Fried Dumplings

Shen Min usually came to help at around half an hour before the dinnertime ended. In other words, the arrival of Shen Min indicated that dinnertime would come to an end in half an hour. There wouldn't be much time left after she came.

"Boss, welcome back. I'm leaving." Zhou Jia faced Yuan Zhou and said goodbye earnestly.

"Um. Take care." Yuan Zhou nodded the head.

"Goodbye, Jia Jia." Yuan Zhou also said goodbye to Zhou Jia.

"Bye." Zhou Jia waved her hand and then left with quick steps. Her evening class would start soon.

The rain had ceased without anyone knowing.

"Boss Yuan, I'm going to go to tidy up the second floor." Shen Min looked at Yuan Zhou in a questioning manner.

"Um. Go ahead." The towels that Yuan Zhou took out during the winter were always warm.

"Thank you, Boss Yuan." Shen Min received the towel, nodded her head and then ran to the second floor of the pub in big strides, preparing to wipe the tables and chairs.