A Turnover of Three Million

“Zi Zi”

The taxi stopped at the designated parking spot.

“Here we are at the Municipal Tax Bureau. That would be 22RMB.” After parking, the driver said as he turned to Yuan Zhou.

“Thank you. Here is 25RMB.” Yuan Zhou drew out a black wallet. He then took 25RMB out and gave it to the driver before sitting back leisurely, waiting for his change.

The driver gave back the change quickly. In a short while, Yuan Zhou left the taxi with 3RMB in his hands which he proceeded to stuff into his wallet in a carefree manner.

The tax bureau was about 200 meters away from where the taxi stopped. Even though Yuan Zhou seemed old, he was still a good 177cm or so. With an amiable pace, he arrived at the main hall in 5 minutes.

The main hall of the tax bureau was spacious and bright. The tax-paying location was also clearly indicated. Yuan Zhou had already steeled his heart in preparation for paying the tax, hence he joined the line to take his waiting number.