I barely slept that night, all I could think of was what the hell I was feeling for Daniella, she's the complete opposite of a person I would fall for, I don't even see her as someone romantic or even datable.
Is it lust or love?
Well, not exactly love, I think. My thoughts are a mess and my heart needs to chill, first it was straight girls and now a straight teacher? Have you got no mercy?
It's very optimistic to think I can make her fall for me but even so, shouldn't I try it anyway? I instantly remembered what Ed had told me the other day: If you really like her just go for it, tell her, even if it doesn't lead to anything, so you don't have to look back and regret it when you're older.
I sighed, I really have no other choice but to try it, thinking about it somehow bought me some peace of mind. I don't care if she doesn't like me back, at least I tried, and I can't be mad about that.
Who am I lying to? My heart would be destroyed.
When I realised I needed to sleep it was too late, I went to school looking like I was some kind of zombie but I went in with a renewed confidence.
Or so I thought... Until I saw Miss Evans on the other side of the parking lot getting out of her car, she looked at me briefly and that was enough to make my hands sweaty.
Ok, I forgot I'm an awkward teenager, all of this in my head looked a lot cooler.
I just had to walk past her and wish her a good day but my feet wouldn't move and I just stared at her as she walked to the front doors, shit.
'i'M gOnnA mAkE hER fAll iN lOvE wITh mE' yeah sure. I can't make a LESBIAN fall in love with me.
"Why are you standing in the middle of the parking lot?" Soph asked, more like, screamed in my ear as she stood behind me making me almost fly the hell out of this earth.
"Damn, don't do that shit, do you wish to kill me?" I shouted with my hand on my chest as I looked back at her.
"Well, if I didn't you would have died from a car accident, so you're fucking welcome," she said amusedly with her arms crossed on her chest. "C'mon, we are going to be late for class," she completed literally dragged me through the parking lot and into the school.
The moment I entered this hostile territory we call school I could already hear screaming and my head and ears were not ready for it, respect a bitch that didn't sleep.
I forgot how much I used hated this place, I mean, I still do but it's different this time, I have something to look forward, aside from Soph of course. It's hard to admit but now I wake up every day to see her and it's even harder and I hate it but I admit that I'm actually enjoying coming to school lately, I mean... Kinda.
"Ugh, I want to go homeee," I mumbled after yawning as we went through the corridors to our first classes.
"Girl, me too," Soph yawned after me, making me yawn again. "Stop!" she laughed punching me in the arm.
"Please, not so hard," I laughed seeing she was scrunching up her face in disgust at my sexual joke.
The first class was obviously calculus, I was going to see her and I was more than ready to go there and act like a normal teenager, the thought of it actually made me laugh a bit.
"Laughing at yourself so early in the morning, Miss Krause?" I heard no other than the devil herself say, realizing I was standing in front of her as she stood by the door of her classroom. She looked at me with an amused face as the rest of the class looked weirdly at me.
I looked to the side and Soph was already out of sight. This bitch.
I didn't say anything, I just went in and sat on my usual spot at the back with my cheeks flaming red, and it's not like I love being in the back, at least in her classes of course, I'd obviously rather be on the front but the front rows were always full. All the guys wanted a better and closer view of her body and that somehow really bothered me, I know I'm a creep but I'm a creep with good intentions and they were not.
And so every time Miss Evans turned around to write something at the board, they would lower themselves to try to take a peek under her skirt, when she turned around to explain what she had written they would quickly sit up and quietly laugh at one another, apparently, we're back to middle school.
I was getting angrier and angrier every time they did it, I really don't know what made me do it but when she turned around again and the jerks lowered themselves I threw a paper ball on the board making Daniella turn around suddenly and catching them all in the act. She didn't say anything, she just looked at them with her cold stone eyes and that was enough to pass her message, they didn't dare to do it again and I was more than victorious.
Sorry boys, that booty is mine.
Eventually, the bell rung and I flung out the classroom, not because of my usual love in denial dilemma but because I was starving and needed food in my system immediately, the day just started and I need to get ready for what is about to come.
Soph watched me quietly as I devoured a tuna sandwich in 3 bites, her face was priceless, she actually looked genuinely disgusted.
"Don't say anything," I said before she could open her mouth. "I didn't have breakfast and my stomach walls are literally touching one another."
"How does that even work?" she asked picking one of her dried slices of apple, disgusting.
"It's not supposed to work, it's supposed to get my point across," I spat getting closer to her.
"Whatever just don't get too close, your breath stinks," she said amusedly pushing me away. "Have a mint, you won't be getting any puss with that tuna breath." She rummaged her bag and threw a mint package my way if it weren't for my super cat abilities it would have landed on my face.
"Gosh, how rude. I'm keeping all of them."
"Don't. You. Dare," she said squinting her eyes at me, I dare to say her madwoman's eyes are scarier than Miss Evan's. I quickly threw her mints back after taking one. "See? This is how you get your point across."
The bell was about to ring so we decided to head to our science classroom, in which we were always late but not today I guess, however as I was getting up and turning around I collided with someone and instantly felt a hot liquid running down my arm, of course, it was no other than Miss Evans, she also had what looked like to be coffee all over her white button-up.
"Are you alright? I'm so sorry," I said as the bell started to ring, yeah we are definitely not showing up on time today.
"Yeah," she said simply, crossing her arms around her chest where the coffee had been spilt, the liquid made her shirt see-through.
"Did you get burned?" Soph asked giving me and Miss Evans wipes so we could at least clean the wet coffee running down our hands and arms.
"No, I'm fine, just go ahead to our classroom and tell the teacher I'll be late, alright?" I said taking the wipes as she nodded and left.
I had a black shirt on so even if I had coffee in it no one would be able to see it but Daniella's white shirt was completely ruined. She tried to wipe it off but it was no use.
I could see her bra through her shirt as she tried to wipe it, absolutely not complaining.
"Do you have anything else to wear?" She shook her head no as she crossed her arms on her chest again as she noticed I was looking at it. "I have a clean t-shirt inside my locker, I can lend it to you."
She eyed me carefully taking her time analysing how bad the situation was. "Fine," she sighed realizing she had no other choice.
She walked closely behind me as we headed to my locker, indeed I had a t-shirt there along with a pair of leggings and underwear, I always keep those in case of emergencies, pretty smart, I know.
I took it out and handed it to her, it was an old grey AC/DC shirt. I thought she would sigh again or reject it but she gratefully took it. "Thank you," she murmured in a sweeter tone, I was still not used to her not being a bitch so it was a pleasant surprise. "Now go to your classroom." The last sentence was a little bit colder but I didn't mind it.
Can't wait to see her on my shirt, perv mode back on.