Grand Blind Date Gathering

"Of course." While passing by, Zhou Jia heard that and couldn't help saying proudly.

"Grand Master Yuan is really awesome! He surprisingly doesn't touch the flesh of the prawns at all, not to mention his miraculous knife skills." Master Cheng gasped in admiration.

"Certainly. If not, why do so many people come here to eat?" Hearing Master Cheng praise Yuan Zhou so much, Zhou Jia nodded her head with a prouder manner.

"The dishes are worth the trip. Is there anything else that Boss Yuan is good at?" Master Cheng didn't move his sight away from Yuan Zhou at all. Even when Yuan Zhou was turning around, he kept staring at the actions made by Yuan Zhou's elbows.

"Of course. My boss is also great in sculpting. The sculptures are so vivid they seem alive." After Zhou Jia greeted some other customers, she turned her head and said.

"I know about that. I have seen it once. He's really awesome." Master Cheng said continuously.