As Smart As I Am

After Zhou Sheng left, Yuan Zhou cooked a bowl of Clear Broth Noodle Soup. As usual, he ate up the noodles and kept the broth.

But now, the amount of noodles cooked by Yuan Zhou was much more than before. It was almost equivalent to two bowls of his previous noodles.

"Luckily, I can never put on weight no matter how much I eat," Yuan Zhou patted his stuffed belly and said with a proud look.

That's right. What Yuan Zhou felt proud of was that he ate the midnight snacks every day but never put on weight. Moreover, he even had a 6-pack. A person like him was really very rare.

While thinking of that, Yuan Zhou stroked his own abdominal muscles proudly and felt rather satisfied. Only then did he carry the big bowl of broth towards the back door.

"Broth, come to drink your broth," Yuan Zhou opened the back door and shouted directly.