Source Of The Ingredients

Yuan Zhou watched as Zhou Jia and Shen Min quickly put all the brochures at where they were supposed to be. Every brochure was left at a place which could be seen at first sight.

"Alright. It's 1 hour and 40 minutes in all. So let's say 2 hours of overtime work. See you at noon." Yuan Zhou looked up at the clock and then said.

"Boss..." Zhou Jia was directly interrupted by Yuan Zhou just when she wanted to say something.

"There's still one hour left before the lunchtime commences. Goodbye." Yuan Zhou said straightforwardly.

"Okay. Goodbye, boss." Zhou Jia slightly opened her mouth, but changed her words. She said goodbye and left.

Shen Min nevertheless just watched at the side all along. When it was time to leave, she also said goodbye and left.

She knew that she needn't ask, because Zhou Jia would naturally tell her later.

As expected, Zhou Jia told her as soon as they walked out of the restaurant.