Tofu Pudding That Belongs to Boss Tong

The matter of Boss Tong leaving still had some influence on Yuan Zhou. For example, he preferred making sculptures of a family of three more when he sculpted now. 

However, those were all cute mascots or animals that seem all charmingly innocent. As a result, Yuan Zhou's restaurant was more welcomed by the kids.

"Mom, look! The small rabbit sculpted by this uncle today is so lovable." A boy who had just received the sculpture raised the radishes in his hand and said happily.

"Did you say thank you to the uncle?" The young mother patted the head of her son gently and asked smilingly.

"Thank you, uncle." The boy rolled his eyes and then immediately turned his head and thanked Yuan Zhou loudly.

"Don't mention it." Yuan Zhou felt a slight headache.

"I'm still young, you little brat." Yuan Zhou sighed in the heart.