A Fish Dish

Having heard Dashi Xiujie's explanations, even the Japanese reporters couldn't help showing sympathy for Yuan Zhou who would be confronted by the sharp-tongued Tengyuan later.

"Of course, the instructions of Tengyuan are quite rare and precious for a chef." The Japanese reporters all looked forward to enjoying the show.

After they received the answer they had wanted, the Japanese reporters began to occupy the good spots for filming the exchange meeting later.

After all, it was quite necessary to find a good spot if they wanted to shoot the scene where Yuan Zhou would be taught a lesson later. Such wonderful news cannot be stolen by others.

As for those who came to interview Yuan Zhou beforehand, they had gained nothing because Yuan Zhou had already begun to prepare the ingredients and knife tools.

At that time, Yuan Zhou wouldn't answer these insignificant questions.

At 10 a.m., the exchange meeting commenced.