Where Did Broth Come From?

When dinner time ended, Wu Hong was still there. As soon as Yuan Zhou came out, he spoke.

"Teacher, please take me as your disciple." Wu Hong didn't speak as loudly as before this time, but still earnestly.

Yuan Zhou looked at Wu Hong in surprise at first. Only after he confirmed that Wu Hong was calling him did he say, "I remember that I didn't agree to your request."

"Yes. So please do take me as your disciple." Wu Hong nodded his head vigorously.

"Then, why are you calling me teacher?" Yuan Zhou frowned.

What a joke! As soon as the word "teacher" was uttered, Yuan Zhou almost thought he had suffered from Alzheimer's disease and forgot he took a disciple.

"You'll definitely take me as your disciple in the end. So I called ahead of time." Looking at Yuan Zhou, Wu Hong revealed quite a resolute expression.

"I'm sorry. I do not intend to take a disciple." After Yuan Zhou repeated that once, he entered the restaurant and no longer came out.