With the way, Salvatore looks at you, I do believe love can bloom, only if you give yourself to it.

"You are coming with me." Florence orders and Zara shakes her head.

"I can't, I don't want to. Look, I know you are a bit apprehensive and anxious, that is fine, I am apprehensive and nervous too, but I chose not to let my apprehension and anxiety stop me from living life. I spoke to Sofia and Isabelle, there are perfectly fine with me staying back. Your marriage started a bit unconventional, and I know why you did it, and I will forever love you for it, Florence, but I am going to Uni in less than six months, I want to live." Zara grins and Florence looks at her.

"I want to live, Flo, and Italy is the prettiest place in the world. We will stay here, in the mansion, and Sofia and I will have the wildest adventure, we will be protected always, because, apparently, I am a Conti, now, as well as a Bennet. With the way, Salvatore looks at you, I do believe love can bloom, only if you give yourself to it. We are no longer in London, no more shying away from human interaction, you are married and rich now, take advantage of your new status, I intend to take advantage of mine."

Florence laughs at her excitement and vigor.

"Okay, you can stay, but you better call me four times a week, send me videos of your adventures, and Sal and I will fly you to New York in two months, we might even be back before then." Florence says and Zara nods.


Four days later, Florence and Salvatore are on a flight to New York, a big, and a nice plane, it is comfortable. Salvatore is seated across from her, on his phone, he is always on his phone, he takes his work seriously, it is endearing.

"Can you at least tell me why we are going to New York?" She says and he looks at her, desire pool in her lower stomach and Zara's words ring in her ear.

With the way, Salvatore looks at you, I do believe love can bloom, only if you give yourself to it.

He drops his phone and gives her his full attention, there is a small smile on his lips and he speaks "There are a series of jobs that needs to be done, and I have been funding certain operations for the past couple of months, believing that the contractors are diligently working. Luca visited a week ago, and we found out that nothing has been done. My presence is needed to instill fear, and I need to punish the criminals as appropriate."

"Oh." She frowns and he fully smiles at her reaction.

"What kind of jobs and ventures?" She asks and he nods.

"Real Estate Developments is the first, then a Nightclub and Casino, and the last is Art and Antiques Smuggling, these ventures have not progressed like I wish it too. I was supposed to leave a month ago, but we got married. Now, I believe it is time to go to New York, Luca explained how disastrous everything has gotten, with my money being spent illegally." He articulates and she listens.

"Oh, wow, that sounds like a lot of work." She points out and he shrugs.

"Luca will be with me, and we will get good men this time, money makes things faster."

She nods, and leans back, feeling the heat of his gaze on her, then she remembers something.

"Zara said you got her a new phone, and other things. You didn't have to, thank you."

"I didn't have to, I wanted to. She gets everything Sofia gets now, she is family and they are inseparable, it is only normal." He waves her off and she smiles.

"Odd questions, I know, but I am going to New York with you for a reason, obviously. What are the things expected of me when we get there, can you give me a rundown?" She states and he nods.

"Nothing is expected of you, just be you. However, occasionally, we will need to host Galas, Balls, Parties. You are Royalty, a Conti, so you won't necessarily do these planning yourself. New York is more diverse than Sicily, so I will attend a lot of outings and I will need you with me, but only if you are free and don't mind. You are a natural at being royalty, you will handle it all with the same grace, like you have done everything else." He compliments and she blushes.

"Thank you."


They get to New York in the middle of the night, with fleets of cars ready to take them home, Salvatore stays close to Florence, Luca is with them too, and a lot of men, guiding and protecting them. He helps her into the car, and he sits beside her. Florence is still a bit amazed by the perks that comes with being the Queen of the Mob. They are driven to their home, on the way, she is able to see that they are in Brooklyn Heights, but this place is even more secluded, and protected.

It is an estate and they drive through it, she realizes no one would be able to get in, and she is a bit relieved in the security. Salvatore helps her out of the car and the sight of the home takes her breath away, it is a classic white marble mansion. Together, they walk in and she admires everything. There are a lot of armed men and women on the outside and fewer on the inside, there are mostly downstairs, the kitchen staff and house staff are waiting, and they bow when they see her. They walk upstairs and she enters their bedroom, it knocks her next breathe out of her – the bedroom is so magnificent and expensive, the bedroom is big, twice of a normal bedroom.

The walk-in closet has been filled with clothes, she turns to Salvatore when she hears him yawn, he must be exhausted, and jet lag is crazy, for her too.

Building her courage, she says "We can share the bed, I don't mind."