Standard Set Meal

The message was sent by the system when the dinner hours had just ended and Mu Xiaoyun was still there in the restaurant. Therefore, Yuan Zhou waited patiently to receive the reward later.

"Boss, I’m hundred percent sure that we can win," after Mu Xiaoyun saw all customers off, she said confidently.

"Well, thank you very much," Yuan Zhou nodded the head.

"You are welcome. It’s just what I ought to do, boss," Mu Xiaoyun felt, on the contrary, a little embarrassed when she saw Yuan Zhou so courteous.

"This is what you deserve. Tomorrow morning, I will leave a Duck Oil Sesame Seed Cake for you. Come five minutes earlier than usual," Yuan Zhou wasn’t asking her. He was just telling her his decision.

"No need. I want to eat the cakes with my brother later," Mu Xiaoyun waved her hand and refused.

"It’s on me this time. So five minutes earlier than usual tomorrow," after saying that, Yuan Zhou walked out of the kitchen, as if to see her off.