Gironzki, and add another Fifty Thousand once you're back from your trek. Just locate us at the Aigleterre Sanctuary."

"Alright, consider the job done, kid."

"Oh, thank the stars! You've got no idea how I dread those airships. So, could you be a lifesaver and hand over these books to Mr. Earlonov Gironzki by the Athenia Library? I know they're a hefty bunch, but handle them with care, please! Anyway, huge thanks for bailing me out here. I was practically pulling my hair out... and sure thing, I'll drop a note to Father Justinian Benedictus that I roped you in for this. You're golden on that front. Cheers!"

And so, I embarked on the journey to Athennia, just as my client had requested. My mission: to deliver the stack of books assigned to me. Little did I know that this trip would unveil the purpose behind the reader's transport. The man in question, Mr. Earlonov Gironzki, had been entrusted with the task of uncovering the secrets of Ulster's Family History and the shadowy curse that clung to it. This tale centered around Adler Ulster III, a notable figure in Avalon's history and a past Emperor of great significance. He earned his place in the books for banning alcohol within the City of Aigleterre and also for officiating marriages at the revered Aigleterre Sanctuary. Unfortunately, his reign was marred by his unexplained disappearance decades ago, leaving the responsibility of marriages mainly to Derpington, who, in the bygone years, held the esteemed title of Grand Chancellor – the chief of Avalon's imperial government, known as the Adamantean Table. This role entailed overseeing marriages in the Empire, orchestrated in scheduled batches. Quite the bureaucratic tangle, if you ask me.

The enigmatic Emperor Adler sought to purge Jormungandr's insidious curse from his lineage, enlisting the aid of Aigleterre's Presbyters. Countless discussions led to the selection of the most accomplished Presbyters for the formidable task. Eventually, the honor fell to Maye Matutzki and Cardinal Fraile Damaso. Together, they performed the exorcism on the Emperor's three sons in the concealed ceremonial grounds. Tragedy befell this attempt, as the exorcism failed, leading to the tragic death of all three princes instead of the anticipated redemption of the eldest. The weight of guilt and shock pushed Maye into self-imposed exile from the Empire, while Fraile Damaso chose a similar path, fleeing to Tandaya. Talk about family drama – this saga was more extreme than anyone could have imagined.

Additionally, during my time in Athennia, I sought the wisdom of Sicnarf, one of the Sages housed within the Athenia Library. He proved invaluable in deciphering the elusive lyrics that Archbishop Mikhail Pototsky had been inquiring about. And now, standing at the entrance of the Sanctuary, I hurried to the convent nestled near the grand cathedral. I swung the door open and was met with the sight of Mikhail Pototsky, who greeted me.

"Ah, you've returned. Did you manage to consult with Sicnarf and unveil the elusive lyrics I was seeking?"

"The great serpent devoured the sea. The rainbow's eagle consumed the serpent. Snake's scales adorned the eagle, and its life slowly waned."

"Oh, indeed! You've got it spot on! It's all coming back to me now. Thank you immensely for going the extra mile to retrieve those lyrics for me. I've already given my assistant quite the runaround. I mustn't forget to review Earlonov Gironzki's report either. Our debate is looming, and I'm rather looking forward to putting that chap in his place. Odin, in your benevolence and wisdom, I beseech you to watch over the unfortunate souls and safeguard the royal lineage. Bathe us in your divine light and guide us with your unfathomable insights..." With a sense of accomplishment, I exited his office, destined to collect my reward from the Cardinal on the upper floor.

As a historian, Earlonov Gironzki held the potential to aid Mikhail Pototsky in unearthing the mysteries encasing the Ulster curse. The Presbyter made it clear to me that this should remain confidential. Was I willing to take the risk and divulge this information? On second thought, probably not. The satisfaction radiating from Mikhail Pototsky's demeanor was palpable as he delved into Earlonov Gironzki's report. For now, I reckoned it was wisest to make my way back to Father Justinian Benedictus, the Cardinal. Following my meeting with the Archbishop, I treaded the labyrinthine corridors of the convent to reach Father Justinian Benedictus' office located upstairs. A tinge of annoyance washed over me – the trek through these lengthy passages was no small feat. Knocking on his door, I heard his voice beckon me to enter. Stepping in, I was met by the Cardinal, seated behind his desk, his approving gaze locking onto mine.

"Did you manage to accomplish it?"

"Absolutely, Father Justinian Benedictus. I followed your instructions to the letter."

"Excellent. Here's the Fifty Thousand Drachma we agreed upon," he announced, placing a pouch of coins on his desk. I seized the purse with his nod of approval – nothing like a fair exchange.

"Much appreciated, Father Justinian Benedictus. Always a pleasure conducting business with the Church," I quipped, offering a respectful nod before slipping out of his office, then hastening my steps to leave the convent. These Seven-League Boots are a gem, tailor-made for my line of work.

While I was walking along the main street of Aigleterre, I saw something posted on the bulletin board near the Aigleterre Guard Barracks.

National Wanted Notice

Please report any information regarding these criminals to

The Empire of Avalon's Homeland Security Office.

Luis de Sello – Male, Human

Suzayne Friseur – Female, Human

Katzeya – Female, Nekomata

These infamous members of the Dark Child Gang are suspected of stealing national treasure, committing fraud, forgery, and promoting general depravity and immorality. Anyone that captures the listed criminals will be rewarded with the Lexicon Misterio Arcana, one of the Empire's treasures.

Now that's just odd. Never thought a Nekomata would end up in this part of the world. If you don't know what a Nekomata is, well, let me explain. Cats are a sentient race that resides in the world of Midgard. Distinct racial traits of Cats are good agility and movement speed. Cats have been a part of Midgard for a long time and usually befriend Humans over other races. It is revealed that the two-legged variety comes from a country across the seas, a continent known as Fruchtland. According to one Cat, the race worships what is called the Lion God. Cats that have adapted to walking on two legs and manipulating their forelegs into workable arms are known as Nekomata. Unlike regular Cats, Nekomata Cats have developed the initiative to build complex societies akin to Humans, Dwarves, Orcs, and Elves. These Cats come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. They can also have varying numbers of tails. Thus far, Cats have been found to have 1, 2, or 3 tails. A notable group of cats known as the Grupo de Gatos has made their way to the Neueweltz to provide their services to Human adventurers traveling through there. They later settled on what they now call Ile de Chatonne. Anyway, enough of that pussy information, no pun intended, I knocked on the door of the Avalon Homeland Security. A soldier opened it and asked, "How may I help you? I'm Sir Mikael de Vaughre, Knight 3rd Class."

"I couldn't help but notice the 'Wanted List' posted outside your office. Is the bounty still up for grabs?"

"You mean the Dark Child Gang? Yeah, the hunt is still on and open for bounty hunters. The task is to apprehend the gang members and retrieve the stolen book from them. Once you've done that, bring them here. General Sir Lorenzo Apolloraille, the Mage Baron and the Head of Homeland Security, will reward you generously. By the way, where's the rest of your crew?"

"Well, I'm flying solo on this one. Always have been. Too much baggage just slows me down."

"Haha, gotta appreciate the humor there. Anyway, if your 'One-Man Army' manages to nab those miscreants, just swing by," the knight said with a smirk before closing the door in front of me. Seriously, does he really think I'm joking?

After my fact-finding mission at the Homeland Security Office, I scoured the city for information on the criminals' whereabouts. Suddenly, my stomach roared – I totally forgot to eat. Judging by the angle of the sun, it must be past noon. Well, thank the stars I've got supplies in my satchel. I pulled out three still-warm fried baos, a bit of enchantment magic courtesy of Londinium. It keeps things fresh even after being stashed in there for a while. Satisfied after my quick meal, I navigated the city's alleys and blended in with the crowd. While walking through a shadier part of town, I overheard a couple of characters, definitely the rough kind, engaged in a hushed conversation. I subtly edged closer to catch their words.

"Hey, man! Where were you this morning? Suzayne Friseur sent us to gather some stuff."

"Hey Dom, sorry about that. I was knocked out all morning. Had a wild night of drinking, and my head's still pounding from the hangover."

"Geez, you idiot. You do realize they're planning another job, right? We gotta round up everything on this damn list or Suzayne's gonna rearrange our bones. And honestly, I'm thinking Katzeya might just do something worse – like slicing our throats."

"Man, what mess have we gotten ourselves into? Anyway, where's the meet-up spot later? We've got everything on the list except the Garnet, but we can just swipe one from those merchants over there."

"Suzayne's hitting up the Black Wyvern Inn later, shaking down the owner for some 'protection' money. We better get that garnet, pronto."

With their chat wrapped up, the thugs strolled past me and melted into the bustling crowd on the street. I dashed toward the Black Wyvern Inn, both to snoop around for anything "interesting" and, well, because I could really use a good old lager. As I pushed through the inn's entrance, I was met with a raucous scene – rowdy patrons, a motley crew of thugs, and a few dodgy figures scattered about. Luckily, none of them seemed to notice me. Ah, right, I forgot to deactivate my cloaking mode. Well, no matter. I positioned myself near the bar and spotted a woman perched on a barstool, facing the counter and nursing a mug of ale. It didn't take me long to realize that she was Suzayne Friseur, the Rogue. I discreetly turned off my cloaking, making sure I stayed under the radar. Sliding onto the stool next to her, I motioned to the bartender and ordered a mug of ale for myself.

"Hey there, Barkeep! How about a mug of your finest lager?"

"Sure thing, sir. That'll be five drachmae."

"Five drachmae? Seems a bit steep, don't you think?" I playfully challenged the barkeep, using my well-honed haggling skills to get him to lower the price. Eventually, he relented, perhaps to avoid my mischievous gaze. I tossed him two drachmae, downed the lager in one swig, and let out a satisfied sigh.

"Someone's feeling a little feisty," Suzayne chimed in with a flirtatious grin. Oh, the burdens of being so handsome. Nah, just kidding.

"Apologies, and you are?" I asked her, although I already knew exactly who she was. You see, I'm an S Class Tracker, not your ordinary adventurer. Think espionage, sabotage, and yes, even a bit of charming the ladies like the lovely Suzayne next to me, who happened to be twirling her fingers through her brunette locks and giving me a sultry look. All part of the job, really, and also because I'm a bit of a badass. Ha! Anyway, back to the situation at hand – sorry for the loud entrance.

"I'm Suzayne, and you?"

"I'm Rasleigh, pleasure to meet you, sweet cheeks." She chuckled at my remark. Bingo. "So, what brings a nice, beautiful girl like you to this den of unsavory characters?"

"Just business, dealing with a client," she replied, her gaze fixed on the barkeep, who returned her look with a cautious smile. "I handle 'security' and 'protection' for this place, ensuring it's safe from the types who take advantage."

"I see. Am I one of those 'types' that could disrupt your operation? If I am..." I winked, making our conversation a touch more playful.

"Perhaps you are. Want to find out? I've got a room upstairs – part of my 'security arrangement' with the barkeep here," she said, locking eyes with him, prompting a nod of agreement from him to avoid her wrath.

"You might be onto something. Lead the way?" I suggested with a devilish smile. My most devious grin tends to have an interesting effect on the ladies, although it all depends on the girl, really. Ha! Anyway, I got the keys to an available room from the barkeep, and he handed them over without hesitation. We ascended the stairs together, my hand resting on her waist as I playfully kissed her neck, eliciting a soft giggle. When we reached the room, she locked the door promptly, then pushed me against the wall and planted a passionate kiss on my lips. Well, well, she's not one to waste time, is she? I reciprocated with equal fervor, moments later unbuttoning her jacket and caressing her bare chest as my lips explored her neck, drawing out an appreciative moan.

Little did she know, I had coated my lips with a sleeping potion, but don't worry, I consumed an antidote beforehand. After a few seconds of what would have been intense kissing, she slumped into unconsciousness. Well, that certainly saved us both some awkwardness. I promptly fetched a rope from my enchanted satchel and secured her to the bed, ensuring she remained quiet by placing a cloth over her mouth. Now, to deal with the rest of the gang.

I hurried back downstairs and shared my plan with the barkeep, who readily agreed once he learned that I intended to help him eliminate the Dark Child Gang. "What if one of their thugs comes looking for her?" the barkeep wondered.

"Just say she left, mentioned something about heading to their hideout," I suggested, activating my heightened senses. Judging by the angle of the sunlight, it was late afternoon. My hunch told me that the thugs I'd spotted in the alley earlier might show up at the Black Wyvern Inn any minute now.

As I transitioned into Chasewalking Mode, the two thugs I'd seen earlier burst through the entrance, heading straight for the bar. "Where's Suzayne Friseur?" demanded the bald, burly thug clad in makeshift armor.

"Yeah, we were supposed to meet her here, but she's nowhere in sight," added the other thug with long blond hair, sporting padded armor.

"Actually, she left just a few minutes ago, looking rather agitated about you two," the barkeep offered casually, focusing on polishing a glass in his hands while maintaining steady eye contact. Kudos to him – he was quite the natural at this. And those thugs? Well, they seemed like swordsmen, although not the brightest, which might explain their lack of advancement in the Aigleterre Chivalry.

With a hasty exit, they left the Black Wyvern Inn, and I discreetly trailed after them. Honestly, these guys fell into my trap quite easily.

"I should have known better. She's probably furious with us. We should've gone to the hideout hours ago," grumbled the bald thug.

"Yeah, let's just hope she doesn't unleash her wrath, especially Nekomata. Remember the last time she glared at us? It's like she was itching for the signal to unleash her fiery sorcery and roast us alive," said the blond-haired thug, his voice tinged with dread.

After a few minutes of navigating through the labyrinthine alleyways, where only the shadiest figures dared to tread, the two thugs led me to a house. They pushed open the door, revealing Luis de Sello and Katzeya, deep in some kind of tinkering, probably preparing tools for their next heist. As the pair turned their attention to the newcomers, Luis, the knight among the criminals, demanded, "Where's Suzayne?" But before the thugs could answer, I sprang into action. Swiftly and silently, I incapacitated both of them, causing them to crumple to the ground.

In the blink of an eye, Luis drew his sword, ready to retaliate, but my Jagdkommando dagger had already found its mark, pushing him back and disarming him. Before I could let loose two arrows to strike down the Nekomata, she agilely dodged and dashed toward me, conjuring a fiery spell. I evaded her attack by backsliding and promptly hurled two stones her way, sending her collapsing to the ground before she could conjure another spell. You could say my "flee rate" was off the charts – my speed had doubled, possibly thanks to the magical properties of the Valkyrian Manteau I wore.

In a flash, I closed the distance to Luis de Sello, sprinting with the aid of my Seven-League Boots, and landed a forceful punch right on his unsuspecting face. Let's just say he didn't see that coming. (Pun not intended, again.)

After dealing with these thugs, I rummaged through their hideout and found some rope to secure them. Stripping them of their weapons, I sheathed my Jagdkommando dagger and located the stolen Enchiridion of Faux Art from the Imperial Treasury. Having tied them up, I hoisted them onto a cart hitched to my trusty Zandyagow Steed, stationed nearby. With swift determination, I drove the cart back to the Black Wyvern Inn and carefully transported Suzayne Friseur, who remained drowsy like her fellow gang members. Of course, I couldn't forget to properly button up her shirt and jacket – a gentlemanly touch even in the midst of such activities.

Upon reaching the Aigleterre Homeland Security Headquarters, I entered the courtyard. To my advantage, General Sir Lorenzo Apolloraille, the Mage Baron, was present, along with Sir Mikael and a couple of other knights. As I approached, the General looked at me with a mixture of surprise and bewilderment.

"Oh, you're that friendly adventurer who dropped by the other day. What can I do for you?" General Sir Lorenzo Apolloraille exclaimed with a raised brow.

"I've come to return this," I replied, extending the Enchiridion of Faux Art toward him.

The General's eyes widened in surprise as he took the artifact from my hands. "What's this?! You've actually managed to locate the Dark Child Gang's hideout, apprehend them, and recover the Enchiridion of Faux Art. Absolutely splendid!" he exclaimed, clearly impressed. "And what's your name, valiant adventurer?"

"Rasleigh Chasewalker."

"Oh, the Sand Lord himself! So, you're also the one responsible for ridding Ponceau du Albion of the Orblatte infestation! This marks the second time you've come to the rescue of the capital," the Mage Baron remarked. "On behalf of the Emperor and the Grand Chancellor and all the rest, let me extend to you a well-deserved reward," he continued, producing the Lexicon Misterio Arcana from his bag and offering it to me. "Your service to the Empire is invaluable, and your bravery and unyielding patriotism will forever be etched into the chronicles of Avalon's history. Congratulations!"

I nodded in gratitude, concealing the fact that not all of my exploits would find their way into Avalon's official records. "For the glory of our emperor," I responded.

"Aye, we shall be on our way. We need to escort these prisoners to the gaol," the General affirmed.

"Thank you, General Apolloraille. It's been an honor conducting business with you," I said with a respectful nod. And with that, I left the premises of the Aigleterre Homeland Security courtyard and embarked on a one-hour journey to the Drunk Tikbalang Inn. Who would have thought that pursuing criminals could be both gratifying and a tad taxing? Nonetheless, I settled into an unoccupied table at the inn and ordered a hearty dinner. After the day's demanding endeavors, my hunger was anything but trivial.

"Hey Paulette, what's on the menu tonight?" I inquired, leaning back in my chair as the bar wench strolled up to me, pen and notepad at the ready.

"We've got fuzzywabeet, grilled up with a medley of spices, and Fettwurm, slow-cooked in a tangy chili stew. Plus, we've still got some leftover Resin soup from earlier; it'll just need a quick reheat," Paulette replied, her tone lively and welcoming.

"Sounds good to me. I'll take the whole spread, and don't forget to bring me a frothy mug of ale," I ordered, slipping a crisp twenty drachmae bill into her hand as payment. It's a sweet deal, really, considering that my stay in this city doesn't cost me a single coin thanks to the Avalon Imperial Seal Ring I wear. Ah, the perks of serving his Majesty's interests.

Once I'd satisfied my hunger with the delicious spread, I retired to my room on the upper floor, ready to call it a night. With a contented sigh, I nestled into bed, allowing myself to drift away from the waking world. Hello, dreamland, it's time to dive into your mysteries.