Completing the Mission

“Each guest may only have one serving per meal. No additional servings will be allowed,” Wang Meng read aloud.

“Then forget about the set meal. Just give me a serving of Egg Fried Rice, please,” said Wang Meng.

The onlookers, Wu Hai and other customers, were smiling, anticipating the scene where the girl got mercilessly rejected.

Just as Yuan Zhou was about to refuse her request, the system suddenly responded.

The system read, “This request doesn’t break the rules.”

Yuan Zhou swallowed back his refusal abruptly. He carefully checked the characters sent by the system that were still lingering in his mind.

“No problem. Hold on, please.” Yuan Zhou nodded his head calmly, then prepared to go to kitchen and cook.

Wu Hai and the other onlookers were about to portray their glee, but then their expressions changed into looks of surprise, disbelief and incredibility.

Wu Hai leapt from his seat and asked, “Boss! What’s wrong with you? Are you gonna break your rules today?”