
The river pulls me under.

The cold grips my body like an iron chain, dragging me deeper. My limbs refuse to move. My lungs burn.

Is this how I die?

I'm only eight years old. I don't want to die. I want to travel the world. I want to meet new pokemon. I want to meet new friends.

I want to make the village proud. Elder Garon, Elise, Theo, Renji, Mira...Will they miss me?Will they remember me? Will they look for my corpse ?

I continued to think of the short memories that I have made in my short life. I remember my first meeting with Dubwool, the main pokmeon of Elise's Father. I remember eating at Elder Garon's house with his grandson, Reiji. I remember helping Theo and his mom make medicine. I remember watching my first ever pokemon evolution with Mira on her family's butterfree farm.

Just then, a sharp pain pierces my skull.


I felt them, Memories. Memories that don't belong to this life. A different world. A different me.

The flood of memories crashes into me, overwhelming and undeniable. I don't understand it, but I know—I wasn't always Rei.

As memories of my past life continue flooding my mind, I felt my intelegence grew. I felt my perception starting to become stronger. And finally I felt a power awakening from my blood.

A pulse of energy surges through me. My senses explode outward.

I can feel the water. Not just the cold. I can sense its flow, its rhythm.

For the first time since falling in the water.

I don't feel powerless.

I move. My body no longer feels as weak as before. With a single motion, I kick upward and swam to the top.

As my hand breaks the surface. Air floods my lungs. I swim. Faster than I ever have before.

Within moments, I reach the riverbank, collapsing onto the wet grass. My body shaking from that experience.

Something inside me has awaken.


Two Years Ago

Elder Garon sat on the wooden porch of his home, his old pipe resting between his fingers. His weathered face, carved by time and experience, was calm as he gazed at the young boy sitting in front of him.

"Rei," the old man said, voice low and thoughtful, "do you know why this village took you in and feed you all these years ?"

The boy, no older than six, swung his legs absentmindedly. "Because my parents saved everyone."

Garon exhaled a puff of smoke, nodding. "Aye. That's right."

"They died protecting the village from the evil pokemon." said Rei

"That's coreect" said Elder Garon.

After a long pause, Rei looked up. "What were they like?"

Garon's lips curled into a small smile. "Your father, Kael, was a prideful fool. Stronger than most, but he never let anyone forget it." He chuckled. "But he was also the gentlest man I knew—especially when it came to your mother. I remember he came to this village with your mother on his huge arcanine."

Rei blinked. "And my mom?"

Garon chuckled, eyes glinting with nostalgia. "Ah, Lyra. Now she was a storm. Sharp-tongued, quick-tempered, but clever. She was always ten steps ahead of your father. When they fought together, they were unstoppable. She had a Houndoom as her pokemon who is also Arcanine's husband"

Rei bit his lip. "Were they powerfull ?"

The old man with a gleam of sadness in his eyes slowly talked. "Yes, they were quite powerfull. Unfortunately Houndoom and Arcanine were their only pokemon. With thier skill, they wouldn't have died if they had more pokemon."

"Why don't they have other pokemon ?" Asked Rei.

Elder Garon took a slow drag from his pipe before finally explaining. "I don't know much. The only thing I know is that when both of your parents came to this village to retire. They were very sad. Maybe they had other pokemons but they all died due to some reason. Forcing them to come to this village. Rei... your parents will be proud of you".

The boy's eyes burned, but he refused to cry. Instead, he grinned mischievously.

"Well… they probably wouldn't be proud of the trouble I got into today."

Garon let out a hearty laugh. "That's an understatement." as He remembered what just happened.



Five children sprinted through Elise's farm, laughter ringing through the air as her father chased after them.


The once white Wooloo now had bright blue fur, the result of an… experimental berry mixture.

"It looks like a giant Oran Berry!" Theo cackled.

Elise's face was red with rage. "REI! I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A BAD IDEA!"

Renji, the smallest of the group, wheezed. "Technically, you didn't stop us."


The farmer swung his broom, narrowly missing Rei's head. "GET BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE BRATS!"

Mira grabbed Rei's arm. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!"

He grinned. "Hey, we all played a part."

"NO, WE DIDN'T!" Elise screamed.

Theo whistled sharply. "Pidgey! Distract him!"

A small Pidgey swooped down, flapping its wings wildly in the farmer's face.

"GAH! Shoo! Shoo!"

The kids took the opportunity to dive behind the barn, panting.

"I am NEVER trusting you again," Elise huffed.

"You always say that," Rei teased.

She glared, then smirked. "Okay, but next time, we paint Renji's hair instead."

Renji paled. "WAIT, WHAT?!"


"That was very funny" said Rey.

Elder Garon with a smile said "Indeed but don't do that ever again".

"Well I gotta go... Bye Elder Garon". Screamed Rei as he run towards his friends.

As Rei got there. He heard Elise's plan.

"Let's sneak out and explore the forest at night!" she had said.

Rei hesitated. "That's… not a great idea."

"Come on," Reiji whined. "Where's your sense of adventure?"

Theo grinned. "We'll be careful."

Mira crossed her arms. "I swear, if this goes wrong, it's on you guys."

Rei sighed. "Fine. But if we get caught, I'm blaming Reiji."

And so Rei and his friends ran into the forest. At first, it was fun. They gathered glowing berries, played in the moonlight, and Mira even caught a wild Caterpie.

Then, they stumbled upon a Beedrill nest.

Hundreds of glowing red eyes turned toward them.

A low buzzing filled the air.

Mira paled. "Uh-oh."

The Beedrill rose.

"RUN!" Theo shouted.

They scattered.

Rei turned to see a Beedrill closing in on Elise.

'I have to distract them' thought Rei

Rei grabbed some rock and threw it, hitting the Beedrills in the head.


All the Beedrill turned toward him. No longer paying attention to his friends.

Then He ran.

The buzzing grew louder.

As Rei ran. Suddently the ground disappeared beneath him.

His body plunged into the river.

The last thing he saw was Elder Garon riding Pidgeot, searching for them.

But by then…

It was too late.



Rei stared at his hands.

His body should feel weak. He should be exhausted.

But instead…

He felt stronger than ever.

The river behind him, the trees around him—he could feel them. Sense them in a way he never had before.

It wasn't just memories of a past life.

It was power.

A gift.

And now… he will survive and gp back to his village.


To Be Continued...