Yuan Zhou’s Little Hobby

Having undergone a battle of wits and courage with the system last night, Yuan Zhou was slightly muddled even after sleeping until morning. He felt exhausted from head to toe after having dreamt of intense battles and life-threatening explosions the entire night.

It was 9:00 in the morning. Lying there lazily, Yuan Zhou didn’t want to move at all. The repetitive labor made him physically a bit exhausted. Luckily he had already informed his regular customers that he wouldn’t be open for breakfast today.

Suddenly, Yuan Zhou recalled that his new skill needed more practice, and hence jumped out of bed immediately and rushed into the bathroom to wash up.

“Xi Li Hua La”, after a series of splashing sounds, Yuan Zhou wiped his dripping hair and walked out of the bathroom.

He didn’t like using the hair dryer and believed it would harm his hair. The natural black hair was the best means to distinguish the age of a man whose face belied his years, given that he didn’t use hair dye.