Boss Yuan Is Known By All.

"But do I just eat it like that?" Yin Ya was quite hesitant.

"If you don't like eating it that way, I can help," Jiang Changxi stuck out her head and said enthusiastically at the side.

"Ahem ahem. So can I," Wu Hai stroked his own small mustaches and said justly.

"No need. I can manage it myself." Yin Ya looked at the two people drooling over the chicken in her bowl with a speechless manner and refused flatly.

"Oh." Wu Hai Hai shrugged. He had already been used to being rejected by others.

"Alas. Just as expected, you are reluctant." Jiang Changxi said that with a manner of ambiguity.

"I'm going to eat now." Yin Ya immediately lowered her head with a slight blush.

"Please take your time and enjoy the meal." Yuan Zhou carried to her the plain white rice ordered by Yin Ya after the chicken.