A Treat Being Refused

Business time at noon passed very soon.

"Hoo... Let me have a rest first, then read some books and practice sculpting." Yuan Zhou patted his sleeves.

"What a tasteful man! I am really a prince charming. Even my habits are like those of the prince charming." Yuan Zhou suddenly muttered to himself.

Yuan Zhou was quite satisfied with his own arrangement.

The system displayed, "Congratulations! Host, you have completed the mission."

[Main mission] Entertain at least 1000 foreign customers (completed)

(Mission tips: As a world-class tiny restaurant, how could you continue business without the support of foreign friends since you have an exotic dish now? Host, please work hard to increase your skills. I have confidence in you.)

[Mission reward] A set of western-style dishes with a total of three servings and also one set of standard western food etiquette (available to be received).