Best Ending

The food preference of Fang Lianyi and Mu Chen could be described as totally different. Fang Lianyi liked the heavy taste of spiciness while Mu Chen liked bland and refreshing vegetable dishes, namely the taste of freshness.

The dishes ordered by both of them were apparently ordered for the other party. That’s why Mu Xiaoyun and Mu Xiaojie were both happy.

After they spoke in one voice, their parents kept silent for an instant and went back to normal. This time, Fang Lianyi said first.

"Xiaoyun and Xiaojie, just order by yourselves whatever you like to eat," with her soft voice, Fang Lianyi said quite naturally without any embarrassment on her face.

"Humm, we’ll order ours." Mu Xiaojie looked at Xiaoyun and said decisively.

"I’ll eat whatever my brother orders." Mu Xiaoyun said obediently.