
“I’m actually praising Master Yuan, not you.” Wang Shuyuan felt speechless at the grandpa’s words before he replied him

“But I took you here, didn’t I?” the grandpa revealed a proud expression, feeling that he had good taste.

The two old men, who seemed to become more childish as their age increased, walked out of the restaurant while debating.


As usual, the restaurant was crowded with customers and many more were waiting in line outside at 8:00 in the evening. However, Yuan Zhou didn’t seem to have any intentions of driving them away. Instead, he summoned Mu Xiaoyun to him.

“You can go back now.” While saying that, Yuan Zhou handed a 100 RMB note to her.

“But I worked for only three hours today. I can’t accept this.” Mu Xiaoyun was also a girl of principle.