Chapter XVI Vornehmruhe, Avalon's Northern Frontier

Alright, let's dive into the scene and set the stage for you – Uhrturm, this tranquil city, it's like the sparkling gem in the tiara that is the Grand Duchy of Vornehmruhe. Way back when, it was hanging out on the fence, not quite part of the Federal Republic of Nordenbergwald and not fully aligned with the formidable Empire of Avalon either. It was perched right there on the border, straddling the line between these two mighty entities. And you know what makes it even more interesting? It's where the Alchemist Guild decided to pitch their tent. They're the puppet masters pulling the strings in this city and beyond.

But wait, there's a twist in this tale. Not too long ago, the Alchemist Guild, the real power players here, gave the green light for Vornehmruhe to jump on board the Federation ship, hoisting the Avalon banner high. So now, this place goes by the grand title of the Grand Duchy of Vornehmruhe, and at the helm is none other than Grand Duke Joe Baldwin, the bigwig of the Alchemist Guild and a genetics whiz to boot.

Picture this idyllic scene: as you leisurely amble into the city, your eyes are greeted by a spectacular canal that elegantly wraps its way around the majestic Chronos Tower. It's as if a skilled artist plucked this scene directly from the pages of a fairy tale, infusing the entire locale with an undeniably charming and whimsical ambiance. And oh boy, brace yourself because we're about to dive headfirst into the wonder that is Uhrturm itself. This place, my friends, is a veritable Mecca for alchemists – those intrepid souls who possess an insatiable thirst for unraveling the tantalizing mysteries hidden within the depths of their craft. And if that weren't enough, Uhrturm boasts the presence of awe-inspiring windmills that not only enhance the already breathtaking scenery but also serve as the hallowed grounds where the esteemed Kaloyskie Headquarters has set up shop.

Now, brace yourself for the curveball – Uhrturm is like a living embodiment of that ancient adage, the one that insists that the grass is always greener on the other side. When you cast your gaze towards the north, you're greeted by a vast expanse of barren, rugged plains that seem to stretch on endlessly, devoid of the lushness that tantalizes the imagination. But flip that coin, my friend, and suddenly the scenery takes an abrupt and wild turn. Now, you're thrust into the formidable embrace of the Gungnir Mountain Range, which looms imposingly to the south. Here, you're essentially enveloped by a rowdy crew of cantankerous critters, insatiable flora, and untamed beasts, all eagerly poised for a tussle with anyone who dares to venture too close. It's like Mother Nature's way of playing an ongoing prank on unsuspecting visitors.

You know how there are some cities that are just too busy and noisy, and some that are just too boring and dull? Well, guess what? There's a perfect spot right in the middle of them, where you can have the best of both worlds. It's like a hidden gem for travelers who want to explore the north or the south, or just chill out for a while. And trust me, it's nothing like the rest of the wild lands around it. Imagine this: a city that's all about peace and harmony, a touch of nature, and water everywhere you look. Say hello to Uhrturm, the coolest place to relax and unwind.

Now, let me tell you something about this city's looks – it's not just pretty, it's stunning. It's like someone took a brush and painted a masterpiece that even Blitzmetropole can't compete with. They call it the city of canals, and boy, do they have a lot of them. They're not just there for show, they're the heart and soul of the city. They give it power, water, and a gorgeous view. And wait, there's more – there's also these awesome windmills all over the place, spinning slowly in the mountain air.

You breathe in deeply, and you're greeted by the scent of plants, fresh air that's as pure as a baby's smile, and a beauty that'll make your jaw drop. This is the place to be, my friend. And you know what, the Alchemist Guild, the big shots in the city, have their base right here. People from all corners of the world flock here, eager to learn the secrets of alchemy.

But here's the twist – this place wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Kaloyskie Corporation. Picture this, a thousand years ago, the Kaloyskie Corp. decided to build their headquarters right here. And you know what, they placed it right on the borders of the Nordenbergwald Republic, Geistheim, and Avalon. It's like a genius move in geographical strategy. And over the next thousand years, they developed this city piece by piece, turning it into what you see today. It's like a miracle that popped up out of nowhere in the middle of the rough terrain, like a godsend for those who couldn't afford to travel far and wide.

Alright, folks, gather 'round and let me take you on a whimsical journey through the mystical annals of history, all the way back to a place known as Vornehmruhe. You see, this wasn't just your run-of-the-mill ancient town; no sir, this place was practically a legend in itself. We can't exactly pinpoint its birthday bash on the calendar, but the rumors swirling in the winds of time suggest it's been around since forever and a day.

Now, close your eyes and picture this: we're in the heart of the city, back when alchemy was still in its diaper days, during a little something called the Age of Gods. Yeah, you heard me right, alchemy was a thing, a magic flavored with a hint of ancient mystery. And here's the kicker – those quirky alchemists of Vornehmruhe were, believe it or not, card-carrying members of Londinium's Biennial Tournament of Magic. Can you imagine it? These potion-stirring, philosopher's stone-chasing folks right there in the same league as wizards and warlocks. Talk about an all-star lineup!

Now, let's set the stage here: Aigleterre, the whole realm, was massive, like 'get-your-hiking-boots-on' kinda massive. So, if you can fathom that, then you'll realize Vornehmruhe was no small fry either. It must've been sprawling, like a city of secrets and concoctions, tucked away in the corners of history, where every cobblestone probably had a story to tell.

So there I was, strolling nonchalantly along a solid-as-a-rock granite road, getting completely swept up in the frenzy of folks hustling about like caffeinated squirrels, and then, out of nowhere – bam! My eyes landed on it, the grand spectacle that is the Chronos Tower. Now, let me tell you, when you find yourself in Uhrturm, the city that practically wrote the book on genteel serenity, this tower is like the main attraction at a circus. It's not just any tower; it's a bona fide enigma, an enchantress, and it's sitting right smack dab in the throbbing heart of the city.

Alright, gather 'round, my friends, and prepare to be dazzled. We've got ourselves the Uhrturm Chronos Tower, a colossal structure that decided it wanted to set up shop dead center in the city. Think of your everyday clock, but this one? Oh, this one's been pumping iron in the clock gym. We're talking clock mechanisms that could make even the most jaded horologist's eyes pop out of their sockets.

Now, to keep this behemoth of temporal precision ticking and to ensure that the mischievous city monsters don't decide to throw a wild, time-twisting party, they came up with a stroke of genius: the Chronos Tower Manager. This person, my friends, they've got a superpower that would make even the X-Men jealous – they can control the monsters. But here's where the story takes a comically quirky twist. Back in the day, when Uhrturm was still in its infancy, a pint-sized city, the local craftsmen went absolutely bonkers crafting handmade clocks. And you know what happened when these intricate contraptions threw in the towel and decided to take an extended siesta? They were unceremoniously chucked into the depths of the ancient tower, like discarded toys in a giant toy chest. Can you imagine that? The Chronos Tower, not just a keeper of time, but a dusty attic of clockwork relics, each with its own tale to tell.

But now, hang on to your hats, because this is where the story takes a swan dive into the pool of the fantastical. Those discarded time-telling contraptions? Well, they didn't just gather dust and cobwebs; oh no, they went through a metamorphosis of epic proportions. Brace yourselves, ladies and gents, for the revelation of a lifetime – those clocks, those innocent timepieces, transformed into nothing less than irritable, cranky, and downright bad-tempered monsters. Yep, you heard that correctly – clocks, the very things that keep you punctual for work or your afternoon tea, decided to chuck their manners out the window and became creatures of mischief.

Now, can you believe it? These clock creatures, they got so fed up with the company of humans, they did the unthinkable. They kicked us out of the tower, turning it into this eerie, otherworldly dungeon where these tick-tocking critters roam free, making more of themselves in their own peculiar way.

Sure, there have been valiant souls, those brave adventurers who thought they could just waltz into the tower and give these clock-monsters a much-needed time-out. But let me level with you, my dear audience, only a scant few have ever emerged from that peculiar place in one piece. It's a tale as old as time – or, in this case, as old as those darn clocks. And guess what? Despite all the courageous attempts, despite all the daring escapades, nobody, and I mean nobody, has been able to decipher the enigma that shrouds the Uhrturm Chronos Tower. It remains an unsolved puzzle, a riddle wrapped in a ticking, tocking enigma.

Oh, hold onto your seats, my dear compadres, because I'm about to spill the beans on what those cantankerous clock monsters are really up to. It's like this: they're basically the bouncers, the bodyguards, the monstrous security detail tasked with protecting the treasures housed within the Chronos Tower. Picture this tower as a multi-story nightclub, and those clock monsters are the burly, no-nonsense doormen.

Now, here's where the plot thickens like a soup left out overnight. Way up there, in the swanky penthouse levels of the tower, you've got the rockstar squad of the Alchemist Guild setting up shop – the crème de la crème, the brainiacs, the Biochemists and Geneticists, the folks who can whip up potions that can turn your pet rabbit into a fire-breathing dragon (well, maybe not quite, but you get the idea).

Now, I bet you're wondering, "How did I, the illustrious narrator of this tale, come across such juicy insider intel?" Well, allow me to regale you with the backstory. Yours truly, back in the day, was what you might call a hotshot field agent for the infamous Murder of Crows, a secret society with a penchant for digging up dirt on everyone and everything. And wouldn't you know it, one of the non-negotiable clauses for Vornehmruhe's entry into the illustrious Union of Cities was a strict requirement for transparency. Oh yes, my friends, transparency was the name of the game. Everything, and I mean everything, from their defense strategies to their treasure-trove of assets, had to be laid bare for inspection. And that, dear readers, is how I found myself smack dab in the middle of this tangled web of clock monsters, alchemists, and a tower full of secrets.

You won't believe the absolute hoot I'm having in this place; it's like a perpetual carnival that never runs out of cotton candy! And, hold onto your socks because I'm about to drop a bombshell of an idea on you. So, I casually sauntered into the hallowed halls of the Kaloyskie Corporation's headquarters, you know, just to check on how my investments were doing. As one does, right?

But, as fate would have it, this day was not content with being just another day. No, sir! I found myself hobnobbing with some real estate bigwigs, and what do you think happened? Yours truly managed to snag a mansion in the ritzy, posh, and altogether swanky Ariadnepolis Guild Estates. I mean, think about it – if I'm going to be hanging my hat in this city of endless amusement, why not take it up a notch and swap out my plain old hotel room for a bona fide mansion?

Now, hold onto your tea cups because this is where the genius part comes in. As I was cruising down the dreamy, picturesque canal in my very own gondola – I know, it's like something straight out of a fairy tale – a lightbulb, I kid you not, lit up over my head like it was auditioning for the role of the sun. Why not, I thought, why not turn this splendid mansion into a swanky, upscale hotel? Yeah, I'm thinking colossal here, folks. So, after my serene canal cruise, I shifted gears, quite literally, and zoomed over to the turbo track for some high-speed thrills to get my creative juices flowing even faster.

You'll be rolling on the floor when you hear what I stumbled upon – the Vornehmruhe Race Track, my friends! Imagine this: it's a spectacular racing circuit where a motley crew of up to 16 daredevils strap themselves into their speedy contraptions, all gunning for that elusive finish line. But, hold onto your racing helmets because there's a twist in this tale – during the race, these cheeky, ghostly specters decide to make a grand entrance, throwing a gigantic wrench, or perhaps a ghostly spanner, into the finely tuned gears of the racers' plans.

But here's the kicker – every cloud has a silver lining, even ghostly ones, apparently. When you summon the courage to face off against these ethereal troublemakers and send them packing, they drop a treasure trove of goodies. I'm talking Orange Potions, Speed Potions (for when you need to hit the nitro button), and Slow Potions (for those sneaky competitors who think they can pull a fast one on you).

So, here's what I did – I parked myself in the stands and became a bona fide race-watching aficionado for a good couple of hours. You know what they say, "Fortune favors the bold," and feeling like Lady Luck was sitting right next to me, I decided to dive headfirst into the betting game. And, folks, it was like a comedy of winning proportions. I raked in a whopping 600,000 drachmae from seven consecutive races. I mean, talk about riding a lucky streak, am I right? Haha!

And after that spine-tingling adventure at the racetrack, I smoothly transitioned to Kaloyskie Corp. headquarters to keep a vigilant eye on my assets, making sure they were being managed with the precision of a racecar driver navigating a hairpin turn.

Alright, folks, grab your favorite comfy chair because I've got some juicy insider info that's hotter than dragon's breath about the Kaloyskie Corporation – they're like the adventurers' golden ticket in the Empire of Avalon, the one-stop shop for making our lives a walk in the park, or maybe a gallop on a unicorn, as it were. These folks are in the business of getting us adventurers from point A to point B in style. They've got a whole smorgasbord of transportation options, ranging from your classic horse-drawn carts to cutting-edge teleportation services. It's like a menu of magical mobility.

Now, let me paint a picture for you. This whole shebang was kick-started way back when by a guy named Carlo Francesco Faustini, a visionary of his time. Fast forward to today, and they've got the thirteenth edition of the same guy at the helm, Carlo Francesco Faustini XIII. And you want to know what they call him? Brace yourselves, folks, they call him "Moshiking." How cool is that? It's like he's the rockstar of the transportation world.

Now, if you're wondering where their headquarters are situated, well, it's cozied up in the northern reaches of town, like the crown jewel of the neighborhood. So here's the scoop – every time us adventurous souls make use of their fantastic services, we rack up these nifty Kaloyskie Reward Points, kind of like a bonus system straight from the pages of a fairy tale. And here's the kicker, my friends – these points can actually be used to claim some seriously sweet prizes. It's like Christmas morning at the Kaloyskie Corporation HQ, with all these treasures just waiting for us to scoop them up.

Alright, dear adventurers and curious minds, prepare to be wowed because I'm about to spill the magical beans on a partnership that's shaken the very foundations of Midgard – the Kaloyskie Corporation and Zanoroz Corp, the ultimate dream team. They joined forces to bring us a groundbreaking phenomenon known as State Teleport Services, a game-changer that has swept major cities and states across the land like wildfire. Now, what's the deal with this, you ask? Well, let me paint the picture for you.

Depending on which of these powerhouses emerges victorious, they gift us adventurers the gift of teleportation to specific, handpicked destinations. It's like a magical showdown where you get to vote with your choices, and the winners grant you the keys to the teleportation kingdom. You might be scratching your head wondering when this spectacular saga began. Here's the twist – it's shrouded in mystery, a secret guarded more closely than a dragon's hoard. No one, not even the most diligent historians, can pinpoint the exact founding date of the Kaloyskie Corporation. But what we do know is that these folks are absolute wizards when it comes to the art of storage and teleportation services.

Now, hold on to your wizard hats because here comes the icing on the cake – some of their employees, bless their entrepreneurial souls, even allow merchant types to rent their carts. It's like a bonus service you get while dealing with these transport wizards. And, wait for it, in a mere 300 years' time, they've got plans to offer flight transportation. You heard me right, my friends. Picture this – short-range flights for those times when you need to hop from one picturesque region to another, and long-range flights for those days when you want to jet-set between magnificent cities like a true VIP. It's like they've got a crystal ball telling them what we adventurers are craving in the centuries to come!

Hold onto your wizard hats because I've got some fantastic news that's going to make you see the Empire of Avalon in a whole new light. Picture this, my friends – Kaloyskie Corp employees are like magical chameleons, blending seamlessly into the tapestry of our beloved empire, popping up in every conceivable nook and cranny. Cities, states, you name it, they're there, like a merry band of teleportation wizards sprinkling their enchantment dust far and wide. But here's where the fun kicks in – their uniforms are anything but your run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter affairs.

Sure, you've got your basics, like the signature headband that says "I'm a Kaloyskie superstar," a snazzy black dress that adds that touch of elegance, and let's not forget the pop of red apron action that screams "I'm ready for adventure." But here's the twist – they mix it up depending on where they're stationed. It's like a fashion show for the magically inclined. They've got a keen sense of style that evolves as they traverse the diverse landscapes of the empire. You know, gotta keep things fresh, spice up the wardrobe a bit to match the vibes of each locale they visit.

But wait, here's the real kicker that's sure to tickle your fancy – every single Kaloyskie Corp employee I've had the pleasure of laying eyes upon so far just happens to be a woman. That's right, it's like a league of formidable ladies taking the empire by storm, showing the world that girl power is alive and well, and they're not just kicking butts, they're teleporting them too. It's a symphony of girl power in action, and it's utterly enchanting to witness!

Ah, picture this: I'd just finished sorting out my financial affairs, and the irresistible pull of adventure was tugging at my soul. You know how it is when you're in a city like this, the possibilities are endless, and the thrill of the unknown beckons like a siren's song. And what's more, I had a date with destiny, a rendezvous that had been a long time coming – a meeting with none other than the genetic wizard himself, the illustrious Grand Duke of Vornehmruhe, Joe Baldwin.

Now, Joe and I, we go way back, back to the days when we were just fresh-faced adventurers, wet behind the ears and dreaming big dreams of making it to the top. And would you believe it? Those dreams, they didn't just sprout wings; they soared to great heights, and here we were, big shots in our own right. So, we hatched a plan to catch up at the legendary Full Metal Tavern because, let's face it, who can resist the allure of good company and even better drinks?

I waltzed into the joint, and there he was, Joe, the man of the hour, already knee-deep in the kind of fun that involves a few empty Pink Clydesdale Beer bottles lined up like obedient soldiers. Oh, we were in for a night to remember!

I couldn't help but chuckle as I quipped, "Looks like you couldn't contain your excitement and had to dive into those Pink Clydesdales without me, huh?"

Joe shot me a look, a concoction of annoyance and amusement dancing in his eyes. "Oh, come on, you cheeky rascal. Some things never change. I distinctly recall instructing you to grace this fine establishment with your presence at the stroke of 6pm, and now, my friend, it's a leisurely 8pm. It's like you've adopted the Maharlika way of life. You know how they operate – always flowing on 'Maharlikan Time.' Ugh."

I couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh in response. "Oh, come on, Joe, no need to be such a buzzkill! Haha! Cut me a little slack here, will you? It feels like eons since I've roamed these streets, and I must admit, I got a tad sidetracked on my way over here. So, how about you ease up on the tough act? You're really giving me a run for my drachmae."

With a casual wave, I signaled the bar wench over, sending her a subtle hint that I was in the mood for a pair of those legendary Pink Clydesdale Beers. The promise of a good drink always had a way of soothing tensions, didn't it?

Joe, ever the eye-roller, responded, "Whatever. So, spill the beans, old friend. How's life treating you? It's been quite a while, hasn't it? Last I heard, you're now the proud owner of a swanky mansion in the posh Ariadnepolis Guild Estates. You sly dog, didn't realize you'd become a certified millionaire on me."

I leaned back in my chair, grinning like the cat that got the canary. "Ah, well, you know me, Joe. Always thinking of ways to shake things up. I'm considering turning that swanky mansion into a hotel, you know, a little side hustle to keep life interesting. Gotta look out for the underdogs, right? Haha! And here's the kicker – I've even got a name all picked out for it, buddy – The Northern Lights Hotel! Figured it's a tad more enchanting than keeping it as the plain old Elric Mansion."

Joe, always the inquisitive one, raised an eyebrow and asked, "So, my friend, what brings you to these parts? What's the grand adventure you're embarking on this time?"

I couldn't contain my excitement, so I broke into a wide grin and leaned in, gently placing those alchemist gloves, the real game-changers, on the table right in front of Joe. "Listen up, my friend," I said with a mischievous twinkle in my eye, "I'm gearing up for a journey to Yulesbergen, and I've got a little proposition for you. I'm hoping you can work your magic and crank these babies up to their absolute maximum potential."

As Joe's eyes locked onto the gloves, his expression underwent a dramatic transformation. They widened, almost comically, and he blurted out, "Holy smokes!" He was clearly taken aback, and I could detect a potent cocktail of shock and curiosity swirling in his voice.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. "Well," I replied with a sly grin, "you know me, Joe. I've got a bit of a reputation as a ravager, a scavenger of sorts. I stumbled upon these magnificent pieces on the lifeless body of a fellow up in the unforgiving Gungnir Mountains. Haha! Serendipity, my friend, serendipity."

Joe's reaction was nothing short of theatrical. He let out a low, appreciative whistle, a sound that spoke volumes about the value of my find. "Well, well, lady luck is certainly riding shotgun with you today, my dear friend," he commented, his voice carrying a note of admiration and just a pinch of envy. He leaned in a tad closer, conspiratorially adding, "Mind parting with a few of those Red and Yellow Gemstones? And what about that flashy golden ring you've got there? Oh, and on the off chance you're carrying a congealed spell and a flame heart in your bag of wonders?"

I nodded, obliging his requests without hesitation. "You got it, Joe. But you've got me all ears now. What's the grand plan here?"

Joe's lips curled into a mischievous grin that hinted at secrets yet to be unveiled. "Ah, my friend, we're venturing into the realm of Philosopher's Stone territory, but with a modern twist, a contemporary twist on the age-old art of Rune-Stones. No need to break a sweat, though; we're firmly steering clear of the whole 'sacrificing lives for immortality' gig. That's some old-school mojo that's a big no-no in this day and age." With that, he began a rhythmic chant, words dripping with ancient resonance, as he activated the spell that would breathe life into our Philosopher's Stone, a concoction of magic and mystery that promised untold wonders.

Into the mystical concoction went the flame heart, the alchemist gloves, the golden ring that had caught Joe's eye, and the congealed spell, each component surrendering itself to the magical dance as they melded and fused. A symphony of arcane energies swirled, their vibrant colors dancing like a kaleidoscope, until only one gleaming artifact remained, resting serenely on the table – the Golden Ring of Flames.

With a flourish that rivaled a magician revealing a grand illusion, Joe triumphantly announced its arrival. "Behold, the pièce de résistance – the Golden Ring of Flames!" His grin was infectious, like a mischievous imp that had just pulled off the prank of the century. "Think of it as an upgrade to the Advanced Signet of the Flame Lord, but with a flair for the dramatic. It's a tad too intricate to break down in its entirety, but I have full faith in that genius brain of yours to grasp its intricacies. This bad boy right here, my friend, is your ticket to slinging FireBalls, Fire Bolts, FireWalls, and the pièce de résistance – the spine-tingling, bone-chilling Hellish Firestorm. Are you ready to claim the title of Hellstorm King?"

As Joe handed me the ring, it slid onto my finger with an almost magnetic pull, and in an instant, a surge of electric, fiery elemental mana surged through my veins. My eyes widened in amazement as I felt the immense power coursing through my very being. "Whoa," I exclaimed, caught off guard by the sheer intensity of it. "Well, I'll have you know, I'm already the Ghost King, my friend, but sure, I'm always up for adopting another kickass title." My grin mirrored Joe's mischievousness, and with the ring now firmly in place, I was ready to embrace the newfound might of the Hellstorm King.