Yuan Zhou’s Method of Familiarizing

Yuan Zhou's room was on the 21st floor, but the banquet hall of the meeting was on the 7th floor and on the 6th floor was the western restaurant. Chairman Zhou was quite generous this time. He directly booked both the 6th and 7th floor.

Of course, the 7th floor was used for the meeting place while the 6th was a place to have discussions and rest. The 6th floor had already been decorated, but Yuan Zhou didn't go there.

The elevator carried him directly to the 7th floor.

After a sound of "Ding", the door of the elevator opened and Yuan Zhou walked out.

"This hotel looks quite magnificent." Yuan Zhou looked at the conspicuous slogan in front of him and sighed with emotion.

Jiali Hotel was indeed quite magnificent. A conspicuous signboard stating "Sino-Japan Exchange Meeting" in both Chinese and Japanese was hung right in front of the door of the elevator. Moreover, the characters were all large bronze letters.