The Allure of 60% Income Sharing

Upon reading that, even Yuan Zhou got a little excited and couldn't help knitting his brows.

Yuan Zhou's frown meant nothing to himself, but it scared Presenter Lu.

"What's the matter with you, boss?" Presenter Lu asked carefully and naturally.

"Nothing. You go ahead." Yuan Zhou shook his head and then said.

"OK. There will be about five questions. You only need to answer three." Presenter Lu brought out a very small number.

"Three? I can answer questions at the beginning and the end of the shooting and besides, before customers eat." Yuan Zhou thought about it and said so.

"No problem. Thank you, Boss Yuan." Presenter Lu also thought the same. After all, he knew the habits of Yuan Zhou.

A man who didn't speak when he sculpted wouldn't speak during cooking, either.

"Now that the time is confirmed, I won't bother you anymore. This is my phone number. If you have any questions, you can call me directly." Presenter Lu handed him his business card politely.