How do you kill an untouchable man?

Florence does not see Salvatore or Luca through out the day. She has gone through the entire mansion and made herself familiar with everything in her home, as well as the staffs, kitchen and everywhere else. The bodyguard – Gracie is smart enough to give her personal space. Salvatore could have spoken to her about this in private, or he could have been kinder when he announced it, but he wasn't, he was rude and insensitive, and she does not want to be with him sexually anymore. Her phone beeps and a message comes through – This evening, 5pm. Willow's Café, Central Park.

She stands upright, feeling paranoid, she looks around, but no one is looking at her, she is the Queen after all. She types a quick response and deletes the message, she spends the rest of the day dreading the meetup, she has to remind herself that she is doing this for her parents and Zara. So, when it is thirty minutes to the time, she dresses up, a simple dress, with a hat, sunglasses, and pearls.

"I need to get something at the Café, can you get the car ready?" She opens the door and tells Gracie who nods and does as she is asked. Florence does not know what to suspect from this evening's meeting, she does not know how to use a gun, but a knife can be handy, so she slides it into her golden pause. Then, she walks out and get into the car, Gracie sits beside her, while Sal's soldiers sit in the front and the other car.

When she get to the café, it is few minutes past five, Gracie sits not too far and Florence sits alone, at the corner, she spends the first couple of minutes fidgeting and looking out the window for sighs of the woman, but she finds none, perhaps this was a mistake, her phone beeps and she glance at it – Restroom. Florence gets up, so does Gracie.

"Sit, I need to use the restroom. Don't follow me, Isak, I can have you fired and blacklisted." Florence threatens and Gracie sits reluctantly.

Satisfied, Florence heads to the restroom, she exhales and walks in, the second she turns, a knife is placed at her neck.

"Is this how you pay back a favor?" She says, trying to be brave and make her voice even. Slowly, the person step back and Florence looks at her, the woman has dark circles under her eyes, and she looks exhausted, but she seems to be faking it really well, or so she thinks, Florence knows what exhaustion looks like, she has seen it in the mirror a lot.

"Hi, Florence. I didn't mean to scare you. Here, take the knife, it is yours." She feigns a smile, extending the knife and Florence looks at her, such an odd person.

"It is yours; you gave it to me. Why did you call me here? I don't have all day." Florence says, going straight to the point and the woman nods, making a though occur to Flo. "What is your name, I can't keep referring to you as 'The woman' every time I am ruminating."

"Adele Laurent, I'm a French woman. Seeing as you don't have all day, let's get down to it – Salvatore Conti was responsible for the death of your parents and you seek to make him pay. He hurt me too, he hurt my family, he took something from me, and I desire to make him bleed." The woman Adele Laurent speaks and Florence listens.

"How do you hope to make him pay? He is a Conti, he is one of the most powerful

Criminals in the world, he is exceptionally strong and has enough money to buy anyone. How do you kill an untouchable man?" Florence muses and Adele smiles.

"No one is ever truly untouchable; Salvatore Conti is not untouchable. He is a tyrant and a maniac, but not untouchable."

Florence shifts her feet, uncomfortably, because Salvatore is not a tyrant or a maniac, he did kill her parents though, so maybe he is. "You are the key, you are the one who can successfully take him down, you will be the David, since he is the Goliath. You are his wife, which means you are fully aware of his doings, and if he is one of those misogynistic men who keep their businesses away from their wives, then you must have a way to access his files or eavesdrop on his meeting with Luca Ricci and his team." Adele points out and Florence tries not to get lost in thoughts – Salvatore is not a misogynistic husband and he does not keep his business away from her, he is kind and caring, well, he killed her parents, so he is a pretender and she does not know the real him.

"All you have to do is give us certain details of certain business dealing – perhaps, a

Shipment, a scheduled meeting, anything that might be useful. Actually, it probably won't be that useful, it is harmless, but we need every information to further our cause, his schedule, clients, basically, you will be our informant and when all is said and done, he will suffer for his betrayal, and pay for everything he has done to me, and to you. Eventually, all will be as it is supposed to be, and life would have aligned, the price would be paid." Adele smiles and Florence looks at her.

Spying and betraying her husband is not something that would be easy to do, and she is reluctant, but she remembers the look on Zara's face when they got the news of their parent's murder, how devastated and ruined Florence was, how she had to put everything on hold to raise her sister, how the murder ruined her life, changed the direction of her life. So, while it not going to be easy, Florence will do it, she will run a knife through her husband's back as easily as he lied to her. "I'm in." She affirms and Adele nods.