God is the greatest painter. The world is its canvas and we are its colours.
these are the thoughts of Caelus Dawn, an aspiring painter who wants to follow in his father's footsteps.
but the country they live in is making preparations for an unavoidable war wich threatens their way of living
art is dreaming of 'what is' and 'what could be' while forming that in something you can witness.
Caelus now has to experience the hard reality of 'what is' and strife for 'what could be' to survive his upcoming struggles.
theme: medieval-fantasy
upload shedule: have none sorry (at least 1 chapter a week but i probably will do more).
warning: death, mental instability and (soft) horror themes are things I want to implement.
something I want to say: hey hey, author here. this is one of my first novels so I am quite new to all of this, I would love to hear feedback or ideas so dont hold back if you have anything. I thought writing would be a lovely hobby and so I started (yeah I know, boring reason). Well that's all for now, I hope you enjoy.