A Bug in the System

“There are so many new dishes. I want to try the noodle soup too. And what do you mean by the Specialty Plate?” Yin Ya asked.

“You’ll know if you order it. Are you going to try?” Yuan Zhou was always more patient towards beauties. At the very least, he threw in an extra “Are you going to try?”.

“Hey, beauty. Don’t be cheated by him. The No. 13 Specialty Plate is blueberry jam. As for the other one, I don’t know what it is either.” Wu Hai told her the truth right away.

“Then give me a serving of blueberry jam. I prefer jams.” Yin Ya ordered the blueberry jam. A known fact was obviously safer than an unknown mystery.

“All right. Hold on, guys.” Yuan Zhou didn’t have any reaction after Wu Hai revealed the truth. He was usually victorious when they argued, hence it made sense to let Wu Hai feel that he won occasionally.

Both Wu Hai and Yin Ya ordered the noodle soup. This dish was relatively easy to cook.