Yuan Zhou’s Documentary

"The first time we went to interview him, that Boss Yuan refused us. Even after Scenarist Li communicated with him, he still refused us." Being stared at by the chief editor, Presenter Lu felt slightly stressed, but he still brought out the reason clearly.

"Didn't you go communicate with him again? I told you to film Yuan Zhou's restaurant but you went to film Chen's Restaurant? You even edited the film already." When the chief editor said to the latter part, his anger changed to calmness, which made Presenter Lu feel even worse.

"It's mainly because Boss Yuan had a resolute attitude. As a result, we chose to use an alternative method." Presenter Lu said earnestly.

"A resolute attitude? So you can only eat with your mouth, but not speak anything, right? Where is Scenarist Li now?" The chief editor spoke as if he had tried his best to control his anger and asked.

"He's outside the door." Presenter Lu betrayed Scenarist Li frankly and honestly.