Tandaya, now that's a Grand Dukedom with a reputation – a mix of alluring entertainment and some not-so-savory dealings that most definitely defy the laws of the Empire of Avalon. But the catch here is that it's situated so far from the imperial capital, Aigleterre, that the strict legal strings aren't quite as tightly pulled. Think of it like this: after the grand show of the Law of Devolution and a nifty Act of Confederal Parliament, handed down by none other than the Imperial Court, every piece of the imperial puzzle – each constituent country – gets to play by their own rules. It's the era of autonomy, baby.
Picture this: Tandaya's got its swanky capital city, Las Cuevas, known far and wide as the City of Eternal Paradise. And trust me, paradise it might be, but not the kind you'd send your grandmother to. It's more of a haven for all those riff-raff types, the kind who adore a lack of laws to hinder their shenanigans. Nestled in the southeastern nook of the dukedom, Las Cuevas is a full-on cave city. But wait, getting there isn't just a casual walk in the park. Nope, you've got to navigate through a wild marshland, a monstrous river crossing, and a behemoth of a cave where aggressive beasts love to hang out. Let's just say, pack your courage alongside your snacks.
Here's the twist: Las Cuevas has a no-sun policy. Yup, you heard it right. The local geography decided sunlight isn't its jam. Instead, it's all about the blinding fireworks display and a psychedelic array of neon lights that will surely make your eyes go wild. But don't let that dazzle you too much – there's history lurking in these shadows.
Once upon a not-so-happy time, Tandaya was the hotspot for all things creepy-crawly, thanks to the reign of the Evil Witch-King, Carolino Dalakitnon. He held court for a good while, lurking in the background until some twist of fate brought him back to life a few years back. And boy, did he bring trouble. The locals were definitely not his biggest fans, and they had every reason to be worried. But wait for it – cue the legendary Barangan War. That's when the spotlight shifted to this grand showdown where the kingdom decided enough was enough. They rallied against Carolino Dalakitnon and managed to give him a proper whooping.
However, don't let the "game over" screen fool you. That threat of Carolino Dalakitnon? It's not exactly a thing of the past. Even if he's been handed defeat, his legacy looms like a shadow in the background, reminding everyone that the world of Tandaya isn't all glitz and glamour – it's got its share of skeletons rattling around.
Meet Carolino Dalakitnon, quite the charming guy – if your idea of charm involves being an Evil Witch-King who used to run the show in Tandaya. Picture it: there was this big showdown called the Barangan War. It was like a tug-of-war, with Carolino Dalakitnon on one end and the rebellious bunch from Tandaya, led by my great-great-grand uncle Iberein Kaiserin, on the other. Now, here's where the plot thickens: this witch-king dude, Carolino, got put in his place and the rebels won. But, and this is a big but, he managed to deal a nasty blow – Iberein didn't make it out alive.
And guess who steps in? None other than my uncle, the legendary Tauren. He was Iberein's brother and had a score to settle. So, he takes up the mantle as Lord of Tandaya and things were looking alright, until one day the Alsahran Forces, with their Empire of Avalon banners fluttering, decide to drop by for a visit. Tauren's son, Grimwald, sees the writing on the wall and decides it's time to bend the knee, pledging his loyalty to these new overlords.
Now, buckle up, 'cause that's when the wheel of time cranks up the industrial revolution for Tandaya. The place gets a complete makeover. The once quiet military outpost – now spruced up and dubbed the Grand Duke Grimwald Kaiserin Army Base – becomes the epicenter of the party scene. Picture soldiers streaming down to the beaches like there's no tomorrow, bringing along a buffet of delights: gambling dens, those infamous pleasure houses, and other forms of merry-making.
Fast forward a decade and Tandaya's not just your run-of-the-mill cave town anymore. It's like the city that never sleeps, a paradise where partying's the name of the game. And trust me, it's more than just dark caves – they've got proper ports, shiny amenities, and a population that's booming. Most of the folks? Well, they've arrived from lands like Nordenbergwald and Mittelmeerwuste, hoping for a slice of the action in this bustling hub of eternal revelry.
Alright, let's dive into the political scene of Tandaya – it's like a colorful cocktail of tribes and chieftains. These folks from 14 different tribes, which now go by the fancy name of Duchies, came together and formed the Paradise City-State Government Council. This is the official gang that calls the shots in Tandaya these days. Picture it like a round table where every 3 years, they play a game of "who's got the most votes" and elect one of their own as the Grand Duke. Yep, the guy with the big title – Lord of Tandaya. And what's his job? Well, it's basically to babysit the country's growth spurt and take up residence in the oh-so-cool City of Las Cuevas.
And don't think these 14 families are small potatoes – they're the real deal. Let me give you a rundown. There's the Chasewalkers, the big shots of the bunch. They're in charge of the Duchy of Iberia, and their home turf is the Fortress of Saint Charlemagne. Imagine a complex of forts that's like a puzzle piece fitting right between Tandaya and Alsahra. No, I'm not spinning a yarn here, I promise! Swear by Odin, this is all legit. wink And guess what? My family, the Chasewalkers, we've been the big cheeses of the Duchy of Iberia for ages. But the Kingdom of Alsahra? Well, that's a recent addition to our portfolio. So there you have it, a family tree that's got some serious branches to it.
Step into the Duchy of Iberia, the grandest slice of Tandaya's pie. If you're on a journey to this funky place, guess what? You'll have to pass through our turf first, no two ways about it. See, we've got this super awesome Chasewalker bridge that's like the welcome mat for travelers. And let me tell you, this bridge has been raking in the dough – tolls, customs, you name it – for centuries! It's the cash cow of the land, making Iberia the richest kid on the Tandaya block. And let's not forget about Suluan Beacon Island – it's like the icing on the cake. This tiny island is home to the Suluan Lighthouse, a real gem that keeps ships from running aground and moonlights as a cozy trade port. Plus, it's the pit stop on the way to the majestic Saint Charlemagne Fortress up north. Now, if you're wondering about the other five duchies, well, they're hanging out in the lush Paranas Forest. It's like a living, breathing rainforest right smack between Alsahra and Tandaya. Imagine an explosion of ginormous tropical plants and flowers – it's like Mother Nature on steroids over there.
Picture this, my friend – in the heart of that wild Paranas Forest, you've got five families that run the show. The Ghastleys, those forest rulers of the Ghasterton Dukedom, holding court in Elmsfyre. Then you've got the Nowblinds, reigning over the Utapmarsch Dukedom from Saint Electra. And let's not forget the Toppitons, the top dogs of the Morguestrom Dukedom, who call La Santa Muerte their basecamp. The DeWaques clan's got Mouseden Dukedom under their thumb, setting up shop in Calloctogun. And of course, we can't leave out the Harpoons, holding down the fort of the Abu Khai Dukedom in Fort Elcuerpo. Now, what keeps these forest folks ticking? Well, they're all about the meat, pelts, and anything they can scrounge up from those enchanted woods. And don't even get me started on farming – that's the daily grind for these peeps.
But that's not all the action – let's talk Maqueda Marsh. It's like a steamy, humid paradise amidst the Paranas Forest, where three duchies are having a watery blast. Marshland life ain't easy, with about 80% of the place swamped by water and the teeny bit of land left playing a game of tag with the soggy ground. But hey, these folks don't let a little moisture cramp their style. Fishing and aquaculture are their bread and butter, helping them ride the tide of their economy. And who are the marshland moguls? The Mourndreads are the kings and queens of the Dreadlaugh Dukedom, repping Jesterdread. You've got the Casoii crew holding down the Cashewton Dukedom, partying it up in Saint Cypreanna. And last but not least, the Kabooguang dynasty – rulers of the Meyergha Dukedom – chilling out in Juliotrese.
Now, let's talk about those other five duchies that have set up shop on Calicoan Beach. Imagine a stretch of sandy coastline nestled between the vibrant City of Las Cuevas and our very own Duchy of Iberia. But here's the kicker – this beach holds a secret within its borders. A massive, mysterious sinkhole sits proudly in the western part of the beach, like nature's own enigmatic feature. Now, the folks in this neck of the woods have got their hustle down to a science – tourism and fishing are their bread and butter.
And who's running the show here? Well, it's a family affair, my friend. First up, you've got the Kaiserin clan, reigning over the Lutgardsburg Dukedom from Konigsburg. Then there are the Nethermores, making their mark in the Maghaii Dukedom, and representing Saint Enzoruizzi. The DaClissaunts hold down the Raatspaze Dukedom, kicking back in La Santa Mesa. The Zudarius gang claim the Miceplain Dukedom and call Giuseppesburg their base of operations. Last but not least, we've got the Al-Sahaabs crew, lords and ladies of the Vaccaii Dukedom, ruling from the heart of Saint Antoine.
Oh, and let's not forget about those three famed caves of Tandaya. First up, the Sohoton Cave – a name that just rolls off the tongue. It's found to the west of Las Cuevas, and guess who resides there? None other than Candiwata Rock, a demon who knows how to throw down a party. Imagine a rugged, rock-like dude accompanied by a trio of floating rock buddies. I actually got to meet this guy back in the day when I was a kid stuck in the Sohoton Cave. We hit it off – such a funny character. I'm definitely stopping by for a visit once I make my way through the Paranas Forest, that's for sure.
Now, speaking of caves, Langub-Gobingob Cave is the one sitting up north of Las Cuevas. And then you've got Linao Lagoon Cave, chilling out to the east. These caves are kind of like the pathway to the heart of the cave city itself. But let's be real – trekking through that marshland I mentioned earlier? Yeah, it's not for the faint of heart. I even stumbled upon a wallet there once, though it was pretty much soaked and filled with old, worthless papers. And as I make my way through the main route of the Paranas Forest, my thoughts drift back to my childhood buddy, Yven Gunn.
Ah, the good ol' days when Yven Gunn used to be around these parts, making the Paranas Forest his stomping ground. But now? Well, that's a bit of a mystery. Last I heard, he signed up for the big leagues – the Avalon Expeditionary Force, stationed all the way over in Neueweltz. Talk about a change of scenery, right?
Yven Gunn is quite the character, let me tell you. A cocky Hunter with a knack for training fresh faces from the Archer's Coalition, situated near Joseon. You can bet your boots he's a member of that coalition himself. Now, he's got the newbies calling him "Chief" instead of bowing down to Master Kavensky. You see, Yven's not exactly the type to take orders from anyone – and that includes ol' Kavensky. And guess what? He's got a sneaky side too. Yven's been known to pull a fast one on unsuspecting folks, convincing them to join the guild by coughing up a cool 1,000,000 drachmae and claiming he's the grandmaster. Of course, his buddy Enzo, another Hunter, is always there to set the record straight and blow the lid off Yven's fibs. Needless to say, Yven can be a real pain in the rear.
Now, I've got a story for you – a tale about Yven and his knack for training Archers. There was this fledgling Archer sent his way by none other than Master Kavensky himself. Yven took this newbie under his wing and gave him the lowdown on all things Archery. But that was just the beginning. He sent the Archer on a journey to Alsahra, where they honed their Owl Sight ability. After a successful stint there, off they went to Brythonia, this time to master the Vulture Sight skill. And wouldn't you know it, Yven had a special task for the Archer as part of their midterm exam: a quest to hunt down those pesky Large Grasshoppers in Aigleterre. Once the task was done, Yven rewarded the Archer's efforts with a Great Bow and even schooled them in the art of Concentration Improvement.
But that wasn't the end of the story. Nope, Yven had one last challenge up his sleeve for the Archer's final exam. He sent them packing to the Joseon Forest, giving them the task of hunting Foxes and Fuzzywabeets. And you know what's interesting? Yven even had a friend named Maffi, a Deacon, who was ready to lend a helping hand in the forest. Well, wouldn't you believe it, that Archer came back in one piece, looking more like a seasoned pro than a fresh-faced newbie. Yven was proud as a peacock, I tell you. Just goes to show, there's more to this guy than meets the eye.
Oh, you won't believe the flip side of Yven Gunn – it's like he's got this other persona tucked away just waiting to come out. So, while one side of him is the cocky, know-it-all Hunter, the other side is kind of the default setting. Let me give you an example, one time Yven caught wind of Enzo, his fellow Hunter, bragging to some other Hunter about how he cooked up this super impressive skill after a tussle with some Medusas. Yven's got a keen ear, mind you, and he points out to the Hunter that Enzo actually concocted that skill while he was probably daydreaming or just plain bored. Classic Enzo.
But that's not the end of it. Get this, Yven decides to play detective and figures out that Enzo's got a funny little scheme going on. Enzo's over there asking a Hunter to fetch him a bunch of stuff, promising to teach them that fancy skill in return. And guess what? Yven's giving him the side-eye, wondering why on earth the old man needs, like, 30 Pet Foods of all things. Seriously, why the obsession with pet food? So, the Hunter comes back with the loot, and Enzo's all ready to school them in the art of that skill. He's all like, "Alright, now give it a shot." But hold on to your arrows, 'cause here comes the kicker – the Hunter's aim goes slightly haywire, and the arrow nearly wings Enzo. Yven's not one to miss a beat, he hollers out Enzo's name just as that arrow brushes by him. And wouldn't you know it, the old man keels over, faints like a fainting goat. Oh, the drama!
But that's not all. Yven's quick to reassure the Hunter, telling them that Enzo's just putting on a show, hamming it up for effect. He's practically rolling his eyes, you can tell. But hey, he's not heartless – he steps up to take care of Enzo, the ol' drama king. And you can bet your boots, Yven's not letting Enzo forget about that dramatic display anytime soon. Ah, Yven – a real piece of work, that one. Gotta love him, even if he's a bit of a, well, you know, douche. Haha!
I stepped into the Linao Lagoon cave, and after a good couple of hours wandering around, I finally found myself inside the cave city. Talk about a sensory overload – there were fireworks exploding and neon lights practically dancing before my eyes. It was like stepping into a whole new world. So, where did I head first? Well, straight to Iakin's place, of course. Hey, don't give me that look – I needed a crash pad, and I was definitely missing her. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking, but hold your judgment and just let me spill my story. Haha! But before I get all comfortable, there's a friend I had to catch up with – Morty. He's the one I mentioned earlier, my go-to for inside info. You know, the kind of guy who's got the scoop on everything. So, I strutted my way into his bling-bling joint, the Summer Sapphire, and boy, did I give the poor guy a shock. I mean, I was going for the surprise factor, but I almost gave the dude a heart attack. Haha!
He's all, "What the-?! Seriously, Rasleigh? You could've given me a heads up, you know! Oh, damn, it's you. What's up? What do you want?"
And I'm like, "Chill, Morty, you look like you've seen a ghost. Everything okay?"
He goes, "Well, not really. I'm knee-deep in some serious crap. I borrowed money from this slimy loan shark, Boykyut, over in Bargeldstadt. Stupid move on my part. My business isn't exactly booming, but I felt like I had no choice. So now I've got enough cash to pay him back, but the damn bond of debt I gave him as collateral is MIA. When I asked Boykyut if we could settle up without the bond, the guy suddenly forgets all about ever lending me money. Classic shady move, right? I knew I couldn't trust that guy. So, hey, could you do me a solid and help me find that lost bond of debt? The thing's pretty valuable to me, you know?"
I raise an eyebrow, "Any clue where you lost it?"
Morty's all, "If I knew where I lost it, it wouldn't be lost, now would it? But here's what I do remember – I hit up this union meeting over at the Casoii stronghold, had a few drinks. Alright, maybe more than a few, I might've overindulged a bit. On my way back, I stumbled into some field near Las Cuevas. Oh, and there was water nearby, I think. That's probably where I dropped my wallet with the bond of debt inside. So, if you can get your hands on that wallet for me, I'll make sure to hook you up. What do you say? Help a guy out?"
I pulled out the wallet, grinning, "Oh, you mean this little thing?"
Morty's eyes nearly popped out, "No way. Seriously? Where'd you dig that up?"
I chuckled, "Found it while making my way through the Paranas Forest's Maqueda Marsh."
Morty let out a relieved laugh, "Man, you have no idea how anxious I've been. Boykyut's got nothing to nitpick now, haha! You're a lifesaver, Rasleigh. Here, take these tokens of my gratitude, it's not much but hey, it's something. With my bond back, I'm gonna march right up to Boykyut and get my jewel out of his clutches. He won't have a leg to stand on!"
I waved him off, "Sure, whatever. I've got business with Iakin now. I'll swing by again tomorrow. There's something I need to discuss with you."
And with that, I breezed out of the Summer Sapphire and made a beeline for Iakin's shop. The night was young, and it seemed like my adventure in Tandaya was just getting started. As I stepped into her shop, she looked up and her surprise turned into uncontainable excitement. She practically rushed over to me, her energy infectious. We embraced tightly, and as my fingers brushed through her hair, it felt like time had melted away. Our gazes locked, and it was as if we were reconnecting after a long time of being apart. And yes, we shared a passionate kiss that seemed to rekindle memories of the past. Our lips found each other's, and the world seemed to blur as our connection deepened. We kissed each other passionately then I pushed her against the wall and then I started kissing her down the neck, going down to her chest as I gro...
Okay, I'm sorry. That one is private. But, uh, let's switch gears here. That part gets a little too personal for this story. For all the spicy details, you'll need to grab a copy of the uncensored version: "The Travels of Rasleigh Chasewalker; Explicit Edition!" Haha, just kidding!
After a good hour of catching up and, well, whatever else happened, we found ourselves on her room's balcony, sharing a joint. I asked Iakin about how she'd been, what life had thrown her way in the year or two since we'd last seen each other. As it turns out, she'd embraced the Gypsy lifestyle and was now busy teaching young Terpsichoreans at the Las Cuevas Dance School.
The Las Cuevas Dance School is where they dive into a world of dances from different corners of the globe. It's not just about mastering moves; it's about transporting travelers on a journey through cultures and creating opportunities for budding Terpsichoreans to make their mark across the Empire of Avalon. The school's got some high standards, though. They're only interested in students who've got that spark, the potential to become legendary Terpsichoreans. But, as you might expect, all this talent and prestige come at a cost - a tuition fee of 10,000 drachmae.
Now, speaking of Terpsichoreans, they're quite the unique bunch. They're performers who weave magic through the rhythmic flow of their bodies. They've got this amazing partnership with Rhymesters where they can whip up some potent spells through coordinated moves. And guess what? That's exactly what Iakin used to do back in the day. But she's leveled up since then, embracing the Gypsy life. Everyone's enchanted by a Gypsy's dance, even her enemies. It's like they can't help but be mesmerized, and the last thing they'll remember before they bite the dust is that captivating dance. People have pulled off some crazy heroic feats - and some downright foolish ones - all for the sake of the Gypsy's allure.
Now picture this: lithe bodies, agility like they've been blessed by the gods themselves. When a Gypsy starts to dance, it's almost like time stops. Their every move seems effortless, and not a single drop of sweat betrays their skill. It's a sight to behold, something that's hard to resist. And, hey, when a Gypsy dances, you're under their spell, willingly or not. It's a power that's as captivating as it is dangerous. So, imagine this: the top-notch Terpsichoreans at the Las Cuevas Dance School, they've got this super cool title - they're called Wayfarers. These are the free-spirited souls who've had it with restrictions and want to dance to their own tune, following wherever the wind takes them. They've got this deep connection with nature and a whole lot of love for the grace of the gods. And you know what they do? They hit the road, town after town, earning their keep by casting their enchanting spell through their mesmerizing dances.
Let me lay down the truth with a dash of whimsy – not all Wayfarers pop into this world with a dance floor in their veins. There's a classic tale that serves as a prime example – the legend of Chammylaine, the OG Wayfarer. Now, let's just say her moves weren't exactly what you'd call captivating. In fact, her twirls and twists might have made a few folks squirm more than they did swoon. And those winks? Oh boy, they were less like flirty invitations and more like signals for help. And as for her voice, well, it didn't exactly have the soothing effect of a lullaby. Instead of drawing people in like a siren's call, it sent them scattering like startled pigeons.
But hey, life's got a way of throwing curveballs, doesn't it? Along came Joe Pie, a Rhymester who had the peculiar distinction of not hearing a single note of music. He danced to his own beat, quite literally. Now, Joe Pie was a bit of an oddball himself. Chammylaine's dance quirks didn't ruffle his feathers, and her less-than-melodic voice didn't make him cringe. Nope, he stood right there by her side, strumming his tunes and serenading her with a heart full of melodies he couldn't hear. It was like a symphony of the senses, where dancing met a silent serenade.
And guess what? That unlikely companionship, that warmth they found in each other's presence – it was like a sprinkle of fairy dust. Chammylaine started dancing like she'd just downed an energy drink with wings, her movements infused with an enchanting fervor. Joe Pie's songs, despite his inability to listen to them, worked their magic on her. It was like he was infusing her with a melody-powered battery. And yes, reality check here – despite all the sincerity in the world, Chammylaine's voice still sort of resembled a bunch of cats getting into a heated debate. Her moves, well, let's just say they were closer to a Halloween scare than a graceful ballet. But you know what's truly beautiful? Despite the lack of innate talent, despite the odd symphony of sounds and sights, they found happiness in each other's quirky company. It was like they carved out their own little world of music and dance, where offbeat rhythms and mismatched steps were all part of the harmonious symphony of love.
Ah, fate, the eternal trickster, decided it was time to throw a curveball into the mix. Just when the story of Chammylaine and Joe Pie seemed to be settling into a cozy rhythm, along came the havoc-wreaker himself – Surtr – breaking out of his seal right there in Oasenstadt. Chaos erupted like a volcano on a chili-eating contest aftermath. And in the midst of this destruction, tragedy struck. Joe Pie, that Rhymester with the heart full of untuned melodies, lost his life. His beautiful songs, once a serenade that touched hearts, were silenced by the rampage of Surtr. Just picture it: Chammylaine's world crumbled into fragments as she received the news about Joe Pie. It was like a primal wail of grief that echoed through her, a howl so intense that buildings trembled and quivered in its wake. The agony she felt was so potent that it rippled through the very foundations of her surroundings. That's the kind of raw, unfiltered emotion we're talking about here – the kind that shakes the earth itself.
But you know what? Chammylaine, the OG Wayfarer with moves that were less than graceful, didn't just sit around nursing her sorrow, wrapped in a cocoon of melancholy. Nope, not her style. Instead, she channeled that indomitable spirit of hers and did something remarkable. She packed her bags, squared her shoulders, and marched right into the Neueweltz – a land as wild as a theme park without any rules. Her goal? Simple, yet audacious – chase down Surtr, that fiery troublemaker. This woman's got more guts than a chili pepper in a salsa contest.
But wait, there's more to this tale. Chammylaine, in her pursuit of justice for Joe Pie, didn't stop at seeking vengeance on her own. Oh no, she decided to take her unique skills and talents to the next level by sharing them with others. She became a teacher, passing on her knowledge of sound waves – her area of expertise – to fellow Terpsichoreans and Gypsies. Picture it: Chammylaine, the dancer with moves that could make you do a double-take, standing in front of a group, passionately explaining the intricacies of sound manipulation. It's like a dance class with a side of acoustic magic.
So, as the saga continues, Chammylaine's preparing herself for the ultimate showdown. She's biding her time, honing her skills, and gathering allies, all with the ultimate goal of bringing justice to Joe Pie's memory. It's like she's stepped straight out of the pages of an epic saga, her journey a symphony of grief, determination, and hope. Who knew that a tale that began with quirky dances and mismatched tunes would evolve into such a stirring and heroic narrative? But then again, that's the magic of life – unpredictable, complex, and full of unexpected crescendos.
And hey, speaking of epic stuff, that night I spent with Iakin? Oh boy, it sounds like we had a blast. From heart-to-heart conversations to laughing about coconut wine, also known as Tuba - it was a full-on bonding session. Iakin and I share a tuba-loving soul, and when it comes to the best spot on the planet for this coconut delight, Tandaya takes the cake. It's like a tropical paradise for tuba enthusiasts!
Morning light filtered into the room, and there I was, just waking up in Iakin's cozy bed. But something was missing - she wasn't there. Following the delicious aroma, I followed my nose to the kitchen, where I found her hard at work cooking up a breakfast feast. I plopped myself down in a chair, let out a big yawn, and couldn't help but ask the all-important question: "What's on the breakfast menu today, my dear?"
And oh boy, let me tell you, she had quite the spread prepared. Tapsilog was the star of the show - a mouthwatering dish of Dried Beef, a sunny-side-up egg, and a generous serving of fried rice. But that's not all, there was something called Kapeng Barako to wash it all down, a traditional brew hailing from Maharlika, and particularly popular in the vibrant streets of Puerto Intramuros.
As I savored the breakfast, the conversation shifted to the practicalities of my stay. Iakin wanted to know how long I planned to grace her abode with my presence. Truth be told, I wasn't entirely sure. My visit was mainly about business - checking up on my investments and perhaps snagging a few properties to expand my portfolio.
Naturally, she was curious about my plans for property acquisition. I shared my vision, a grand one at that. There was this vacant lot with a weathered, old building right by the port. My idea was to transform it into a swanky Hotel and Casino Resort, complete with a brand-new port right next to it to cater to Batavian Shipping Lines. I explained to her that my hopes were pinned on acquiring that land, but there was a catch - the Mourndreads were the current owners, and I'd need them to sell it to me.
Iakin was a wise one and didn't hold back on the reality check. She reminded me of the Mourndread clan's past escapades, particularly their audacious attempt to claim the Port of Las Cuevas as their rightful property, citing the land's ancestral ties. It was a tricky situation, and I had my work cut out for me if I wanted to acquire that land and bring my vision to life. But of course, the majority of the assembly, led by Grand Duke Amiel Al-Sahaab, managed to thwart their ambitions. The Ghastleys and the Mourndreads, in cahoots, had designs to gain control of the port and, more alarmingly, sell some of its shares to the authorities in Mittelmeerwuste.
"I'm well aware of the intel I've received, which corroborates the same story," I replied. "But here's the thing—I need you to do something a little unconventional. I need you to kidnap Elias Mourndread and bring him to Sohoton Cave. I'll be waiting there."
My request seemed to hit Iakin like a bolt of lightning, and understandably so. She launched into a torrent of protest, questioning my sanity and motives. Kidnapping a council member and a Duke, no less? The risks were enormous, and she wasn't about to sugarcoat her opinion.
"Are you out of your mind, Rasleigh!? Do you honestly expect us to abduct a council member, a Duke, just so you can get your hands on that property? And what makes you think he'll hand it over after such a move? Not to mention Sohoton Cave—remember the history tied to it? The Scarlet Soiree, orchestrated by Jokersen Mourndread three decades ago. Tell me you're not plunging us into another War of the Dukes. And for heaven's sake, you're an Alsahran noble! We don't need another family feud."
I leaned back, taking a breath, and replied in a more measured tone, "Relax, love. This isn't some personal vendetta or family grudge. It's just business, plain and simple. And when I do business, I aim to keep it calculated, low-risk, and as stress-free as possible. I always find a way to make things work."
She let out a sigh, clearly torn between concern and exasperation. "Alright, I understand your point. But you seem to have conveniently forgotten that I'm left with just two men here, not an entire army. And do you remember what happened two years ago? You surely haven't forgotten that part, have you?"
A sheepish grin spread across my face. "Well, apart from making sweet memories with you? Oh, right... I may have slightly overlooked that detail. But don't sweat it. You can assign your Tweedledum to handle the getaway driving and reconnaissance. As for Valentina, consider her your right hand in this. She's going to orchestrate the abduction in the comfort room, and rest assured, we'll make sure the Duke feels the pressure."
Iakin sighed again, clearly resigned to the unfolding madness. "You always manage to throw a curveball, Rasleigh. Fine, let's just get this over with. But remember, you owe me big time for this."
"Who's Valentina?" Iakin inquired, her voice laced with curiosity. And just as the question left her lips, Valentina, the Nagini Snake Demon, slid into the room with her signature silent grace. I signaled towards Iakin's back, and as she turned, her eyes widened in shock, met by the intense gaze of the snake demon.
"Fuck! Bloody hell, Rasleigh!" Iakin exclaimed in a mix of surprise and exasperation.
"Relax, don't be such a drama queen," I responded nonchalantly. "Let me introduce you properly. Iakin, meet Valentina. From now on, she'll be handling the covert operations we discussed. Your role is to supervise her and handle a few other matters."
Turning to Valentina, I continued, "Valentina, this is Iakin. She's your supervisor in this mission. Follow her orders, protect her—got it?"
"Yes, Boss. Hisssss," Valentina replied, her serpentine voice affirming the command.
"Alright, everyone, listen up. Here's the plan. Iakin, you and your crew will wait at the back alley of the Quahog Sands. My informant has confirmed that Elias Mourndread will be having lunch there today, along with his partners, the Ghastleys, and some folks from Mittelmeerwuste. I've already set up some sabotage through another informant, who'll spike Elias's soup with a laxative. He'll likely rush to the comfort room, and that's where you'll come in, Valentina."
I leaned in, emphasizing the crucial part, "In the alley, there's a window near a stall that'll be left unlocked. Valentina, you'll grab Elias and take him down while he's preoccupied. Once you've got him, use this nauseant herb to keep him unconscious. Then load him into the carriage and head straight to Sohoton Cave. Got the whole plan?"
"Yes, baby," Iakin confirmed.
"Yes, Boss," Valentina hissed.
"Perfect. That's the spirit. Now, I'm heading out. Catch you later," I said as I rose from my seat, making my way out of Iakin's shop through the backdoor. Now, if you're wondering what on earth Iakin was blabbering about earlier—War of the Dukes and all that—don't worry, I'll give you the scoop in the next chapter. Just turn the page when you're ready. Haha!