
On the next early morning, the advertising material store sent the DM advertising pamphlets ordered by Yuan Zhou to his restaurant.

"Hello, boss. These are the advertising pamphlets that you have ordered," wearing a peaked cap, the staff of the store took out a thick stack.

"Sorry to bother you," Yuan Zhou nodded the head and received them.

"That’s all right. It’s a total of 150 RMB," the staff pointed at the pamphlets and then said.

"One moment, please," carrying the materials, Yuan Zhou walked back to the kitchen and then took out 150 RMB from the drawer and handed them to the staff.

"Thank you. I’m leaving now. Bye," the staff of the store received the money and left the restaurant after checking the authenticity of the notes.

Yuan Zhou picked up an advertising pamphlet and checked it carefully. It was designed elegantly, therefore Yuan Zhou nodded the head contentedly, "Nice work."