Moat Cailin, The North
The looming presence of Moat Cailin with its twenty towers and a great basalt curtain wall as high as that of Winterfell's could be seen from a great distance. Three towers—the Children's Tower, the Drunkard's Tower, and the Gatehouse Tower—looked prominent due to their relatively larger size and their distinct features. The Children's Tower was tall and slender. Legend has it that the children of the forest called upon their gods here to send the hammer of the waters to smash the Neck. The Gatehouse Tower was squat and wide, as well as the largest. The tower's hall was of dark stone and had a high, drafty ceiling. Within the hall was a massive carved table, also of stone. The Drunkard's Tower was so named due to its great lean. It stood where the south and west walls met.
"By the Old Gods, that thing is fucking huge," Smalljon swore beside him.
Aryan saw the same look reflected among the other Northerners. They were finally seeing the famed Moat Cailin, which had protected the North from the Andal invasion, in its full glory. The swamps that once surrounded the Moat had been filled and converted into a large settlement with rice fields surrounding them. Already, he could see the tents of the Cerwyns, Hornwoods, Dustins, Flints, and Ryswells.
Due to the establishment of the boat system along the White Knife, supplies were sent ahead, making troop movement faster. They had reached a week ahead of schedule. Aryan considered this a good sign because, in the future, if need arose, it would reduce the time for the Northern Army to assemble.
After sending the army to their settlement, Aryan, followed by Smalljon, galloped toward the castle. His uncle Eddard, aunt Catelyn, and a whole bunch of cousins were there at the gates of the Moat to welcome him. They were followed by William Dustin, Robin Flint, and Medger Cerwyn, as they were the first lords to arrive. He dropped from his horse and went near them. They all bowed to him, with Eddard saying, "My lord, Moat Cailin is yours."
Aryan told his uncle, "Come on, Uncle, we are family. I have told you several times not to bother with formalities between us." Then, turning to the others, he said, "Lady Cailstark and little Cailstark."
While Robb bowed to him, Catelyn and little Sansa curtseyed. Little Sansa was almost a perfect copy of her mother in manners, but he could already see that Sansa would grow up into a very beautiful woman. He wouldn't mind tasting a piece of her once she had grown up. Four year old Arya was at his legs, pulling at his breeches. He lifted her and placed her on his shoulders while she squealed happily. His uncle had told him once that she had been named Arya in his honor. So he felt a special bond with her. Bran was hiding behind Catelyn's skirts, and baby Rickon was in her arms.
His uncle asked Smalljon, "Aren't you Greatjon's son? What are you doing here?"
Smalljon replied, "When my father heard about Lord Stark going to battle, he said there was no reason I should stay behind at home. So here I am, my lord."
While they were talking, Aryan noticed something. The guards seemed to be very alert. While this was a good thing, with an army surrounding them, he felt it was not necessary. Also, Lady Catelyn seemed to be fearful and sometimes twitching. He decided to ask about that to his uncle in private. He then turned his attention to the other lords.
"Lord Dustin, Lord Flint, Lord Cerwyn. It is good to meet you again. I hope all is well at your home," he told them.
"We too, my Lord. Everything is fine back home. It is because of you that we are now prospering," they replied.
"When did you arrive?" he asked.
Robin Flint replied, "Just two days ago, my lord."
"How are Lady Barbery and your children, Lord Dustin?" Aryan asked.
"They are doing well, my lord. Theon is seven years old, while my daughter Lyra is four years old. Barbery is heavy with our third child." William Dustin replied. In another world, William Dustin would have died at the Tower of Joy, and his widow Barbery would have resented the Starks forever. Also, the Dustin line would have ended with him. But in this world, he survived, and the Starks gained a powerful ally.
"Once we deal with these squids, I am going to call for a meeting soon. I have many more plans, which we will discuss in that meeting for the development of the North," he told them.
His uncle interrupted them, saying, "Come and take rest, nephew. We will discuss this later."
So they all went inside.
Aryan was pacing in his uncle's solar angrily. It was almost midnight. He had asked his uncle about the observations he had made earlier. When his uncle told him the reason, his blood began to boil.
The Ironborn had attacked the castle a week ago. It seemed that the Ironborn had captured a Pentosi merchant vessel and gained access to the canal. After reaching the Moat, they infiltrated the castle disguised as merchants. They were led by Rodrik Greyjoy. They tried to capture the castle first by silently killing the guards, but they were discovered. A bloody struggle ensued, resulting in the deaths of ten Cailstark guards and fifty-three Ironborn. While escaping, they attempted to kidnap Lady Catelyn but failed. Rodrik Greyjoy and the remaining Ironborn escaped.
'Well,' he thought, 'the Moat can stop even the largest armies, but it is still susceptible to infiltration. I must do something about this soon.'
"Did you find where they went? Did you have them followed?" Aryan asked.
"We followed them till the Twins. Most of the Ironborn—almost a hundred were killed as they were crossing the marshes by the crannogmen. The rest escaped into the Riverlands. I feel that they are going to Seaguard, as it is nearer to the Iron Islands. Perhaps we could have caught them, but my men were blocked by the Freys, who demanded tolls for them to cross." Eddard finished, a hint of anger in his voice.
Aryan's temper flared at that, and he scowled. "Fucking Freys. They are proving quite troublesome, Uncle. We need to make some alternative arrangements to access the Riverlands in the future. Well, right now, order the guards at the gates of the canal to thoroughly check all men and ships from now on. We must not be caught unaware again, Uncle."
Then, turning to Lady Catelyn, he told her, "You have my word, Aunt, that Rodrik Greyjoy will be meeting the Stranger soon."
He then returned to his room and started to think. The Freys needed to be dealt with soon. Controlling the North's access to Riverrun, along with their close relationship with the Lannisters, was a threat to them. Also, he must erect wards at Moat Cailin to avoid any surprises. But the Ironborn should be made an example of—to show the rest of Westeros what would happen if someone harmed a Stark and their kin. With these thoughts in his mind, he fell asleep.
Two weeks had passed. In these two weeks he had drawn runes at all the entrances to the castle with intent based wards which could stun any person who came here with an intention of harming the occupants of the castle. By now almost all the lords have arrived with their armies which was roughly more than thirty thousand. His uncle had asked him about reason for bringing only half the army. He had told him the same reason he had given to Ser Rodrick Cassel. Howland Reed came to visit him with his family who would be staying at the Moat while his uncle went away. The man profusedly thanked Aryan for giving them rice due to which the crannogmen were now able to get better food. He met with his childern Meera and Jojen. He felt a magic in Jojen similar to what he felt in Bran. They needed to be observed carefully.
Right now the lords were holding the War Council at the open balconies of the fortress. Aryan could see the great canal from a distance.
"So uncle, what news do we have about the ironborn." began Aryan
"From the reports we received they are concentrating on South. As we were able to repel their attacks all of them are currently attacking the South. Balon Grejoy has declared himself the King of Iron Islands. The attacks on North were led by Balon's heir Rodrick Greyjoy. Balon's younger brother Euron Greyjoy is reaving the Reach and has already captured the Shield Islands. It was Victarion Greyjoy who burnt Lannisport and Lannister fleet. He is currently attacking Fair Island. Balon's second son is attacking Seaguard. The King has called us to assemble at Lannisport." his uncle replied.
William Dustin asked, "How many men and ships do the ironborn have?"
"About twenty thousand men and 500 longships. They also have five or six galleys." said his uncle Benjen who had arrived just two days ago.
Following the orders of Aryan the castles of Western Coast were now militarised and alert. Due to new found prosperity along with generous loans from Winterfell all castles were now renovated and fortified. Earlier wooden castles of Deepwood Motte, Torhen's Square and Bear Islands were most suspectible to ironborn attacks. But this time they were easily repelled along with the ironborn suffering heavy losses. Other than Jorah Mormont, no one came from the Bear Islands. They were instead garrisoned at the West Coast. The other houses had also sent additional men to support the defence of the Western Coast.
Roose Bolton quietly said, " With Lannister fleet burnt and Redwyne fleet engaged by Euron Grejoy, that leaves only our fleet and the Royal fleet. It will take more than a moon for the Royal fleet to come around Dorne and Reach. Then they will have to engage Euron Greyjoy in Reach and may be after that Victarion in Westerlands. So we cannot depend on them for any support. Also it is possible that once the ironborn are done with the south they will concentrate on the North where till now they did not gain any success. Rodrick Greyjoy is inexperienced so he lost to us. Suppose if they sent Victarion to us then the battle would become very difficult as Victarion is very experienced. What is our naval power my lord?"
Even though he didn't want to, Aryan had to agree on this. Roose Bolton was a sheer military genius. While his loyalty was dubious, the man was an excellent strategist. He would be a powerful ally or a dangerous foe. Already the other lords seemed alarmed at Roose Bolton's warnings.
"Thank you Lord Bolton. These were my thoughts also. It seems that the battle would not be that easy." Then looking at Ser Wylis Manderly the heir to Lord Manderly he said, "My Lord if you would be kind enough to answer Lord Bolton's question."
Wyllis Manderly stood up and replied, "Currently our house has sixty galleys and forty longships. And if we count the cogs and merchant vessels we have another fifty. While the new Stark fleet has thirty galleys and twenty longships with more being built."
Everyone nodded at that. Eddard asked, "So nephew how do we proceed from here?"
Aryan looked around and saw all the lords were looking at him expectedly.
So Aryan began, "Actually I do have a plan. Some of you might not like it. I will be taking ten thousand men on the Manderly fleet to the Iron Islands specifically the Blacktyde Island first then the Oakmont Island. From there we will go to the inside islands. This will ensure that we will not be surrounded. The Stark fleet as it is not yet complete will defend the west coast as well as provide supplies. I will take the Stark men, the Manderly men and Bolton men with me. You Uncle Ned will lead the rest to Lannisport. Once we establish a base in the Iron Islands we will start transporting the troops from Lannisport to the islands."
Greatjon asked, "And once the battle begins how are we to deal with the squids."
With a grim face, Aryan replied, "Kill them all to the last man without any mercy."
"You cannot kill them all like that Aryan. It is not honourable. You must spare them when they surrender." Eddard protested.
"Tell me Uncle, they attacked our family few weeks past. We cannot let that unanswered. Besides they will never change their ways. Their whole culture is rotten. They are taught to rape and reave from birth. Give them some time and they will kill more. Then who will be responsible for the death and sufferings of their victims. In fact it is our moral duty to stop them." Aryan asked.
The other lords started to support him. Even Benjen told Eddard, "Brother I know you have a sense of honour which you learnt from the Vale, but the North follows the strongest. The Starks became the Winter Kings not because of their honour but because of their ruthlessness and harsh nature."
Eddard finally seemed to reluctantly agree.
Aryan told everyone, "And my lords I have one more request to make. If possible try to capture as many ironborn ships instead of burning them or sinking them. I want those ships to our fleets. Also I will give be giving each of you lords one or two of them for easier trade."
They agreed to his proposal and decided to move out the next day. During the final discussions suddenly Greatjon shouted, "What the fuck is that?"
Everyone looked in the direction Greatjon was looking and all bore the same gobsmacked look, except Ser Wyllis Manderly who merely smiled at Aryan.
Sailing through the canal was a huge galley with three large masts with fifty oars on each side. Its bow had a howling wolf figurehead. The sails displayed the Stark sigil of a wolf.
Aryan smiled proudly and said, "That my lords is the Marauder, the flagship of Starks."
A large crowd of people seemed to gather at the docks to see the galley. His uncle still in a awed voice told him, "Truly nephew she is very big. Even bigger than the largest of the Royal fleet. When Wyman told me about the Iron Banks offer I did not think they would be this generous."
"We have increased their trade. We have already paid back their loan. We are also providing security from pirates. I am considering this as more of a commission." he told Eddard.
After the final discussions, they dispersed.
The next day they were ready to depart. The banners of the direwolf flapped proudly in the cold northern wind, as soldiers and sailors moved to board their ships. The docks were alive with the sounds of steel clanking, men shouting commands, and the rhythmic creaking of the gangplanks as supplies were loaded onto the vessels. The waters of the canal shimmered under the morning light, reflecting the towering form of the Marauder, the pride of the Stark fleet.
Eddard and his family stood at the docks to see Aryan off. The men had already started to board the ships, their eyes filled with the determination to bring ruin to the Ironborn.
"You are using a longsword," Eddard noted, eyeing the weapon strapped to Aryan's side.
Aryan nodded. "Yes, Uncle. I hope I find a Valyrian steel one in the Iron Islands. They have looted for so long that they may have one worth claiming."
Eddard then got serious and asked, "Are you sure that you want to take Roose Bolton with you? He is not trustworthy."
Aryan's lips curled into a knowing smirk. "I know, Uncle. But trust me, I can handle him. As long as we are strong, Roose would not dare betray us. The Boltons strike when we are vulnerable—I do not plan to be vulnerable or weak. Besides, the man is a competent commander, and for some of the things I have to do, I need a man like him. If Roose Bolton ever proves to be a threat, he will be dealt with immediately."
Eddard studied his nephew for a long moment before nodding reluctantly. "Just be careful, Aryan."
After a moment of silence, he asked again, "Are you sure you are going to exterminate them all?"
Aryan's expression darkened, his voice cold "Uncle, I only said men, not women and children. The women, children, and thralls will be spared, provided they do not take up arms against us. But the Ironborn men? They will pay the price for their crimes. Mercy is a luxury I cannot afford to give them. Their entire existence is built upon suffering, and I intend to rip out the roots of their rot."
Eddard exhaled but said nothing more. He knew that Aryan had made up his mind, and nothing would change it.
Aryan then turned to Robb, who stood beside his mother with his shoulders squared. "Now you are the Cailstark of Moat Cailin, Robb. I trust you to guard it in our absence. Do not let anyone take what is ours."
Robb nodded firmly. "You can count on me."
After the final goodbyes were said, Aryan walked towards the gangplank leading to the Marauder. The moment his boots touched the deck, the crew snapped to attention.
"Cast off!" came the command, and the Marauder's great oars dipped into the water, propelling it forward.
As they sailed away, Aryan stood at the stern, watching as the distant twenty towers of Moat Cailin disappeared into the cover of trees. He felt no sadness, no longing. He has work to do, and by the time he returned the Ironborn would be taught a very valuable lesson—never mess with his family.