A Scent Beyond One’s Comprehension

Yuan Zhou had no idea of what Tengyuan was thinking. He was just cooking the dish earnestly.

"Hua La". Yuan Zhou first washed the entire fish bone in the water used for washing rice and then got rid of the smaller fish bones, leaving only the main bone there. In the end, the main bone was pinned on a wood barrel.

That's right. It was a wooden barrel. Yuan Zhou poured the washed rice inside and then laid a layer of sparse wooden strips over the rice. After that, he put the two fish on them.

The way Yuan Zhou steamed the rice was a little different.

There was water in the wooden barrel and it was only a knuckle's length above the rice. Then, the barrel was put into a big pot and steamed.

During the process, Yuan Zhou cut away the fins of the anchovies first and then immersed them in some sweet wine before putting them in the wooden barrel.

"Wait a moment," said Yuan Zhou lightly to Tengyuan after he turned on the gas furnace.