Invitation To A Contest

"Mr. Handsome, this is the Swedish Meatball." The waitress pointed at the two empty plates on the table and said gently.

"Huh? It has been eaten by us?" Ma Zhida just couldn't believe it. Why didn't he have any special feelings even after he ate it up?

"Yes. The Swedish Meatball for you two is the first dish served." The waitress said unhurriedly.

"But how come that I don't have any special feeling? Gao Shuai, did you have any feeling?" Ma Zhidao asked with puzzlement.

Gao Shuai thought carefully for a while and tried to search for the feeling. But unfortunately, there wasn't the slightest residual taste.

"No." Gao Shuai shook the head helplessly.

"I know that nobody is comparable with Boss Yuan. But this is probably not even close to the ordinary level." Ma Zhida murmured discontentedly.

"I think so, too. There's no difference at all between eating and not eating. It isn't even as delicious as the steak." Gao Shuai also nodded the head and agreed with Ma Zhida.