Differences among Abalones

“What a tough job that is! Boss Yuan must have worked so hard trying to find such odd holidays.” Strong displeasure could be heard from an irritated voice.

“Let’s do this. Yinyin, you check the internet and see if there is any kind of weird holiday tomorrow.” the man instructed after calming down.

The girl who kept checking the holidays turned out to be Yinyin. She then started searching for the information obediently just like she was told.

After being in a daze for a great while, Vice Division Chief Lee finally came around. He asked curiously, “Will the boss open the door later? What if he has escaped? I heard the dishes in this restaurant are fairly expensive.”

“Newcomers know nothing. With Boss Yuan’s culinary skills, it’s absolutely a waste if he doesn’t cook.” In other words, Yuan Zhou was nobody if he was not a chef.

The sentence was incisive and straightforward. Furthermore, many people agreed, nodding their heads.