A New Activity

This matter was soon made known throughout the internet. There were positive and negative comments concerning Yuan Zhou.

This matter was first publicized in the previous foodie forum by the Gourmet Backup Group.

Then, the forum was filled with various comments.

[Honestly speaking, I feel that it really appeases our anger. But Boss Yuan's practice was a little deceitful,] from I'm A Passer-by.

[I hate that. Boss Yuan is going to cause problems. It will be an international discord,] from Cause Big Problems.

[Exactly. What about Boss Yuan apologizing,] from Little Cute Novelty.

[The silly boss is discriminating his customers. Be cautious that someone will sue him. Ho Ho, let's just wait and see,] from Make a Complaint.

[USD? If the price is 6 times higher, you just wait for the Bureau of Commodity Price to come and inspect.] from Lei Hong is Somebody.

[Is this patriotism? Please don't make trouble for our country.] from Life In Every Second.