Yuan Zhou's Signature Dish

Not long after lunch ended, Yuan Zhou's phone rang.

The caller ID was Sun Ming, a brother Yuan Zhou hadn't seen for a while.

"Why are you so free to give me a call?" Yuan Zhou directly asked after answering the phone.

"It's the Chinese New Year soon, so I'm calling to see how you're doing," Sun Ming said, his voice through the phone being cut off somewhat.

"No, I don't believe that. You're a hoes over bros kind of guy," Yuan Zhou immediately tore Sun Ming's lie apart.

That's right. The only reason Sun Ming hadn't looked for Yuan Zhou was that he had gotten to know a new goddess, someone he was furiously courting.

He had no time to visit Yuan Zhou's restaurant. He also had no time to meet up with his brothers. It had been quite a while since he had eaten the delicacies he loved.

Therefore, Yuan Zhou was correct when he said that he was a hoes over bros kind of guy.