Duck Oil Sesame Seed Cake

"Ding Ling Ling, Ding Ling Ling"

A different alarm of the clock woke Yuan Zhou up from his sound sleep.

"This new alarm is really strange." After muttering some words, Yuan Zhou turned off the alarm and began to wash himself.

Since Wu Hai made fun of the alarm on Yuan Zhou’s phone last time, Yuan Zhou immediately changed a new one. Although there wasn’t much difference between the two, the former one being "Ling Ling Ling" and the current one "Ding Ling Ling", he himself believed the difference was great.

When he finished cleaning himself, it was exactly 7:30 in the morning.

Then Yuan Zhou took out his phone and began to make calls.

"May I ask if that is Painter Fang?" Once the phone got through, Yuan Zhou immediately asked.

"Um, what’s the matter?" A soft and melodious female voice passed from the other end of the phone.

Yuan Zhou was stunned for a second while holding the phone before saying, "I’d like to request for you to paint the wall."