Returning Money

"Young man, we're closing soon. Don't stay too late," the guy watching the entrance shouted when Yuan Zhou entered carrying the case.

"Alright." Yuan Zhou nodded his head.

Stairs were built linking the entrance all the way till the top of the hill.

Ta. Ta. Ta. Step by step, Yuan Zhou climbed the stairs. He walked at a moderate speed, in a very serene manner.

"Looks like there are benefits to training the body." Yuan Zhou had been carrying a case that weight more than 10 catties yet did not feel too tired even after walking the one-kilometer journey and climbing the stairs.

Yuan Zhou's parents were buried halfway up the hill. He reached not long after he started climbing up the stairs. He then walked to the left for about three minutes to arrive before his parents' gravestones. The cemeteries all had a similar layout. They were arranged in layers with paths between layers and gravestones to the left and right of the path.