Standing to Wait for Yuan Zhou Respectfully

"Aunt, you can go back first. I will find a way to make Yuan Zhou agree to take me as his disciple." Wu Hong looked at Wu Qian with a determined look.

"Listen to me, kid. You can also study the culinary skills in the training school." Wu Qian clutched Wu Hong's hand quickly.

"No. I must take him as my teacher." Wu Hong revealed a resolute expression.

"What if you miss me?" Wu Qian was very angry.

"Aunt, just say yes, ok?" Wu Hong still said the same words.

"Ok, ok. You take him as your teacher here alone and I'm going back." Wu Qian turned around and walked away immediately angrily.

"Be careful, aunt." Instead of worrying about her, Wu Hong said to Wu Qian leisurely.

"This little brat!" Hearing that, Wu Qian felt both angry and funny. In the end, however, she didn't look back again and just left.

"Hoo..." Wu Hong relaxed down. After thinking for a while, he said loudly behind the door.