An Anonymous Email

Yuan Zhou ran into Wu Hai when he arrived at his own restaurant.

"Boss Yuan, are you really going to cooperate with take-out websites? I can recommend some good ones to you," Wu Hai said enthusiastically.

"No, I am not," Yuan Zhou answered affirmatively.

"Then what did you paste on the door?" Pointing at the A4 paper on the door, Wu Hai revealed a manner of "I have seen it."

"Notice, indicating I am out," Yuan Zhou said primly.

"But you let the take-out websites call to contact you," the tone of Wu Hai was filled with absolute disbelief.

"Humm, this shows respect," Yuan Zhou said earnestly.

"Respect? Respect what?" Wu Hai really got puzzled. What exactly did he mean?

"If they call me for cooperation, I can personally refuse them. This is the basic courtesy of being a man," Yuan Zhou said quite seriously.

"Pardon?" Wu Hai had been stupefied for 3 minutes before he worked out the meaning of Yuan Zhou’s words in his brain.

What the hell was this basic courtesy?