Li Jing

Zheng Jiawei fell silent at that moment.

"Brother, you know Jiawei definitely won’t refuse your request," Wu Lin said discontentedly.

"Umm, I got it." Wu Hai nodded his head.

"All right. It is fine, Lin Lin." Zheng Jiawei looked at Wu Lin with a serious expression.

"Ok. It’s your turn now." Wu Lin shrugged and indicated that she wouldn’t participate anymore.

"Umm." Zheng Jiawei nodded his head and then turned back to Wu Hai.

"Don’t look at me like that. I know what you mean. Let’s have a drink tonight." Wu Hai revealed a helpless expression. It was considered to be a compromise to treat them to the liquor.

"Good. I’m going to wait for the treat." After a nod, Zheng Jiawei’s expression finally recovered from the previous frustrated one.

"Wait. I haven’t got the red ball." Suddenly, Wu Hai remembered that he hadn’t got the red ball for the liquor.

"Brother, we can have dinner together." Seeing them reach an agreement, Wu Lin revealed a smile and said smilingly.